外语教学与研究出版社高中英语必修-2Module-5同步测试 下载本文

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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines



1. You should _____ your lessons.

A. be concentrate B. being concentrated C. concentrate on D. concentrate

2. _____ I am reading Student English Times, I can also learn how English is used. A. While B. Since C. That D. For

3. Beyond _____ stars, China’s first taikonaut Lieutenant Colonel Yang Liwei saw nothing but ______ space.

A. the; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; the 4. The time is up ____ I could finish the paper.

A. as B. since C. until D. before 5. He took 200 photographs _____ planet earth _____ total. A. for; on B. of; on C. for,; in D. of ; in 6. ---- Don’t you know our school well? ---- No, this is the first time I ______ here.

A. have been B. am coming C. come D. was 7. By the time we ____ the airport, the plane _____. A. arrived; had taken off B. had got to; took off C. got to; had taken off D. arrived at; took off 8. _____ you work, ______ you’ll be at your lessons. A. Harder; better B. The harder, the better C. The harder; and better D. Harder; and better 9. ---- Why are you looking pleased? ---- Oh, I’ve just had a job______.

A. offered B. offering C. to offer D. being offered 10. --- I’m going to the post office.

---- ______ you’re there, can you get me some stamps.

A. As B. While C. Because D. If

11. ---- Everyone says you are a good student. You never fall asleep in class, do you? ----________.

A. No, I didn’t B. Yes, I did C. Yes, never D. Yes, sometimes 12. I won’t tell him the exciting news now. I’ll give him ______. A. in surprise B. surprisingly C. a surprise D. by surprise 13. ---- Where _____ you put my dictionary? --- I left it on your desk when you ______ to Tom. A. have; spoken B. did; were speaking C. have; had spoken D. did; were spoken

14. The company, ____ in 2003, is one of the most famous of the companies. A. founded B. found C. founding D. to found

15. It was between 1830 and 1835 _____ the modern newspaper was born. A. when B. which C. where D. that II. 完形填空


On my last day in Nairobi, I decided to visit the game reserve(野生动物保护区). On 1 my hotel ,I b-ought a map and hired a car. On the way I 2 to take photos of many interesting 3 , A little lateral was very pleased when I saw notices 4 :“Be careful: Lions. 5 in your car.” I didn't mean to get out and 6 across a shallow river, I was halfway across when my 7 began to turn round and round without 8 a bit: the car had stuck in the mud.

Full of 9 , I looked round carefully. There was not a lion 10 , I was soon in the 11 and my clothes got wet and muddy, and there was 12 I could do. The car didn't 13 though I pushed it hard. There was a 14 quite near. I didn't dare to go there. So I had to get back into the car. I felt very 15 . I wondered how long it would be 16 I was discovered by the lions. The lions would quite 17 a tasty meal of a human being 18 ! I was wild with 19 when, several hours later, a keeper drove up in a jeep

and 20 my car onto dry land.

It took me some time to explain to the clerks what had happened to me when I returned to the hotel, but I do not think that anyone really believe me! 1. A. leaving B. reaching C. visiting D. seeing 2. A. stopped B. drove C. rode D. forgot 3. A. keepers B. animals C. cars D. lions 4. A. writing B. printing C. marking D. saying 5. A. Stay B. Eat C. Sleep D. Look 6. A. walked B. drove C. jumped D. stepped 7. A. wheels B. legs C. feet D. home 8. A. shopping B. working C. moving D. turning 9. A. fear B. anger C. surprise D. pleasure

10. A. in the stream B. in my car C. in the distance D. out of doors 11. A. river B. car C. seat D. clothes 12. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 13. A. move B. rise C. open D. start 14. A. hotel B. village C. forest D. keeper 15. A. worried B. surprised C. safe D. brave 16. A. before B. when C. after D. since 17. A. hate B. enjoy C. thank D. refuse 18. A. dead B. fresh C. alive D. young 19. A. anger B. fear C. surprise D. joy 20. A. pulled B. pushed C. lifted D. carried III. 阅读理解



In 1865 the famous French author Jules Verne wrote two books. One was entitled From the Earth to The Moon and the other was entitled Around The Moon. In these books Jules Verne described man landing on the moon. In 1969 man actually did land on the moon. Many of the details of the real moon landing had been described with