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鲁教版初中英语词组 词组 册页 意思 1 a couple of 81.52 两个;几个 2 a little 71.02 一点;少量 3 a little bit 81.26 有点儿;稍微 4 a pair of 61.59 一双;一对 5 a set of 61.36 一套;一串 6 according to 81.62 根据 7 across from 62.56 在…… 对面 8 after all 91.35 毕竟;终归 9 agree with 72.14 同意某人 10 ahead of 91.78 在…… 前面 11 all in all 71.21 总的说来 12 all kinds of 71.61 各种各样的 13 all of a sudden 91.04 突然 14 all the time 81.03 一直;总是 15 all year round 81.54 一年到头 16 along with 91.78 连同;和。。。一起 17 around the world 71.13 全世界 18 as far as I know 81.34 据我所知 19 as for 81.59 至于;关于 20 as long as 71.53 只要 21 as soon as 81.03 一…… 就 22 as soon as possible 82.22 尽可能快的 23 ask for 61.35 请求 24 at birth 81.37 出生时 25 at first 81.22 首先;起初 26 at hand 82.03 (时间上或空间上)接近的;不远的 27 at least 71.43 至少 28 at the beginning of 72.13 在…… 开始 29 at the same time 91.22 同时 30 at the top of 91.59 在…… 顶部或顶端 31 be able to 72.13 能够 32 be born 82.01 出生 33 be born with 82.30 天生具有 34 be different from 71.53 与…… 是不同的 35 be friends with sb. 91.42 成为某人的朋友 36 be good at 62.14 擅长 37 be good with… 62.17 善于应付…的 38 be hard on sb. 91.46 对某人苛刻 39 be harmful to 91.59 对…… 有害 40 be in (great)danger 62.41 处于极度危险中 41 be in control of 72.53 掌管;管理 42 be interested in 71.21 对…… 感兴趣 43 be known for 82.58 因为…… 而出名 44 be proud of 82.54 为……骄傲;感到自豪 45 be ready to 72.05 愿意迅速做某事 46 be responsible for 91.78 对……有责任;负责任 47 be similar to 71.54 与…… 相像的;类似的 48 be strict (with sb) 62.35 对某人要求严格 49 be sure about 72.10 确信 50 be thankful to sb. 91.78 对某人心存感激 51 be thirsty for 91.78 渴求;渴望 52 be up to 71.61 是…的职责;由…… 决定 53 be used to doing sth 72.53 习惯于做某事 54 be willing to do sth 82.22 愿意做某事 55 because of 71.37 因为;由于 56 believe in 91.77 信任;信赖 57 between…and… 62.29 两者之间 58 blow out 71.13 吹灭 59 break the ice 82.14 打破僵局 60 break up 82.07 破裂;解散 61 bring back 91.62 恢复;使想起;归还 62 bring good luck to… 71.13 给某人带来好运 63 bring out 71.53 使显现;使表现出 64 by accident 91.03 偶然;意外地 65 by bike 62.26 骑自行车 66 by mistake 91.05 错误地;无意中 67 by the end of 91.52 在(某时间点)以前 68 by the time 91.49 在…… 以前 69 call in 91.43 召来;叫来 70 Can I help you? 61.56 请问你需要什么? 71 care about 71.52 关心;在意 72 care for 72.58 关心,照顾,喜欢 73 cheer up 72.57 使…… 高兴起来 74 clean up 72.57 打扫干净 75 clean... off 91.36 把…… 擦掉 76 clear out 81.59 清理;丢掉 77 close to 81.63 几乎;接近 78 come on 61.38 快点儿 79 come true 62.29 实现 80 come up with 72.58 想出;提出 81 compare… with 81.14 比较;对比 82 connect…with 82.30 把…和……连接或联系起来 83 cut down 62.41 砍到 84 cut off 72.53 切断 85 cut out 81.14 删除;除去 86 cut up 71.13 切碎 87 deal with 82.51 处理 88 depend on 81.06 取决于;依靠 89 die down 81.19 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 90 divide…into 91.06 把…… 分成 91 do a good job 72.07 做得好 92 do one's homework 62.22 做家庭作业 93 do the dishes 62.34 洗盘子 94 dream of 82.22 梦想;幻想 95 dress up 72.07 乔装打扮 96 drive sb. crazy/mad 91.42 使某人发疯/狂 97 drop by 91.35 顺便拜访 98 drop out of school 82.03 辍学 99 eat out 62.44 出去吃饭 100 either…or… 62.23 或者……或者…… 101 end up 82.38 结束 102 even though =even if 81.35 即使;尽管 103 ever since 81.46 自从 104 excuse me 61.32 打扰;劳驾;请原谅 105 fall asleep 81.19 入睡;睡熟 106 fall down 72.21 倒塌 107 fall in love with 81.28 爱上 108 fall over 81.38 绊倒 109 feel free to do sth 81.34 随便做某事 110 feel like doing sth 71.57 想要做某事 111 find out 72.02 找出;查明 112 first of all 91.78 首先 113 fix up 72.60 修理 114 follow the rules 62.35 遵守规则 115 for example 71.61 例如 116 for sure 62.08 确信 117 from time to time 82.50 时不时 118 from…to… 62.11 从…… 到…… 119 be full of 81.42 充满 120 get a surprise 712.9 吃惊 121 get dressed 62.19 穿好衣服 122 get in the way of 91.14 阻碍 123 get in trouble 82.02 陷入麻烦 124 get lost 62.41 迷路 125 get mad 91.35 生气 126 get married 81.28 结婚 127 get on with 81.11 与…… 相处 128 get out of 72.53 离开;从…出来 129 get popular 71.13 受欢迎 130 get through 91.67 穿过;通过;渡过 131 get up 62.19 起床 132 get used to doing sth 91.38 习惯于 133 give away 72.60 赠送;分发 134 give out 72.57 分发;散发 135 give up 72.54 放弃 136 give…a lift 91.50 捎某人一程 137 go along 62.58 沿着…… 走 138 go by 91.76 流逝 139 go out 62.34 出去 140 go out of one's way to do sth 91.38 格外努力 141 go to a movie 62.44 看电影 142 grow up 72.09 长大 143 hand out 72.58 分发 144 hang out 72.34 外出闲逛 145 hardly ever 71.41 几乎不 146 have a cold 72.49 感冒 147 have a fever 72.50 发烧 148 Have a good day! 61.26 过得愉快 149 have a great time 62.05 玩得高兴 150 have a look 81.20 看一下 151 have a point 91.02 有道理 152 have a stomachache 72.49 胃痛 153 have to do with 72.13 关于;与...有关 154 have…in common 71.61 有相同特征 155 Help (sb) with sth 62.17 帮助某人做某事 156 Here you are. 61.56 给你。 157 hold on to 82.22 继续;坚持 158 How about ... 61.50 …怎么样? 159 How are you? 61.04 你好吗?