中考英语总复习_词汇运用练习题 2 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/18 12:13:22星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

第(1)组 :

l. A bus d____ __ is responsible for the safety of his passengers. 2. It rained h____ __ last night and the river rose two feet. 3. The fishermen are told to be more careful on w___ ___ days.

4. More people are getting to k the importance of environmental protection. 5. If you keep learing English every day, you will be a to speak it freely 6. Frozen food is convenient to cook so it’s a craze in (超市). 7. We had a lot of fun (玩) in your hometown.

8 .Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the (最近的)station? 9. The baby stopped (哭) when his mother gave him an apple. 10. Send my best (祝愿)to your parents when you see them. 第(2)组:

1.The radio says it’ll be sunny t .

2.The little boy is too young to look after h .

3.Kate often goes shopping with her m on Saturday. 4.The children are playing happily in the p .

5.Last week No. 8 Middle School h a sports meeting on the playground.

6. We will have the ninth celebration for the (回归) of Hong Kong. . 7. (记住) to give my best wishes to Mr Li when you see him. 8.Hundreds of people were (受伤) in the train accident. 9.There are a lot of tall (楼) in the new city.

10.Lin Tao is taller than any (别的) boy in his class. 第(3)组:

1.You have to believe in y . That's the secret of success.

2.There are many interesting places for children everywhere.But Disneyland is c the happiest place on earth.

3.Do you know what your parents ' f foods and colours are?

4.Yunnan University has a 1ong history. It has celebrated its eightieth . 5.Modern planes can easily get us over a long distance in a few h .

6.Plants need CO2 when they grow, so they can make CO2 (更少的) in the air. 7.A journey of a thousand l I begins with the (第一)step.

8.Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to (成为) a better reader in English. 9.Trees and grass play an important part in (帮助)to improve our environment. 10.—Have you watched the dance “Thousand-hand Goddess of Mercy (千手观音)’’?

—Yes,it’s wonderful.We can hear the voices from the dancers’ (心脏) . 第(4)组:

1. Your p is in one of the boxes. Can you guess what it is ? 2. The students from America live on the fifth f .

3. Houses in some cities now are much more e than before. 4. The clever girl could teach herself English w she was ten. 5. Chocolate is u childrens' favourite food.

6. You may be (担心) if you are in trouble and have no one to help you. 7. You won’t know the result until you finish (读) the story. 8. They played so (认真) that they won the football match. 9. Look, the Blacks are planting (树)by the river.

10. Everyone should make a contribution to (改善)the environment.



1. Did you have a diffilulties getting there? 2. Let’s go h after work, shall we?

3. He was very slow, because he often tripped o his shoes. 4. Shanghai is in the eastern p of China. 5. Mr White rang the airport to find out the f from New York to Beijing.

6.. Madam, before you take the (药) , you must look at the instructions very carefully 7. I think English is very useful. Are you (感兴趣) in it?

8. Yesterday I was doing some shopping in the supermarket when I met a friend of (我的) .

9. -Is your maths teacher kind to you?

-Yes. Listen, he is chatting with some of our (同班同学) over there. 10. The science teacher told us that the earth (围绕) around the sun. 第(6组):

1. . He usually goes swimming at the w . 2. As a l , she works to serve readers. 3. The more exercise you take, the h you’ll be. 4. He spent as much time as he could p writing in English.

5. Yin Xuemei will always live in her students’ hearts no m how long she has been dead . 6. Unlike the (天气) in Harbin, Kunming is much warmer in winter. 7. We won’t go to his dancing party this weekend unless we are (邀请) . 8. Our way of learning English is a lot better than (他们的).

9. When I walked into the (厨房), I found the glass he broke on the floor. 10. Be careful, or you won’t work out the physics (问题) successfully . 第(7)组:

1. Don't stop your taxi here, driver. Look at the sign. It says \ \ 2. Cathy often goes s with her friends in winter. 3. The boys are busy c the classroom.

4. The policemen all said that their wives helped t a lot.

5. After half an hour's flying, the plane landed s in Guilin.

6. My parents and I live in King Street. My uncle lives in a flat next to (我们的) .

7. Last night, we went to the cinema and the music of the film sounded (甜美的). 8. Everybody knows that Taiwan Island (位于) in the southeast of China? 9. –Have you (收到) any letters from him recently? -- Not yet. 1 0. -- Would you please not (画)on the wall? --Sorry, I won't do it again. 第(8)组:

1. We are strongly a their pouring dirty water into the river.

2. “Cool ”(“酷”) is another way of s \ 3. The airport was c because of the heavy snow. 4. His sister sings w . She has a pleasant voice.

5. We feel s that Chen Yifei, a famous painter , died when he was fifty--nine.

6. It is known to all that \苏丹红1号)\ (健康). 7. This is my dictionary. Where is (你的) ?


8. Can they cook meals all by (他们自己)? 9. Too much (作业) is really painful to students. 10. Lily told us a surprising (一条)of news.


1. The death of this little dog made Kate q sad.

2. The book, Harry Potter, is much more enjoyable than I have e . 3.If all animals and all people are f to each other, the world will be more and more beautiful

and wonderful.

4.It becomes very p in western countries to buy things online with credit cards.

5. All k of skirts in the shop were so beautiful that Masha couldn’t make a good decision. At last she had go ask the salesgirl for help.

6. An 8–year –old English girl says an elephant saved her life during the Dec. 26 tsunami(海啸). In Thailand,

the wave came up to the elephant’s shoulders(肩膀)but the animal carried the girl to (安全) .

7.Please tell them to finish (做)their homework on time . 8. We often (听见) her sing the pop songs .

9. My friends and I (观看)the boys playing football on the playground yesterday

afternoon .

10. English is so (有用的) that it is learned all over the world .


1. I went over what I had w again and again . 2.Are you excited about g to Beijing ?

3.I think this p of shoes is more comfortable

4.Jim dropped his schoolbag on the c when he got home . 5. Thansands of people died d the tsunami(海啸).

6.The boy (名叫) Wei Hua won the first prize in the long jump .

7.While we were in a boat on Kunming lake, we heard (有人) singing Peking Opera on the


8.No, these are too expensive . Have you got anything (更便宜的) ?

9.She told me that she had those photos (拍照) on the Great Wall . 10.First of all, fill in your personal information in the (表格)please .


1.Don’t you think that was an e basketball match? 2.Look at that boy. He was the w of the game.

3.When I got home y , I realized I left my key at the cinema. 4 .Wang Xin played carelessly after he had scored t in fifteen minutes. 5.There are many good p in their team.

6.He was so excited that he kept talking the (整个) morning .

7.He didn’t feel well, and he played very badly during the (比赛) . 8. We are students. It is our (责任) study hard.

9.This maths problem isn’t (难) . I’m sure you can work it out easily .

10.Thank you for asking me to your birthday (聚会).


1.A pet can help a person feel less l .

2. They kicked a goal, but we s got one ourselves .

3.The t mother got into the lifeboat and joined her children.