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roles of customers have taken great Place. The behavior and attitude to Products and services of customers are increasingly significant for enterprises’ survival .It forced enterprises to develop and maintain the relationship with customer strategy level to gain sustainable competitive advantages. The Paper aims at to develop framework force us to make relationship management (CRM) driven by customer value on the bases of uncovering the current traps and Problems in customer relationship management researches and Practices. The main contents are as follows: 1.Through analyzing the new characteristics of customer value under E?- Commerce Patten and the changes of customers’ role retrospection the origins, combining the theory of competitive advantage, the Paper introduces the theory of customer relationship management driven by customer value, and Proposes that CRM should be considered as a strategy driven by customer value, and effective CRM Practices must be customer value oriented. The definition of customer value analyzed and the key dimensions of customer value are identified, then the Paper Proposes the significance of strategy driven by customer value. Based on the selection criteria, a CRM strategy model driven by customer value1 setup identifying Process: the value creation Process ; the value delivery Process: the CRM Performances assessment Process and the customers .The characteristics of the CRM strategy model driven by customer value mainly embodied two aspects: the strategy driven by customer value and dynamic customer relationship management. 2.The exploration of customer value, CRM strategy driven by customer value .Based on the analysis of the service quality gaps model, it can be found a new Perspectives to study customers value, and we used the method of study to establish customer value network model through the value elements into means objectives and ends objectives Then we developed a measurement Model of customer value .It is to quantify and determine value Proposition and the opportunity Proposed to determine the elements and maintain an element of customer value .At last, we illustrate the model through the ease study to testify its feasibility and validity.
3.Customer identification and how to allocate the limited customer based on customer Performance of CRM strategy are very significant. We design a new index system about customer Preferment evaluation combing the elements from customers’ perspective the index system supplies the gap of the traditional method that only based on suppliers’ Perspective. Then, neural networks are Selected as the evaluate method to gain customer Priorities. Based on these, two decisions support models are developed marketing or service supply rapacity among customers as supply quotas .The approach implemented in Marketing Departments.
4. After identifying the key customers, it is very important to optimize the efforts to manage the relationship. From the perspective between customers and enterprises, relationships of relationship sustainability are analyzed, and we consider four main factors that drive the levels of relational commandments between enterprises and customers: the trust, the Perceived value delivery, the opportunisms and the relationship management effects of the enterprises. Then, based on the theory of optimal control, the Problem on the decision of customer relationship management efforts studied. A time variant model on the Policy of customer relationship management efforts setup and discussed. Then the optimal Policy obtained and it can be applied in the field of customer relationship management.
5. through the valuating the effectiveness of CRM, enterprise can find the effects of implementing CRM strategy driven by customer value. Because of CRM, complexity, little research has been emendated in evaluating the effectiveness of CRM. Considering the merits of BSC, we propose a customer driven evaluation model for evaluating the effectiveness of CRM
based on balanced sore card. The model involves four Perspectives: customer how ledge, customer interactive, customer value and relationship value, then, the metrics of CRM effectiveness are given. At last, the model illustrated in Marketing Department of XuZhou Constructions Machinery Group Co.,Ltd to validate its feasibility and validity.
Along with the thorough application and developments of EB (electronic business), there search of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has become a frontier to the area of management and business.
It is very important both in Theory and application to make a thorough study on CRM in EB. Based on the theory of logistics, management and marketing, then this dissertation try to make detailed Analytical CRM.
The main research contents of this dissertation are as follows: By referring to existing in this field, the basic conception and theory of CRM 15 reviewed and the characteristics and importance of Analytical CRM in EB environment are analyzed. Then Analytical customer Performance customer segmentation, customer retention, and customer Promotion is built up The Problem of customer segmentation in EB environment is studied.
First, the contents of customer segmentation are analyzed, and the varieties and characteristics .customer segmentation in traditional business environment and EB environment are compared, this dissertation setup the dynamics in terms of customer value and customer behavior characteristics.
Then dynamic segmentation model is built based on SOM neural network, Identify customer, classification, to find out the most worthy customer, and to reasonably assign the limited resources .The Problem of customer retention in EB environment is studied.
First, the basic theories of customer retention are summed up, the foundation of customer retention customer loyalty is analyzed, and the manifestation and Customer loyalty in traditional business environment and EB environment are compared, this Dissertation of a new strategy that is “enterprise must be loyal to customer” and setup the is evaluated quota system in terms of customer value of enterprise.
Then comprehensive evaluation model is built based on AHP of emulate the marketing strategy The Problem of customer Promotion in EB environment is studied.
First, the basic theories of customer Promotion are analyzed, the main means of customer Promotion up selling and cross selling are studied, and the variety and characteristics of customer Promotion in traditional business environment and EB environment are compared, this dissertation setup the synthesis quota system in terms of customer, needs and the project, competitive ability. Then model is built evaluation and Neural, there can help enterprise to Provide what are customers’ need indeed, satisfy customers, and to enhance enterprise Competition.
