材料科学与工程专业英语-短句词汇翻译-前10课 下载本文

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交叉学科 interdiscipline 力学性质 mechanical property 介电常数 dielectric constant 电磁辐射 electro-magnetic radiation 固体性质 solid materials 材料加工 processing of materials 热容 heat capacity 弹性模量(模数)elastic coefficient

1.直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationship between the structural elements of materials and their properties .

2.材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题。Material engineering mainly to solve the problem and create material application.

3.材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能。Materials processing process is not only to de structure and decided that the material characteristic and performance.

4.材料的力学性能与其所受外力或负荷而导致的形变有关。Material mechanical properties with the extemal force or in de deformation of the load.


先进材料 advanced material 合金 metal alloys 陶瓷材料 ceramic material 移植 implant to 粘土矿物 clay minerals 玻璃纤维 glass fiber 高性能材料 high performance material 碳纳米管 carbon nanotub

1、金属元素有许多有利电子,金属材料的许多性质可直接归功于这些电子。Metallic materials have large numbers of nonlocalized electrons,many properties of metals are directly attributable to these electrons.

2、许多聚合物材料是有机化合物,并具有大的分子结构。Many of polymers are organic compounds,and they have very large molecular structures.

3、半导体材料的典型特征介于导体材料(如金属、金属合金)与绝缘体(陶瓷材料和聚合体材料)之间。Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors ( viz. metals and metal alloys ) and insulators ( viz. ceramics and polymers ). 4、生物材料不能产生毒性,并且不许与人体组织互相兼容。Biomaterials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissues.


微观结构 microstructure 电荷平衡 balanced electrical charge 宏观结构 macrostructure 带正电子的原子核 positively charge 化学反应 chemical reaction nucleu原子量 atomic

1、从我们呼吸的空气到各种各样性质迥异的金属,成千上完中物质均是由100多种院子组成的。These same 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metal used to support tall buildings.


The strength of metals suggests that these atoms are held together by strong bonds. 3、微观结构是指能够通过显微镜观察到的而不是用肉眼直接观察到的结构,宏观是指可以直接用肉眼观察到的结构。

Microstructure, which includes features that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but using a microscope. Macrostructure includes features that can be seen with the naked eye.


The atomic weight of an atom indicates how many protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

Unit4: 相转变温度 重力加速度 phase transformation temperatures the acceleration of gravity 比重specific gravity 磁导率magnetic permeability 熔点the melting point 热导率thermal conductivity

1. 化学性质是用来描述一种物质是怎样变成另外一种完全不同的物质的性质。Physical properties are those that can be observed without changing the identity of the substance.

2. 相变是一种物理性质,并且物质存在四种相:固相、液相、气相和等离子体。Phase is a physical property of matter and matter can exist in four phases : solid , liquid , gas and plasma .

3. 当温度低于熔点时,聚合物的晶体结构破坏,但其分子任然连接在分子链上,从而形成一种柔软和柔顺性材料。Instead , at some temperature below the melting point , they start to lose their crystalline structure but the molecules remain linked in chains , which results in a soft and pliable material.

4. 在工程应用中,渗透率通常用相对值而不是绝对值表示。In engineering applications , permeability is often expressed in relative , rather than in absolute , terms .


实验样品 test specimen 临界应力 critical stress 静负荷 static loading 屈服强度 yield strength 作用力 applied force 应力面积 stress area 垂直轴 normal axis 应力-应变曲线 stress-strain curve 工程应变 engineering strain

1. 通常,温度低于室温时,金属合金的强度性质降低,而延展性、破碎韧度和拉伸性能增强。Temperature above room temperature usually cause a decrease in the strength properties of metallic alloys.

2. 从材料的角度来说,盈利是一种在材料内部所分布的力,他可以平衡所施加的负荷并与其发生相互作用。From the perspective of what is happening within a material , stress is the internal distribution of forces within a body that balance and

react to the loads applied to it.

3. 工程应变可定义为:所施加立方向上的材料的改变量与材料原始长度的比值。Engineering strain is defined as the amount of deformation in the direction of the applied force divided by the initial length of the material .

4. 高强度和高延展性的材料比低强度和地延展性的材料的韧性高。A material with high stress and high ductility will have more toughness than a material with low strength and low ductility


国内生产总值GDP 卫生保健health cane 市场经济market economies 材料科学与工程MSE 社会问题societal issues 国民生产总值GNP 经济指数economic index 人口增长率population grouth rate

1、然而,随着时间的变化,人类的革新与创造力,工程师满足社会需求的能力和建立工程企业的精神是永恒不变的。However,some things that have been constant over time are human innovation and creativity, the engineer’s ability to address societal needs , and the entrepreneurial spirit of engineering.

2、我们可以看到医学、通信学和运输工业的革命给我们生活带来的变化。 We have witnessed the re-shaping of our lives through revolution that have taken place in medicine, telecommunications, and transportation industries.

3、18%的世界人口缺少安全饮用水,几乎40%缺少环境卫生设施。 Eighteen percent of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water and nearly 40% has no access to sanitation.

4、材料与社会是相互联系的,并且我们应当认为材料科学工程的发展与影响人类生存条件的全球社会问题存在密切的关系,这是唯一理性的看法。 Materials and society are interlinked, and it is only rational that we should see a close relation between the MSE research agenda and societal issues that affect the human condition on the globe.


离域电子 delocalized electrons 核电荷 nuclear charge 电子结构 e lectrical structure 导电性 e lectrical conductivity 碱土金属a lkali-earth metals 价带 valence bands 核电荷 nuclear charge 离子晶格 the ion latti 化学电池 electrochemical cell

1、金属有时被描述为由游离电子团包围的正离子晶格。Metals are sometimes described as a lattice of positive ions surrounded by a cloud of delocalized electrons. 2、通常地,金属具有良好的导电性和导热性,具有金属光泽,密度较大,并且具有在压力下变形而不会断裂的能力。Metals in general have superior electric and thermal conductivity, high luster and density and the ability to be deformed under stress without cleaving. 3、合金是指两种或两种以上的元素形成的固溶体混合物,其中主要组分为金属。