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At the gate of the Exhibition, Mr. Khrushchev voiced a gibe about the United States ban on the shipment of strategic goods to the Soviet Union.
(在展览馆大门口,赫鲁晓夫先生以嘲弄的口气抗议美国针对苏联的战略物资禁运。) Khrushchev: \and you don't trade the way you used to. You need to be invigorated.\
赫鲁晓夫:“美国人已经丧失了他们贸易的能力。你们现在已经变老了,不再像你们过去那样热衷于往来贸易了。你们需要重整旗鼓。” Nixon: \尼克松:“你们必须有东西,才能拿来交易。”
The statesmen went on to look at television and video tape equipment for playing back recordings. Mr. Nixon took a cue from it.
Nixon: \尼克松:“我们必须要允许思想的自由交换。”
Mr. Khrushchev responded with a remark touching on the reporting of his speeches on his recent Polish tour.
Mr. Nixon said he was certain that Mr. Khrushchev's speeches and those of Frol R.
Kozlov, First Deputy Premier, had been fully reported in the West.
(尼克松先生说,他很确定赫鲁晓夫先生的演讲,以及波兰第一副总理Frol R. Kozlov的那些演讲,都已经被西方完整的报道过了。)
Khrushchev (indicating cameras recording the scene on video tape): \what about this tape?\English and I would like a guarantee that there will be a full translation of my remarks.\
赫鲁晓夫(指着记录现场谈话的摄影机):“那这盘录影带呢?”(微笑中。)“如果它会在美国播映,我希望它用英语播出,并且我希望得到保证,那就是我的发言会被完整翻译。” Mr. Nixon said there would be an English translation of Mr. Khrushchev's remarks and added his hope that all his own remarks in the Soviet Union would be given with full translations in that country.
Khrushchev: \are the two most powerful countries, and if we live in friendship, then other countries will also live in friendship. But if there is a country that is too war-minded we could pull its ears a little and say, 'Don't you dare; fighting is not allowed now.' This is a period of atomic armament; some foolish one could start a war and then even a wise one couldn't finish the war. Therefore, we are governed by this idea in our policy, internal and foreign. How long has America existed? Three hundred years?\
赫鲁晓夫:“我们希望同美国和平共处,保持友谊。因为我们是世界上最强大的两个国家。如果我们互示友好,其他国家也可以在友好中彼此相待。但是如果有一个国家满脑子战争思维,我们就要把他们的耳朵拽过来,冲着它说,‘你怎敢乱搞?现在不是打架的时候。’这是核武器竞赛的时代,一些蠢家伙可能会挑起一场聪明人也没有办法结束的战争。所以,我们在这样的思想主导下制定内政和外交方针。美国立国多久了?有三百年吗?” Nixon: \尼克松:“超过150年了。”
Khrushchev: \than one hundred and fifty years? Well, then, we will say America has been in existence for 150 years and this is the level she has reached. We have existed not quite forty-two years and in another seven years we will be on the same level as America.
赫鲁晓夫:“超过150年?那么,好吧,我们要说,美国建国150年了,而他们现在的水平就是如此。我们建国还不足42年,但是再过7年我们就可以达到美国人现在的水平。 \can stop and say: Please follow up. Plainly speaking, if you want capitalism you can live that way. That is your own affair and doesn't concern us. We can still feel sorry for you, but since you don't understand us, live as you do understand.