Finally, an experimental example is calculated and analyzed to show the Usefulness of the Proposed method, corresponding marketing strategies can be drawn .
——Michael J.Cunningham. Customer Relationship Management[M], Copyright by Capstone Publishing, 2004.
客户关系管理 (部分)
随着网络经济的发展和市场竞争的加剧,客户的角色和地位发生了巨大的变化,客户对企业产品或服务的态度和行为对企业的生存和发展起着越来越大的作用。企业必须从战略角度考虑如何构建和维持良好的客户关系以获取持续竞争优势。本文的主要目的是在揭示现有理论和实践误区的基础上,开发出客户价值驱动的客户关系管理(customer Relationship Management, CRM)的理论框架,并对框架中的一些关键问题进行了研究。其主要研究内容如下:
1.分析了客户消费行为的新特征及客户角色的演进过程,通过对客户关系管理理念的发展起源和研究视角的梳理,结合企业持续竞争优势理论,提出客户关系管理应是一种客户价值驱动的战略,通过界定客户价值的合理内涵和关键维度,分析了客户价值驱动CRM战略的机理,构建了客户价值驱动的CRM战略模型,它包括客户价值探测、价值创造、价值传递、绩效评估和客户知识管理五个关键过程。同时分析了客户价值驱动的CRM战略的主要特征,体现在它是一种客户价值驱动的战略和强调对企业客户关系进行动态管理两个方面。 2.有效的客户价值探测是企业成功实施客户价值驱动的CRM战略的前提。从服务质量缺口模型发掘出研究客户价值的新视角,运用途径一结果链(Means一end chain)的分析方法构建了电子商务模式下的客户价值探测模型。然后,结合所构建模型研究了客户价值主张的量化
4.研究了客户关系管理投入的时变决策问题。识别出关键客户之后,如何对其进行最优的客户关系投入的控制,十分关键。从企业和客户的交互视角出发,分析了关系承诺作为客户关系持续本质的理论基础及其关键驱动因素,从中提取四个主要的驱动因子:信任、机会主义倾向、认知价值传递和关系管理投入,利用动态优化控制。理论研究了客户关系管理投入的优化控制问题,构建了客户关系管理投入时变决策模型,讨论了模型建立的依据,给出了决策模型的最优结果以及在客户关系管理实践中的意义。 5.研究了客户价值驱动的CRM有效性评价问题。通过对CRM有效性进行评价,可以监测CRM战略的实施效果。由于CRM自身的复杂性,目前对CRM有效性评价的研究还很少,通过分析传统上用于评价CRM有效性工具的局限性,考虑到平衡计分卡(Balanced Score card,BSC)的优点,构建了一个基于BSC的客户价值驱动的CRM有效性评价模型,该模型包含四个视角:客户知识、客户交互、客户价值、关系价值。通过对四个视角的作用分析,构造了四个视角的评价矩阵。在徐州工程机械集团营销公司的应用结果表明了模型的可行性和有效性。 随着电子商务的深入应用和发展,关于客户关系管理的研究成为管理学的前言课题,深入地研究电子商务环境下的分析型客户关系管理问题,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。本文基于管理学、运筹学、市场营销理论等,对分析型客户关系管理进行了系统理论分析和实证研究,主要研究内容如下:
根据当前分析型客户关系管理研究存在的问题,论述了客户关系管理的基本思想和基础理论,分析了分析型客户关系管理的内涵,及其在电子商务环境下所表现出来的特点和重要性,并据此建立了以客户细分、客户保持和客户升级为主要阶段的客户分析流程。 研究了面向电子商务的客户细分问题。分析了客户细分的内涵,比较了传统商务环境下和电子商务环境下客户细分的变化和特点,选择了以客户价值(用RFM指标描述)和客户行为特征为主的动态细分指标,应用SOM神经网络构建了动态客户细分模型,帮助企业识别客户类型、找到最有价值的客户,合理分配有限资源。
研究了面向电子商务的客户保持问题。详细总结了客户保持的基本理论,分析了客户保持的根本—客户忠诚,比较了电子商务和传统商务背景下客户忠诚的表现形式和决定因素的不同,提出了“企业对客户忠诚”的新观点,建立了以高价值客户为核心、面向企业的评价指标体系,应用基于AHP(层次分析法)和专家决策的模糊综合评价法构建了客户忠诚度评价模型,全面、及时地测评客户的意愿和行为,帮助企业制定对应的营销策略。研究了面向电子商务的客户升级问题。详细分析了客户升级的基本理论,研究了客户升级的主要手段—追加销售和交叉销售,比较了传统商务环境下和电子商务环境下客户升级的变化和特点,建立了从客户需求和方案竞争力两个方面考核的指标体系,应用模糊综合评价和BP神经网络构建了客户升级模型,帮助企业实施客户升级战略,最大限度的满足客户需求,实现企业与客户的双赢。 最后,将理论与实际相结合,进行了实验、计算和分析,并针对结果提出了相应的营销策略,提供了一套较完善的客户分析方案。