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From smart phones to electric cars, you may already be amazed by the technology that surrounds your daily life. If you’re amazed because it feels like you’re already living in a sci-fi movie, just wait until you hear the following amazing tech.

Virtual reality

It’s predicted that virtual reality will have its first billion-dollar year in

2018. It’s not surprising; think about all the new virtual reality tech that’s coming out these days—Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, and even Google Cardboard. What makes virtual reality really amazing is the ways it’s currently being used. We’ve all seen how Facebook is starting to use the 360 video to create more immersive(沉浸式虚拟现实的)video content, but start-up Rukkus is taking that one step further. It is using virtual reality to allow people to get a virtual experience of their exact seat before buying their ticket.


In 2007 it cost 1 million dollars to have your DNA sequenced(测定序列). In 2009,

that number dropped to $48,000. Today, it costs less than $1,000 to have your DNA sequenced thanks to the fast development of this tech. Why should people have their DNA sequenced?

Imagine a medical test that allows you to take a look at your future and see possible health risks. This gives you the ability to fight off any issues before they ever happen. Also, it tells you if you are a carrier of any diseases that you could pass on to your children.


On the surface, it could look like drones are just another fashion. What can you really do with them besides film or race? As of right now, that’s all you can do. However, the future of drones has much more in store. Big organizations like Amazon are planning to use drones for shipping purposes. Imagine buying something online and having it delivered in a matter of hours, rather than days.

1. In the author’s opinion, what makes/make virtual reality actually surprising? A. Its billion-dollar income in 2018. C. Gear VR and Cardboard.

B. Its new virtual reality tech.

D. The ways it’s being used.

2. What does Rukkus allow people to do? A. Play sports games virtually at home. B. Reject more immersive video content.

C. Receive tickets to games without leaving home. D. Experience seat virtually before buying ticket.

3. What does the author intend to show by mentioning the costs of DNA sequencing? A. DNA sequencing is really important. B. It’s costly to have our DNA sequenced. C. Genetic testing tech has developed fast. D. Everyone shouldn’t have their DNA sequenced.

4. In the author’s opinion, in the future drones may be widely used to . A. deliver goods C. compete in races

B. make movies D. transport passenger B

The humpback whale(座头鲸),which can reach a length of 50 feet, is known for “Humpbacks make the longest migration(迁移)of any mammal,” says mammal research its long travels between warm water in the winter and cold water during the summer. biologist John Calambokidis, who has studied the whales since 1986. While some humpback whales have been known to migrate from the Antarctic Peninsula all the way to the waters off Costa Rica, they are not exactly known for their ability to swim fast.

“The speed that a lot of these whales that make long migrations travel at is often not that impressive,” Calambokidis says. “In other words, they can be just as slow as three to five miles an hour. But the impressive part is that they are doing that 24 hours a day. That means they can be covering 100 miles in a day. They can cover these rather long distances…in a month or two.”

According to Calambokidis, there is some scientific debate about why humpback whales migrate so far. It might be because they need warmer waters to reduce energy loss during the winter. There’s also the possibility that humpback whales migrate as a strategy to keep away from killer whales. Calambokidis says that humpback whales are able to defend themselves against killer whale attacks more easily if they are in shallow, warm waters rather than deeper cold-water ocean regions. During their three-week to two-month migrations, humpback whales seldom eat. They live off body fat on their journey.

How the humpback whales know where to travel during their migrations still has not been known. “I am not sure anyone has a clear answer to this,” Calambokidis says.

5. The humpback whales can migrate so far because . A. they swim very fast

B. they never stop in the journey D. they try to keep away from killer

C. they travel for nearly half a year


6. Before the migration the humpback whales have to . A. eat much to store fat

B. grow as long as 50 feet D. teach the young how to travel

C. practice swimming skills

7. What to do we know about Calambokidis? A. He has studied the whales for a long time. B. He followed the humpback whales in his research. C. He thinks humpback whales are safe in cold waters. D. He found humpback whales swim faster in warm waters.


Obviously, most people who try to lose weight generally focus all or most of their attention on the food they eat. But what about their behavior? Are there habits they could be breaking that would also help them lose weight?

According to the Ohio State University Extension, which summarized the findings, the researchers learned people who routinely ate breakfasts, lunches, and dinners tended to have more success losing weight than people whose eating schedules were irregular. As a bonus, they were also more likely to eat a larger quantity of fruits and vegetables.

One activity that brought a disaster to people who wanted to lose weight was watching television, particularly if they ate while watching TV—especially if they ate while watching TV after 7 p.m. People who did these things, including simply watching a lot of television, tended to have a higher body mass index (BMI), as well as a higher intake of fat and sugars.

Those who ate out a lot also tended to take in more fat and sugars, while eating fewer fruits and vegetables. For the purposes of the study, eating away from home was defined not only as eating in restaurants but also eating food provided by an employer or colleagues at work, buying food at convenience stores or gas stations, or buying food for fund-raisers.

Finally, the best results were achieved by those motivated people who kept writing the track of the amount and type of exercise they did and how many calories they ate, who planned meals, and used meal replacements. Those who did these things the most generally lost more weight, ate less fat and sugars, ate more fruits and vegetables, and engaged in more physical activities.

So cutting out all those high-calorie snacks will help you lose weight. If so, apparently, will change some of your habits and behavior. 8. According to the researchers we can know that____. A. losing weight depends on food a person eat B. regular eating routine is good for losing weight C. fruits and vegetables can keep you healthy D. eating irregularly will leave you in a good figure