2015年对口升学考试英语试题 下载本文

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一.单项选择题(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. My sister likes hat.

A. new her B. her new C. her a D. a her 2. There a short message for you. A. is B are C. am D. be 3. – Is there a pen in your bag? -- No. . A. I have B. I haven’t C. there is D. there isn’t 4. your brother in Xinjiang?

A. Does; works B. Do; work C. Does; work D. Do; works 5. This dress is of the three. A. expensive B. very expensive C. more expensive D. the most expensive. 6. Peter back home at seven yesterday. A. goes B. went C. go D. going 7. I sleep at night. I’m so tired.

A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. may not D. must not 8. My parents some presents for us tomorrow. A. buys B. buy C. will buy D. buying

9. Can you help me with my English? You are good it. A. in B. at C. for D. on 10. – Good morning. -- . A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you C. Not bad D. Good morning 11. I am a . I work in a hospital.

A. student B. nurse C. teacher D. worker 12. A fish can .

A. read books B. watch TV C. run D. swim 13. --- Have you got any ? --- Here are some apples and pears.

A. fruit B. juice C. vetetable D. meat 14. – What’s the weather like today? -- It’s .

A. rainy B. Monday C. morning D. summer 15. My favorite sports is . A. cookies B. red C. mother D. footballl 二.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


One morning, a bird flies onto field and begins to eat rice. A cat happens to come along. Seeing the bird, the cat is very happy. The bird will make a delicious breakfast, so the cat catches the bird.



When the cat is ready to eat him, the bird says, “ Mr. Cat, you’re so great! How can you eat before you wash your hands?” The cat feels sorry, so he puts the bird down and starts washing his hands.

The bird has a chance to fly away. The cat loses his meal. After that, the cat never washes hands before a meal again. 1. What are the animals in the story?

A. A bird and a cat. B. A cat and a fly. C. A fly and a meal D. A meal and a bird. 2. Why is the cat very happy when he sees the bird?

A. Because he will have a friend B. Because he doesn’t want any breakfast. C. Because he thinks he will have a good breakfast. D. Because he is ready to eat some rice. 3. What does the bird ask the cat to do ?

A. Go to field B. Wash his hands C. Fly away D. Make a breakfast 4. What do you think of the bird?

A. He’s strong B. He’s delicious C. He’s clever D. He’s dirty 5. What does the cat have for breakfast?

A. The bird B. Some delicious food C. Rice D. Nothing


Dear Kate,

My new school is great but it’s far away. I get up at 6 o’clock every morning. School starts at 9:00 am. There’s one hour for lunch, but I don’t like the food. It’s very bad.

It’s winter now and England isn’t very cold in winter. My friends come to my home in the evening or I go to their houses. On Saturday I visit my uncle and aunt.

Life is different in summer. We have six weeks in July and August with no school.

Can I come to your country for my holiday? Can you come to England? Please write back soon.

Love John

6. Who write the letter?

A. Kate B. John C. Life D. July 7. His new school is his house. A. far away from B. in front of C. next to D. behind 8. It’s in winter in England. A. very cold B. not very cold C. warm D. not very warm 9. On Saturday, he visits his .

A. friends B. teachers C. uncle and aunt D. father and mother 10. He has weeks in summer with no school. A. two B. four C. six D. eight




Peter and Bob are brothers. They like playing football very much. Today is Saturday. Look! They are playing football in front of their house. Suddenly their ball breaks neighbor’s window. It also breaks the table lamp near the window. Peter and Bob go to their neighbor’s house and say, “We’re sorry Mrs. Smith. We broke your window and your table lamp. Please forgive us. Later, we’ll ask our parents to pay for them.”

“Last time, somebody broke my window.” Mrs. Smith says, “They ran away. You’re good boys. Don’t worry. Be more careful next time.” 11. Peter and Bob are . A. friends B. classmates C. brothers D. neighbors 12. They like .

A. basketball B. football C. playing D. running 13. They break window.

A. A. a car’s B. the badroom’s C. the neighbor’s D. their parents’ 14. What others does the ball break?

A. a table B. a lamp C. a house D. Mrs. Smith 15. What do you think of the boys?

A. They are bad boys. B. They are tall boys. C. They are kind boys. D. They are honest boys.

三.按要求改写句子。(共8题,每题2分,共16分) 1. We are from Class 1. (改为否定句)

2. She can spell the word.(改为一般疑问句) 3. I am very busy today.(改为复数)

4. He gets up at 6 o’clock every day.(就画线部分提问) 5. Let’s play in front of the house.(改为否定句)

6. Will our teacher come back very soon?(改为陈述句) 7. The dress is 100 yuan.(就画线部分提问)

8. Mr. Green is writing another book.(给为一般疑问句)

四.英汉互译。(共6题,每题4分,共24分) 1. Go and wash your hands. 2. My school is next to a park. 3. You may drive the car. 4. 他经常抽烟。 5. 我会使用电脑。 6. 桌子上有一本书。

五.作文 以“My Summer Holiday Plan”为题写一篇作文,80个词左右。(共1题,共15分)
