XXX公司客户关系管理存在问题及解决措施 下载本文

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? 营销管理。主要功能包括:产品和价格配置器;把营销活动与业务、客户、联系人建立

关联;显示任务完成进度;安排事件,并加入合同、客户和销售代表等信息[16]。 ? 电话营销。主要功能包括:电话本;生成电话列表,并把它们与客户、联系人和业务建立关联;记录电话细节,并安排回电;电话营销内容草稿;电话录音,同时给出书写器,用户可作记录;电话统计和报告[16]。

? 商业智能。主要功能包括:用户定制查询和报告;以报告或图表形式查看各类客户和业务可能带来的收入[16]。

图4-2 CRM系统业务流程图 4.5其它方面的建议

⑴ XXX公司应该建立一个良好的客户信息管理体系 ① 建立公司客户档案



第二,客户档案适当标准化、规范化,摸清客户基本信息,如客户名称、法定代表人或法人代表、地址、邮编、电话、传真、经营范围、注册资本等。 第三,客户档案资料、信息、数据要做到定期更新、修改。

第四,客户单位的发生重大变动事项、与本公司的业务交往,均须记入客户档案。 第五,积累客户年度业绩和财务状况报告。 ② 客户档案管理制度

XXX公司各部门与客户接触的重大事项,均须报告所辖部门(除该业务保密外),不得局限在业务人员个人范围内。员工调离公司时,不得将客户资料带走,其主管部门将其客户资料接收、整理、归档。建立客户信息查阅权限制,未经许可,不得随意调阅客户档案。 ③ 建立公司客户联系记录


⑵ 重视员工需求,加强对员工的尊重


5 结论




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Customer Relationship Management


You are only as good as your relationships. The business axiom states, and although this is debatable, in the Internet age it is undeniable that good customer relationships are extremely important .As companies create online counterparts to their brick-and-mortar operations, they need tools to effectively manage and optimize their customer relationships. Additionally, as business-to-business commerce explodes, business suppliers and customers essentially become your partners, connected by an electronic nervous system to your company .All of this high lights the importance of tools for customer relationship management (CRM)

----International Data Corp. (IDC) tags CRM as a key driver of the growth of the cross industry application area, a $33 billion market in 1999.

----The burgeoning CRM marketplace covers a gamut of tools, providing everything from the capability to track the buying patterns of individual consumers to order-fulfillment tools .CRM is not new, but the Internet radically alters its dynamic. On the Web, consumers expect more tools, such as order tracking, self-help files, and a streamlined ordering process.

---Providing this level of service via CRM tools seem like a money trap, because companies make significant investments in such solutions. For some businesses, it is probably a bad idea to invest in too much technology .But the decision depends on three basic metrics: How big is your customer base? How much do they buy? How much does it cost to acquire a customer?

---The last metric, the expense of acquiring a customer, can be a daunting figure in the Internet age .Almost by definition; margins on products sold via the Internet are slim to razor-thin. Customers are a click away from competitors, and simply rising above the noise on the Internet can be expensive.

----Advertising on heavily trafficked sites such as Yahoo can cost millions of dollars. This means that the cost of acquiring customers can make or break a Web store. IDC's research reports, for instance, that spends approximately 90 cents just to attract a customer to its Web site. The site browsers who become paying customers can be as few as 1 percent of visitors. ----When you consider the large amounts of money spent to attract customers to your commerce site, then add to that the cost of converting them into paying customers and keeping them as repeat customers, you will quickly see why CRM is so vital. By making the buying experience as pleasant as possible, CRM helps boost customer loyalty. is a pioneer in this area, with innovation such as the \

----It is also crucial to understand how your customers buy. CRM tools help identify those high-volume purchasers the backbone of your business -and target them in a way that cultivates the best possible relationship.

----But CRM is as much about the way you are doing business as the technology you are using. In the end, an IT manager needs to consider the company's commerce initiatives and understand the business's customer base before implementing broad CRM projects. Remember, it is just good business to treat the most important people in the world right: your customers.

With the development of network economics and the fury of the competition, the status and