内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/4 13:09:51星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
Psst! Psst! What is the answer for question number 2? Psst, wanna buy a kidney? 喂!想要买个肾吗?
Phew [fju:] 感厌恶、松一口气时说 Phew! It stinks in here! 呦!真臭!
Phew! That was a close call—she nearly saw us! 唷,真悬!她差点看到我们
Sh [?] 嘘,让人别吵时说
Sh! Someone’s trying to sleep.
Tsk [tisk] 啧啧,表不赞同、同情、不耐烦等
And she talks about it with such conviction and self-righteousness - tsk, tsk! 她还说得这么振振有词,啧啧!
A cellphone that can’t get message! Tsk tsk tsk! 手机不能发短信!啧啧。
Tut [t?t] 啧!嘘! 不耐烦、烦恼、指责、轻蔑时用 Tut-tut, the boy's late again! 咳,这孩子又迟到了!
Tut, tut! Such a big child acting like a spoiled child. 啧啧!那么大的孩子还撒娇。
Ugh [uk; uh; ?h; ?ɡ;] 表示憎恶、厌恶、咳嗽声等 Ugh, this place disgusts me. 呃,这地方令人作呕。 Ugh! That is disgusting!真恶心
Uh huh [?'h?] 肯定、赞同时用
Uh huh. Is there anything else I should remember? 嗯哪,还有其他任何是我应该记得的吗?
Uh-oh ['?n'?u] 糟糕
Did you bring the book I lent you? (你借我的书带来了吗? Uh-oh. I forgot. (啊,糟了,我忘了)
Uh-uh [? ?] 不同意时说
Did they find anything useful? 他们发现什么有用的东西吗? Uh-uh. 没
Um [?m] 迟疑时说
I must say I find her very odd. 我得说我发现这有一点怪 Um, are you sure that was her? 你肯定那是她吗?
Whew [hju:] 好悬呀!
Whew! That was close! He almost got himself run over by a car. 唷,真悬!他差点被车轧了!
Whoopee! [ '(h)wupi: ] 欢呼时说
Peter, you will get a raise in pay. Whoopee! 彼得,你要涨工资了。太好了!
Wow [wau] 哇塞
Wow, What a beautiful car! 哇塞,这车真漂亮!
Yo [j?u] 唷,喂,用以打招呼或唤起注意时说
The guard sang out, as loud as he could roar. “Yo, there!” 卫兵竭尽全力大喊大叫:“喂,叫你呢!”
Yuck [ j?k ] 表厌恶时说
Yuck! The carrots taste awful. 妈呀!这些胡萝卜真难吃。 Yum-yum [j?m j?m] 好吃,真棒
Yum-yum, your pizza tastes really good!
This hotel is so magnificent! ——Yum! 这个宾馆太辉煌了。——了不起! 下面是老外常用的语气词,快学会它们吧:
Ah [ɑ:] 表痛苦、欢乐、懊悔、憎恨、厌恶、惊讶、遗憾、蔑视等
Aha [ɑ:'hɑ:] 表满意、快乐、胜利、得意、惊讶等;常含有冷嘲热讽或愚弄意 1. Aha! That's it. Now I know what to do. 啊哈!就是这样。现在我知道该怎么做了! 2. Aha, so there you are! 啊哈,原来你在这里。
Ahem [?'hem] 咳嗽声,唤起注意, 或表示怀疑
Ahem, I wonder if I can raise this problem with you now. 呃哼,我现在能否向您提及这问题。
Bah! [ bɑ: ] 轻蔑,厌恶
Bah! You've wasted my time. Goodbye. 呸!你在浪费我的时间,再见。
Blah [bla:] 反复地说,什么什么的
1. All she does is go \the next morning. 她整夜说个不停,但没有一句值得记到第二天早上的话。
2. You have to listen to Charles talk about how bad the Rockets are and that it needs to be T-Mac's team, blah blah blah. 你必须听着巴克力说火箭有多么糟糕,还有这应该是麦迪一个人的球队,什么什么的。
Brrr [br-r-r] 表领悟或冷颤
Brrr! It's already March, but it's so cold today! I can't stand it. 呜!都已经三月了,今天还这么冷!真受不了。
Eek [i:k] 表害怕
Eek! His eyes are wide open! But he's fast asleep! 学徒:咦!他的眼睛睁得大大的!但睡得正
Umm [?m] 表示犹豫或不确定
Umm, I’m not sure about that. You'd better go ask John.
Haw-haw ['h?:'h?:] int. 哈哈大笑
My head almost dropped from my neck in such a shaking car,haw haw! 人在车里,若非脖子皮实,感觉脑袋随时可能被甩下来,哈哈!
Hey 表惊奇,喜悦,疑问,或唤起注意 1. Hey! What's up? 嗨! 最近怎么样? 2. Hey? Was that really you?
Hmm, maybe I'll check it out. 嗯,也许我需要去看看。
Ho(a)! [ h?u ] 表惊奇,满足,喜悦或唤起注意
Huh [h?] 表轻蔑、疑问或惊异等
What does that tells you, huh? 那告诉你什么,你说呢?
Huh? = Pardon?
Ho [h?u] 引人注意, 表示惊讶, 满足
La [l?:] 哎呀,看哪,呀! 吃惊或加强语气时用 She always likes that one la.
Mmm! 满意时说
Oh [?u] 哦;哎呀(表示惊讶或恐惧等)
Oh, really ? Do you think so? 哦,真的吗?你这么认为?
Oho [?u'h?u] 嗳惊讶,喜悦,嘲弄时说 Oho, you're at it again! 啊哈,你又是这样!
Oops [wups] 遇轻微碰撞,事故,意外时说 Oops, I farted again 呀,我又放了个屁 Oops. You got a hair. 哦你身上有根头发。 Oops, I missed my turn. 糟糕!忘了转弯了。
Oh Oh [ou ou] 表惊讶!