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Unit 3

Text A: Language focus: Words in use

1.exquisite 2.dispersed 3.decentralized 4.deduce 5.fixture 6.frugality 7.administrate 8.disjointed 9.Reviving 10.elapse

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1

punctuality purity scarcity seniority sensitivity solemnity specialty superiority validity visibility reassure restructure

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 2

1.seniority 2.purity 3.specialties 4.reassure 5. scarcity 6.punctuality 7.sensitivity 8.restructuring 9.superiority 10.validity 11.visibility 12.solemnity

Text A > Language focus > Banked cloze (1) frequently (2) immersed (3) disrupted (4) stress (5) sphere (6) challenges (7)


the pleasure with money. It offers more than (8) financial (9)

administrate (10) addiction

Text A > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.held ... in high regard 2.In the interim 3.was onto something 4.in turn 5.from time to time 6.pick on 7.take a stab at 8.boil down to

Text B: Reading comprehension: Understanding


Text B > Language focus > Words in use

1.stimulus 2.magnitude

3.velocity 4.quota 5.stipulated 6.tease 7.eligible 8.premium 9.reminiscence 10.decree

Text B > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.be embedded in 2.a trace of 3.is critical to 4.adjacent to 5.beat sb. down 6.remains committed to 7.conceive of 8. be eligible for

Collocation: : Practice 1

Collocation: : Practice 2

Unit 4

Text A: Language focus: Words in use

1.consolidate 2.differentiate 3.dreadful 4.incompatible 5.alleged 6.alleged 7.alleged 8.alleged 9.habitats 10.intelligible

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1