哈利波特与魔法石英语读后感 下载本文

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哈利波特与魔法石英语读后感 。

篇一:《Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher 哈利波特与魔法石读后感》

I fell in love ith Harry Potter hen I as a ten-year-old girl,ho as interested in all the mystical things.Harry Potter led me to a ne orld hich as full of magic and love,that’s hy I as eager to bee 11 at that time so that I ould kno hether I as a itch.Then certainly,I’m not.

Reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher s Stone again in English made me feel more and learn more.The character that most impressed me as courage.

I admire little Harry’s courage to face the future.When he first got on the train to Hogarts,he really did not kno hat as going to happen,and he kne little about the magic orld,but he as not afraid at all.Instead,he ‘felt a great leap of excitement.He didn’t kno hat he as going to-but it had to be better than he as leaving behind.’Though Harry alay suffers a lot,he alays has trust in the future.

Courage is important.Every line,every ord of this book reminds us of the value of courage.I remember Ron encouraged Neville not to afraid of Malfoy.He said ,‘You ve got to stand up to him,Neville!He s used to alking all over people,but that s no Harry,Ron and Hermione ere just first-year students in Hogarts ,but in order to protect the Philosopher s Stone,they fought ith their professor and finally they succeed.Courage

makes people strong.

Albus Dumbledore once said to Harry that ,‘To ones as young as you,I m sure it seems incredible,but to Nicolas and Perenelle,it really is like going to bed after a very very long day.After all,to the ell-organized mind,death is but the next great adventure.’Professor Dumbledore taught me ho to face death bravely.

Apart from courage,the book told me the importance of love.Voldemort is a very poerful izard,but he as not able to kill Harry and he could not even touch Harry.Professor Dumbledore once explained this to Harry,‘If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand,it is love.He didn t realize that love as poerful as your mother s for you leaves its on mark.Not a scar,no visible sign...to have been loved so deeply,even though the person ho loved us is gone,ill give us some protection forever.It is in your very skin.Quirrell,full of hatred,greed,and ambition,sharing his soul ith

Voldemort,could not touch you for this reason.It as agony to touch a person

marked by something so good.’The book made me realize that there is nothing that is more poerful than love.Love makes us strong.哈利波特与魔法石英语读后感。

What make Harry a great boy are many valuable characters,one of hich is modesty.Because of his legendary experience,he is very celebrated and he has a lot of adorer,but Harry is never arrogant.On the contrary,he is very modest and hard-orking.He never thinks himself a ‘famous person’.

In a ay,Harry is just an ordinary boy.He laugh;he cry;he ants friends;he needs love.He is just like everyone among us,so

sometimes reading his story is just like talking to

myself.Meanhile,he leads me to an amazing ne orld,hich is full of adventures,magic and love.篇二:《哈利波特与魔法石读后感》 哈利波特,一个不平凡的人,一出生便拥有了与伏地魔作斗争的标志——一道形如闪电的疤痕。那是一道非常厉害的魔咒的余痕,妈妈的爱把他的死亡换成了那道疤。由于父母双亡,他被姨夫收养,度过了一个非常委屈的童年,表哥达力总是仗着个头大欺负他,就这样熬了11年。


在学校他认识了许多好朋友,其中赫敏与罗恩与他形影不离。他们一起努力保护魔法石。在重重障碍中,罗恩倒下了,赫敏返回进口了。哈利独自一人与伏地魔顽强抗争,最终以纯洁的灵魂捣毁了伏地魔的美梦,同时也救了大家。 故事虽然是发生在一个虚幻世界,但是,故事里所蕴含的却与我们的生活息息相关。如果没有母亲伟大无私的母爱,哈利怎能活到今天?如果没有海格的保护,哈利怎能摆脱德思礼一家的阻挡,顺利地进入霍格沃茨?如果没有斯内普在魁地奇比赛时念一个反咒想保住哈利的生命,他岂不是早就被奇洛摔得粉身碎骨?如果没有赫敏的机智与罗恩的敢于牺牲,哈利怎能通过一道又一道难关,打败伏地魔,拿到魔法石???这一切的一切,都在教育我们:生活中我们离不开他人的帮助,他人对我们的关怀与爱护才使我们成功。哈利波特要是只身一人,没有朋友,没有支持,他能独自打败伏地魔吗?答案是否定的。
