21世纪大学英语二视听说答案 下载本文

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pursue responsibility grant equit restrict distinct minmum expoit award elect

1、 The groupelectedone of its members to be their spokesperson.

2、 Wage increases are being kept to a(n)minimum in many companies because of the economic depression.

3、 The engineering profession now has many distinctbranches. 4、 Now that you’re 13 you should have more ofresponsibility.

5、 Students usuallypusueone or more of the subjects,which they have studied at “A” level,such as Art,Drama,English,Music,etc.

6、 We need to make sure that weexpoit our resources as fully as possible. 7、 College is considering measure to restrict the sale of cigarettes.

8、 College courses should be designed toequip students with knowledge and skills to help them survive in modern society.

9、 The local government grant$1.1 million so that the old theater could be taken down and rebuilt.

10、 For his achievement in the medical field,the Mayor awarding him a medal of merit. 5:

1、 The organization provides information on health issues to the public at large. 2、 On the basis of what the Minister says,we will lern whether the Governments thinking has advanced.

3、 I’d like to say a word or two in support of his proposal.

4、 In response to your advertisement in the Bedfordsbire Reporter,I an writing to apply forthe post of secretary.

5、 Our companyis aiming at a 50% increase in production this year. 12:

1、 What question do we face due to the change of the environment? C、How to develop a pattern for sustainable existence. 2、What can we learn from the fifth paragraph?

D、Students should learn to understand and appreciate people from other cutures. 3、What did president think of his participating in research when he was an undergraduate?

B、It was rewarding.

4、What does the seventh pargraph tell us?

C、The president attaches great importance to the undergraduate education.

5、It can can be inferred from the passage that the president introduces undergraduate education at Stanford as . D、a one-in-a-lifetime journey.

annual version financial entry refugee publication detailed full-time click spot

1、I'm absolutely sure that this drress is a cheaper version of the one we saw in that deparment store.

2、The bookshelves were crowded with books and scientificpublications. 3、If you want to open a file,clicktwice on the icon for it.

4、To their disappointment,the thievers werespotted by the police at the moment they were entering the bank.

5、During World War II,many refugees fled to the United States.

6、They've updated a lot of entries in the most recent edition of the dictionary. 7、Despitefinancial difficulties,they did not find the life in London unpleasant. 8、After a lot of part-time jobs,John finally got a(n)Full-time position.

9、In your report,you should give a(n) detailed description of the whole incident. 10、Companies publish annualreports to inform the public about the previous year's activities. 5:

1、At the age of 29,he set up a commercial property business.

2、While she was tidying up the living room,she came across her old photograph album.

3、My doctorrefered me to a specialist in heart disease.

4、He hired private investigators to check outhis future business parner. 5、She only learnt of her son's marriage long atter the event. 12:

1、What does the author mean by saying \when dating\

D、In job hunting everyone hopes to find an employer that fits one's personality. 2、About different personality types, which of the following is not true according to the passage?

C、Idealists look for work/life balance and secure environment.

3、What makes Google attractive to so many young people according to Kyle Ewing? B、The challenging work inGoogle.

4、We can infer from the survey that banks and companies .

C、are not so popular with college graduates as they were in the past.

5、The strong message the survey made clear is that young people today want employers who .

A、are a good fit for their personality.

abuse inspire concerning estimate economic distribute motivate measurable maximize create

1、We gave up house,because of economic considerations.

2、The value of the painting estimated at several thousand dollars.

3、The new tax will not have any measurable impact on the lives of most people. 4、I was greatly inspired to work hard by her example. 5、The company's main function is to maximize pront.

6、The profit-sharing plan is designed to motivate the staff to work hard.

7、Almost all our electricity is created by heating water to from high-pressure steam. 8、Thousands of soldiers are working to distrbute tood and blankets to the refugess. 9、Let me see all the official documents concerning the sale of this land. 10、Drug and alcohol abuses contributed to Brian's early death. 5:

1、 Although it's a big company,the diretor knows all the staff by name.

2、The actress really hated to play the sweet,passive woman that audiences identify her with.

3、The town council decided not to participate in the financial affair of the firm. 4、I'm ready to decide,but I can't speak for my colleagues. 5、The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots. 12:

1、Advertisements contribute financially to most magazines. (T) 2、Advertisements of cigarettes are not seen any more nowadays. (F) 3、We may turn mentally numbed by continuous advertising.(T)

4、Keeping a cold mind may prevent people from being taken in by advertisements.(T)

5、We can escape the onslaught of advertisements if we want to.(F)

beam distress grace lower destruction collision explode scatter signal crash

1、The driver gave a signal that he was going to turn right.

2、It was reported that 41 people were killed in a plane crash in the Himalayas last week.

3、The ship's captain radioed that itwas in distress.

4、The skaters moved over the ice with a smaooth,effortless grace.

5、The bomb was taken away and the soldiers exploded it at safe distance from the houses.

6、They were on their way the Shropshire Union Canal when their car was involoved in a collision with a truck.

7、The Central Bank lowered interest rates by 2 percent 8、He beamed a cheerful welcome as he opened the door for the distinguished guest. 9、He used to scatter his toys all over the floor and I had to pick them up. 10、The destruction of the world's forests concerns everyone in some way. 5:

1、Marta combed through a box of old photographs,looking for the baby's portrait. 2、The cost of the house may be lower than we first thought;but in any case it will still be beyond our reach.

3、The struggle between the drug company and the Government over prices finally ended in a satisfactory settlement.

4、He was said to have been bright at school and the most certainly bound for University.

5、As soon as I was on board I began to have second thoughts about leaving. 12:

1、Katie's children were playing on the driveway when she removed groceries from her car.(T)

2、After the freight train rolled by,the two children want to the tracks and knelt down to listen to the sound of the train. (F)

3、The overhead lights signaled that the passenger train was far from the tracks.(F) 4、When the freight train got to the top of the rise,the drivers noticed two kids on the