110kV变电站一次部分设计成稿 下载本文

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关键词:电气主接线 短路计算 电气设备 变电所设计 配电装置


This paper designs a 110kV substation.Firstly,according to the given material,electricity line and the parameters of the load which is provided by the assignment book,through considering the would-be substation,analyzing electrical data,confirming the Main electrical bus formation of 110kV、35kV、10kV side based on security,economy and reliability,under the guide of dispiline N-1 then conform the numbers,volume and type of the main transformer through circuit calculation and supply district,thus getting the parameters of all the component,at the same time with the use of displine N+1,my paper designs the consume of substation ,simplify electric circuit,select short point to carry on short circuit calculations operation circuit, select and check out electrical equipment, including bus,breaker, disconnect switch, voltage transformer, current transformer and so on,so that conform the distribution apparatus.Configurating relay protection and setting-calculation for the electricity line,transformer and bus according to the load and short calculations.At the same time,this

paper analyses simply lightning protection and grounding system.Finally,two pictures are given including main electrical wiring diagram and 110kV power distribution equipment sectional


Keywords: Substation design,Transformer,Main electrical wiring,Equipment election