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考点跟踪突破4 七年级(下)Units 7-12


1.Last night,my mother and I went to the __D__ to see the movie Lost in Pacific.

A.factory B.station C.restaurant D.cinema

2.May I stand __B__ you?I want to see the super star clearly. A.by the way B.in front of

C.with the help of D.at the beginning 3.—Hello,may I speak to Linda?

—Sorry.She is not in at the moment.Can I take a(n) __C__ for you? A.suggestion B.problem C.message D.information

4.Be careful when you come__C__ the street,because the traffic is very busy at the moment.

A.behind B.over C.across D.through

5.—Do you know about the new __A__ in our neighborhood?

—Sure.I've tried the food there.Delicious! A.restaurant B.library C.park D.supermarket

6.—Do you like climbing mountains?

—Yes.I __A__ it a lot.I like the feeling of overlooking the distant places on top of the mountains.

A.enjoy B.hope C.want D.wish

7.Mrs.Li is neither too thin nor too fat.She is of medium __C__. A.height B.body C.build D.weight

8.Many parts in our country entered a barbecue mode because of the extremely__D__ weather this summer.

A.cold B.cool C.warm D.hot

9.It is raining __C__ outside.You'd better not leave now.

A.badly B.hardly C.heavily D.probably 10.—Lucy,__A__ in Suihua? —It is sunny.

A.what's the weather like B.what's the weather C.how is the weather like

D.How's the weather look like 二、完形填空。(2015,泰安改编)

Until last year,the saddest thing of my life was that my wife Alice and I couldn't have any children.So we always __11__ all the children in our street to our house for Christmas breakfast.

Last year,Alice died.I was very __12__ and decided not to invite the children for

Christmas breakfast.But Kathy and Peter,my next door neighbors,asked me to __13__ them for dinner on Christmas Eve.

As soon as I arrived,Kathy asked me,“Do you have any milk at your house?” “Yes,” I replied.“__14__ you need some,I'll go and get it right away.”

“Oh,that's all right.Come and sit down.Just give Peter your __15__ and let him do it”.

After a happy dinner with them,I went home.When I opened my door,I found my house had been decorated by Peter!It was just as __16__ as each Christmas before.At that moment,I wished that I could still __17___ the Christmas breakfast,but I had made no preparations.

Early the next morning,a little boy __18__ a bag of candies rang my bell.Before I could ask him what was __19__,he was joining by two of his friends.Within fifteen minutes,my house was full of __20__,and I had all the food I needed!I had a happy breakfast with the children again.

11.A.took B.invited C.sent D.asked 12.A.happy B.lazy C.sad D.bored 13.A.help B.take C.pay D.join 14.A.Unless B.As C.If D.Although 15.A.money B.milk C.keys D.bread 16.A.ugly B.dirty C.colorless D.beautiful 17.A.buy B.enjoy C.serve D.have 18.A.with B.in C.through D.on 19.A.boiling B.ending C.doing D.happening

20.A.gifts B.children C.flowers D.surprise

11~15 BCDCC 16~20 DCADB 三、阅读理解。

Good afternoon,and welcome to England.We hope that your visit here will be a pleasant one.Today,I would like to give you some law advice on visiting here.

The first one is about drinking.Now,you may not buy alcohol in this country if you are under 18 years of age,nor may your friends buy it for you.

Secondly,noise.Enjoy yourselves by all means,but please don't make unnecessary noise,particularly at night.We ask you to respect other people who may wish to be quiet.

Thirdly,crossing the road.Be careful.The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country.Use pedestrian crossings(人行横道) and do not take any chances when crossing the road.

My next point is about litter (throwing away waste material in a public place).It is an offence(违法行为) to drop litter in the street.When you have something to throw away,please put it in your pocket and take it home,or put it in a litter bin.

Finally,as regards smoking,it is against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco(烟草) if you are under 16 years of age.

I'd like to finish by saying that if you require any sort of help or assistance,you should contact your local police station,who will be pleased to help you.

Now,are there any questions?

21.The main idea of this speech would be ________. A.preparing people for international travel

B.making some laws to ask people to follow them C.giving advice to travelers to the country

D.informing people of the punishment for breaking laws 22.How many pieces of law advice are given in the speech?

A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six. 23.From the speech we learn that ________.

A.in this country,if you are under 18 years of age,you may not buy alcohol,but your friend can buy it for you

B.you may not buy cigarettes or tobacco unless you are above 16 years of age

C.because the traffic moves on the left side of the road,you must use pedestrian crossings when crossing the road

D.you can't make noise except at night

24.The underlined word “contact” in Paragraph 7 means ________. A.举报 B.联系 C.参加 D.报道

25.Who do you think is the most likely to make the speech? A.A policeman. B.A singer. C.A teacher. D.A dancer 21~25 CCBBA 四、短文填空。

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Nowadays green food is very popular around China.Everyone knows they need green food and good health,26.but not all the people knew that some years ago.While I was studying in Grade Seven,my teacher asked us to 27.learn something about green food by ourselves.We didn't have any ideas at first,and then our four-member group had a discussion and decided 28.to_do some research in a supermarket.Two of us wrote down the names of the green food on the shelves(货架).The other two asked customers some questions like “Do you know 29.what green food is?”,“How often do you 30.buy green food?” and so on.More than 30 customers 31.answered our questions!Later each group in our class wrote a research report 32.on green food and handed it in.When our teacher received these reports,she was very pleased.Our teacher chose the 33.excellent ones and put them up on the wall of the classroom.34.Ours was among them!We not only learned a lot about green food but also knew to keep35.healthy.

After that,I always choose green food for my meals,and I also hope there will be more people to choose green food in their daily life.


中学生应该如何利用课余时间呢?每个人的见解不同。请你据此写一篇短文。要点如下: 1.有的学生认为课余时间应该是快乐的——不去上各种各样的课,做自己认为有趣的事,没有人阻止。

