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rapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants ' duty consumption further. Implementing an \nteen\ndardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research \s\on management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group ... 18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that China's reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question theRapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the \out of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a \one\provement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the party's construction in the area of institutional reform. The \programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the party's Congress, on the theme \scussing election Central's top leaders, such as he election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the CentralCommittee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third 2015年江西教师招聘考试小学语文专业考试试题(30)
第一部分 客观题
1.下列有关文学常识的表述不正确的一项是( )
C骚体是古典文学体裁的一种,起于春秋时期,这类作品,富于抒情成分和浪漫气息。 D民为贵,社稷次之,君为轻,是孟子提出来的。 2.下列有关文学常识的表述,不正确的是( )
A《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,被儒家列为五部著作之首 B《诗经》分为风.雅.颂三部分
3.在先秦作品中,表现“重章叠句,一唱三叹”艺术特点的作品是( ) A诗经 B文心雕龙.史传 C 春秋 D国语
4.司马迁《史记》作为纪传体史学著作,其叙事是----记载历史的。 A以历史事件为中心 B以朝代更迭为中心 C以历史人物为中心 D以作者的历史观为中心 5.下列三部著作成书的先后顺序是( ) A诗经.论语.春秋 B春秋.诗经.论语 C诗经.春秋.论语 D春秋.论语.诗经
6.下面中国古代诗人与其艺术风格对应不符的是( ) A李白.唐代著名浪漫主义诗人-风格豪放飘逸 B高适.唐代著名边塞诗人-诗歌雄浑质朴.苍劲悲壮
C白居易.唐代著名山水田园诗人-诗歌情趣恬静悠闲,风格清新淡远 D杜甫.唐代著名现实主义诗人-风格沉郁顿挫
7.苏轼所说的“诗中有画,画中有诗”的山水田园诗人( ) A陶渊明 B孟浩然 C王维 D杜甫
8.下列有关文学常识的表述不正确的一项是( ) A骆宾王.王昌龄.杜牧分别是初唐.盛唐.晚唐时期的诗人
D曹操是建安文学的开创者之一,《度关山》.《对酒》.《短歌行》是代表作 9.下列作品与作者搭配不正确的是( ) A游子吟—孟郊 B泊船瓜洲—王安石 C江雪—刘禹锡 D饮湖上初晴后雨—苏轼
lenary session, each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective, often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics. From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the four stages of China's economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of \struggle as the key link,\nization; 12 session marked the change from rural to urban, established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic order; 14 ... Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the people's interests. Legal authority to uphold the Constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution, perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights. Plenary session, Affairs the right to adhere to the system, and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun, is shut up in a cage of the system power policy. Decision Science, implementation should be constructed strong, supervise the running of powerful system, improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption, promoting political integrity, and strive to achievecadres ' honest and Government integrity, clean politics. To form a scientific and effective coordination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation and institutional protection, sound improvement style normal system. Plenary session, building a socialist culture in China, enhancing national cultural soft power, must adhere to the orientation of advanced Socialist culture, adhere to the development of Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the people-centred work-oriented, further deepening reform of culture. o improve the cultural management system, establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultural service system, improve the level of culture opening. Plenary session, achieving development results more equitable benefit of all people, we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people the most direct and real interest, and better meet the needs of the people. To deepen education reform, improve institutional mechanisms for therapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants ' duty consumption further. Implementing an \nteen\ndardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research \s\on management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group ...18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that China's reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question theRapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the \out of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a \one\provement of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the party's construction in the area of institutional reform. The \programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the party's Congress, on the theme \scussing election Central's top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the CentralCommittee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third 10.下列诗歌中不是白居易创作的是( ) A忆江南B暮江吟C长恨歌D夜雨寄北
