内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/6 21:20:06星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Does it feel like you could take on a thousand warriors... and emerge unscathed? Yeah,it`s pretty cool.
I wonder what this does.I should pull it. I think I just peed a little.
Anything else we should try in here ,son? Charge!
Faster, faster,faster! Thumb war! Reinforcements! No fair,No fair. This is so much fu... Here we go! Go,go,go! Awesome! Faster,faster,faster. There,there. I`m fine,I`m fine. There you go. Dolphin-style attack!
You get me.-Dolphin-style retreat! Go long,son! I wasn`t ready!
Coming back at you. -I got it. I`m going high! There you go. Come on,throw it!
I`m coming for you. Bring it on,Master Rhino. Here I come!
I`m gonna get you. I am gonna get you! I`m gonna get you. I am gonna get you! Who`s got you? Who`s gonna get you? Master Rhino. What?What`s wrong? Hello. Guys,guys.
You`re never gonna guess who just showed up. Not in a million years. You just try. Your father!
How did you just guess that? Oh,wait a second.Oh,yeah,of course. We look exactly the same. Dad,say hi to my friends.
Mantis,Tigress,Monkey,Crane,and Viper. Oh,Viper,was it? -Monkey,sir.
They`re kind of my best friends. And this... This is master shifu.Legend.
Uh...it is an honor to meet you, Master Panda. Perhaps your father would care to join us
in the training hall.
Your son will be teaching the class. I`m sure he`s tired.
I`m sure you`re tired. He`s tired.
I`m gonna show him to the Chrysanthemum Suite. What,tired? No,I`m fine.
I would love to watch you teach.
Trust me,it`ll be more fun just to watch me... Fight! What is that?
The valley`s under attack. Son?Under attack? This is perfect!
Now you can see what being the Dragon Warrior`s all about! Follow me!
Enemies of justice,prepare for war! Are you kidding me?
What`s the deal with the green guys? Some kind of Jade zombies. Jade zombies? Jombies! Jinx! Lotus,be careful!
It`s okay,dad,I do this every day!
I recognize these guys. The Master Badger twins,
with their crushing double-gong technique! Yeah,that`s the one! And that guy is... No!Master Porcupine!
I thought he died a hundred years ago. These guys are legend! Get a quick sketch of us. Did you get it? Did you get it? Oh, I blinked.
Can we get another one?
I`m being choked by Master Porcupine. This is so cool. Oh,look.It`s you! Po,focus!
“Message from the universe.”
I`ll give you a message from the universe. Stay away from my son! Sorry,dad.I`ll clean up later. Not my good pan! Uh,take this one. Lotus!Watch out!
Dad,check out my dumplings of doom.
Gotcha. I see you.
Your chi will soon be mine. Is he talking to me? -Which one? They`re all talking.
Whoa,you`re right. That`s so scary.
We should try that,too.Maybe it`d be scary back at them. Okay,but we gotta plan what we`re gonna say first. Otherwise,it won`t be scary. It`ll just be stupid. It`s not them talking,you idiots! It`s me talking through them.Kai! Who?
Did you see that? -What just happened? The green smoke,just poof! And then poof! Shifu,what was that? Kai?Kai?Kai?
Nope,never heard of him. Where is it?
There`s so much wisdom in here, I can`t find anything. Yes! Behold.
All the answers will be found within. What? It`s blank?