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A:Ah, okay. And what line do I need to take?

B:Well, from here you’ll need to take line number 5. You transfer at Dongdan, take line number 1 then get off at Tianmen Xi. A:Okay. And how long would that take?

B:Erm, I’d say about 15 minutes at the most. A:Oh, that’s good. Thanks a lot! B:My pleasure!

Unit 9

1.travel responsibility leadership great salary lone hours teamwork danger no commute 2. (1)--- shop (2) -- - ---- - restaurant (3) --- ---- (4) hotel 3. B a b a 4.

Kevin: Hey, Cathy, I found a good place for a vacation this summer. Cathy: What is it?

Kevin: It's called Camp Star.

Cathy: Hmmm. Looks pretty .But what can you do there ? Kevin: It's kind of isolated.

Cathy: Isolated? What do you mean ?

Kevin: It's off the coast ,and you have to take a boat to get there .This week's program is that you hike and hear lectures and talk about current issues. Cathy: Where do you stay? Tents?

Kevin: No, it's an old hotel .They have a couple of rules, though . Cathy: Uh-huh?

Kevin: It says here there's no TV and you can't use any electrical appliances .

Cathy: No TV ? And no electrical...Wait a minute . What about my notebook computer? Kevin: No, no computers ,and there's only one telephone on the whole island . Cathy: What? So I won't be able to check my e-mail either?

Kevin: You'll get by. It'll be fun! Look, you can read ,and talk, and think .And every morning you go for a long hike. Cathy: Ahh. Sounds like work.

Kevin: I think it would be relaxing. I'd like to get away from the phone for a week.And I think it'd be good for you.

Cathy: So you're telling me there's no TV, no computers ,and I have to wake up every morning to go hiking .Why on earth would anybody want to go there ? 5.

A: So what are your thoughts on the two applicants?

B: I thought they were both strong. It’s going to be a tough decision. A: Well, let’s look at their respective pros and cons.

B: Good idea. I feel that Eric, on the plus side, is a good team player and is also capable of being highly self-sufficient. On the downside, he doesn’t seem very motivated.

A:I would agree. Mark, on the other hand, seems very driven and motivated. My main concern is that he may lack self sufficiency as well as initiative and therefore need more


B: Who do you think has the best managerial skills?

A: Well, Mark certainly seems like a good organizer and planner, but I think Eric would be better at leading and controlling.

B: I am not so sure I agree that Eric would lead well. As we said, he appears less motivated: it’s hard to motivate and inspire others if you’re not motivated yourself. A: Good point. Let’s sleep on it and we’ll make a decision tomorrow. 6.

A: Eric, how did your interview go?

B: I feel it went smoothly. How about yours?

A: I don’t know. I think I answered a question badly. They asked me to describe my greatest strength and my biggest weakness.

B: They asked me that question too. What did you answer? A: So then what did you say your biggest weakness is?

B: Honestly, I don’t. You will never get hired because of a weakness, so I believe it’s best to show your qualities only at an interview.

A: I said that my greatest strength is that I am very passionate about everything I do. Then I said my biggest weakness is that I sometimes have trouble solving problems on my own. Do you think that is a good answer?

B: I said that I always want things to be perfect even though I know it’s not always possible.

A: Very clever.

Unit 10

1.L J A F I H C D B E G K

2、a b b a

3、(1) a c (2) b c (3) a c (4) a b 4、(1) a b c (2) b c d (3) a b c

5、Livestrong help people with cancer Lance Armstrong ONE end poverty and injustice Bono Personal commitment To help accomplish goals Kathleen Hall


Jean: I'm ready, are you ? Why don't you take that necklace off before you go in the pool ?

Chandra: Oh, this ? No, I never take it off .I wear it all the time .I've had it since I was a kid .

Jean: Really ? You've worn it since you were little ? Why ?

Chandra: Well, when I was a baby ,I lived in India .And I was sick all the time ,so my parents took me to a doctor .And, well, the doctor at first didn't want to treat me because - Jean: What? Why?

Chandra: Well, because I was a girl. Jean: Huh ? Because you were a girl ?

Chandra: Yeah, well, that's the way it was .Anyway, so my parents took me to this witch doctor, and I...

Jean: A witch doctor ?

Chandra: Yeah, well, I guess you could call her a...I don't know ,a spiritual healer .She was an old woman in our village .And she took a look at me and she said I needed silver.

Jean: Silver?

Chandra: Yeah. She said I needed silver so that I could get better .And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me.They put it on me ,and I got better . Jean: I don't believe that.

Chandra: Well, I didn't either for a while .But you know what ? When I was 20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while .And then, I started to get sick again .And I didn't get better .I was just sick all the time .And then I remembered the necklace ,and I put it on .And after that, I was fine. Jean: Wow. 7、

A:So what are you wearing to the party tonight?

B:I’m wearing a red dress with a new necklace I bought. A:Let me see the necklace.

B:I bought it for only 10 dollars. A:Very nice. Is it made of real silver?

B:No, it’s fake. But it looks real, doesn’t it? A:Yeah, is does. It’s very shiny. B:So what are you going to wear?

A:I’m just wearing a top with nice trousers.

B:Oh, come on. Wear something more fun. How about this skirt? A:Do you think it will fit me? B:Try it on.

A:It fits! This skirt will go nice with my top.

B:And it suits you! Here, wear this belt. It goes well with that skirt. 8、

A:Jane, I saw Helen yesterday: she just got her bellybutton pierced . B:Urgh! What did she do that for?

A:To show off her flat stomach of course! B:She’s mad.

A:Well, at least she doesn’t wear a stud in her nose!

B:That’s true. I wonder why she doesn’t? You’d think she’d prefer showing off her nose to her bellybutton.

A:She says almost all of her friends wear ear studs and earrings. She wants to be different. B:Well, look at me. I’m her friend, and I often don’t wear jewellery. A:That’s because you are plain and boring! Ha ha!

B:Well, look at me. I’m her friend, and I often don’t wear jewellery. A:Suit yourself!