11.洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶的作者是( ) A王昌龄B王勃C王之涣D王维
12.下列有关文学常识的表述正确的一项是( )
A窦娥冤.汉宫秋.孽海花.赵氏孤儿被称作中国古典四大悲剧 B元曲大家指的是关汉卿.王实甫.白朴.郑光祖 C李清照有千古第一才女之美誉
D清代四大谴责小说指的是儒林外史.镜花缘.官场现形记.老残游记 13.四大名著作者中,----与《聊斋志异》的作者是同一时代 A三国演义B红楼梦C水浒传D西游记
14.有一位文学家,家道中落,尽管“满径蓬蒿老不华,举家食粥酒常赊”,却对他的作品披阅十载,增删五次,终于写成了一部伟大的现实主义名著,这位文学家是( ) A施耐庵B罗贯中C吴承恩D曹雪芹
15.下列有关文学常识的表述错误的一项是( )
B郭沫若是我国现代著名作家,代表作有诗集《女神》,历史剧《屈原》.《孔雀胆》等 C阿Q正传.祝福.包身工.暴风骤雨等小说都反映了半殖民地旧中国劳动人民遭受重压迫的剥削的生活
D五十年代出现了以孙犁为代表的河北作家群,其作品以淡雅流朗的诗情画意与清新的泥土气息完美统一,对当代文坛产生极大影响,被誉为荷花淀派。 16.下列作家与作品对应有误的是( )
A叶圣陶—稻草人.古代英雄的雕像B贾平凹—许茂和他的女儿们.芙蓉镇 C洪容---万年青.人到中年 D巍巍---谁是最可爱的人.东方 17.周作人在五四文学革命中的主要贡献是( )
A以人的文学来概括新文学的内容B主编和改革《小说月报》 C发起和组织莽原社等新文学社团D主编新青年等刊物. 18.下列外国作家.作品.国别对应错误的是( ) A但丁-神曲-意大利,莫里哀-伪君子-法国 B司汤达-红与黑-法国,狄更斯-双城记-英国 C屠格涅夫-复活-俄国,海明威-老人与海-美国 D肖洛霍夫-静静的顿河-苏联,伏尼契-牛虻-爱尔兰
19.世界上儿童文学史上第一部把儿童作为具有独立人格的人来描写的小说是( ) A笛福的《鲁滨逊漂流记》B卢梭的爱弥尔
C巴里的丘克和盖克 D马克吐温的汤姆历险记 20.下列作品中不是选自《一千零一夜》的是( ) A死神的故事 B阿里巴巴和四十大盗 C秘密花园 D辛巴德航海故事 21.列宁称之为俄国革命的一面镜子的作家是( ) A列夫托尔斯泰 B契柯夫 C高尔基 D果戈理
lenary session, each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective, often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics. From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the four stages of China's economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of \struggle as the key link,\socialist modernization; 12 session marked the change from rural to urban, established with public ownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic order; 14 ... Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the people's interests. Legal authority to uphold the Constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution, perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights. Plenary session, Affairs the right to adhere to the system, and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun, is shut up in a cage of the system power policy. Decision Science, implementation should be constructed strong, supervise the running of powerful system, improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption, promoting political integrity, and strive to achievecadres ' honest and Government integrity, clean politics. To form a scientific and effective coordination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation and institutional protection, sound improvement style normal system. Plenary session, building a socialist culture in China, enhancing national cultural soft power, must adhere to the orientation of advanced Socialist culture, adhere to the development of Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the people-centred work-oriented, further deepening reform of culture. o improve the cultural management system, establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultural service system, improve the level of culture opening. Plenary session, achieving development results more equitable benefit of all people, we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people the most direct and real interest, and better meet the needs of the people. To deepen education reform, improve institutional mechanisms for therapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants ' duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier and approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants ' duty consumption further. Implementing an \nteen\ndardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research \s\on management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group ...18 session to be held in Beijing from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretary pointed out that China's reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the \neral layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a \nt of overall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the party's construction in the area of institutional reform. The \hensive reform of institutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 plenary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the party's Congress, on the theme \sonnel\iscussing election Central's top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central
Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third易公教育 江西教师考试培训第一品牌
22.----不是巴尔扎克的作品 A高老头 B万尼亚舅舅 C贝婕 D邦斯舅舅 23把文学称为人学的作家是( ) A巴尔扎克 B狄更斯 C托尔斯泰 D高尔基 24.对文学理解不正确的是( )
A文学是一种语言艺术,是话语蕴藉中的审美意识形态 B文学起源于人类生活
25.古代诗人写了不少反映儿童情趣的诗句,搭配不正确的是( ) A小娃撑小艇,偷采白莲回—白居易 B意欲捕鸣蝉,忽然闭口立—袁枚
C儿童急走追黄碟,飞入菜花无处争—杨万里 D儿童散学归来早,忙趁车风放低鸢—胡令能 26下列童话故事选自《安徒生童话》的是( ) A牧羊女和扫烟囱的人 B小海蒂
C丛林之书 D小红帽 27.下列作者与其作品对应有误的是( )
A一百个中国孩子的梦—董宏遒B推开窗子看见你—金波 C乌鸦兄弟—林焕章 D神笔马良—洪汛涛 28.童年期的文学常用艺术手法是( ) A拟人.写实.夸张B象征.拟人.幽默 C夸张.反复.写实D幽默.写实.夸张 29.儿童故事最大特征是( )
A主题集中鲜明 B叙述明快而有童趣 C情节曲折而单纯 D语言质朴而活泼
30.我国在世界上最早的专门论述教育教学问题的是( ) A论语 B师说 C学儿 D孟子
31.“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”的学思结合思想最早出自: A.《学记》 B.《论语》 c.《孟子》 D.《中庸》
32.颜回说:‘天子循循然善诱人,博我以文,约我以礼,欲罢不能’,这反映了德育的: A.导向性原则 B.疏导原则 C.因材施教原则 D.教育影响的一致性原则
33.“授人以鱼仅供一顿饭只需,授人以渔,则终身受用无穷”说明教学中应重视: A.知识的教授 B.发展学生的能力
C.培养学生积极的心理素质 D.培养学生良好的思想品德 34.苏联苏霍姆林斯基的教育思想的核心内容是:
A.认知结构的教育理论 B.个性全面和谐发展的教育理论
lenary session, each session of the Central Committee of national institutions and personnel problems have been arranged, you can concentrate on national development and reforms. Previous plenary session is often branded with a central leading collective, often by looking at the third plenum of the initiative to found the current central leadership collective governance characteristics. From the analysis of the process of economic reform in China, plenary session, 12 session, 14, 16 plenary session have programmatic meaning, respectively, marking the four stages of China's economic reform, and that the start-up phase of reform, reform, construction phase and perfecting the Socialist market economy framework stage of socialist market economy. Previous plenary session topics proposed to the third plenary session of \ss struggle as the key link,\fted to socialist modernization; 12 session marked the change from rural to urban, established with publiownership as the Foundation of a planned commodity economy; 13 session at a time when both the old and the new system change, governance and rectify the economic order; 14 ... Fair and efficient and authoritative Socialist judicial system, safeguard the people's interests. Legal authority to uphold the Constitution, deepening the reform of administrative law enforcement, ensure that the right to exercise judicial power independently and impartially according to law the prosecution, perfecting the running mechanism of judicial power, improve the system of judicial protection of human rights. Plenary session, Affairs the right to adhere to the system, and let the people authority to let the power run in the Sun, is shut up in a cage of the system power policy. Decision Science, implementation should be constructed strong, supervise the running of powerful system, improve the system of punishing and preventing corruption, promoting political integrity, and strive to achieve cadres ' honest and Government integrity, clean politics. To form a scientific and effective coordination of power restriction and mechanisms to strengthen anti-corruption institutional innovation and institutional protection, sound improvement style normal system. Plenary session, building a socialist culture in China, enhancing national cultural soft power, must adhere to the orientation of advanced Socialist culture, adhere to the development of Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the people-centred work-oriented, further deepening reform of culture. o improve the cultural management system, establish and improve the modern market system and building modern public cultural service system, improve the level of culture opening. Plenary session, achieving development results more equitable benefit of all people, we must speed up reform of social programs and solve the issues of concern to the people he most direct and real interest, and better meet the needs of the people. o deepen education reform, improve institutional mechanisms for the江西教师招聘考试模拟题