技术创新与企业竞争力的关系 下载本文

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摘 要



关键词: 技术创新;企业;核心竞争力


Today's market economy, how to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises has become an important issue facing the enterprise market test, in order to establish themselves in this life and death struggle, the survival and development continues, technological innovation will become the core competitiveness of enterprises to improve the key. But now, to improve the technical innovation capability still exists a lot of confusion and difficulties, limitations of traditional concepts; lack of capital investment; market changes quickly; management personnel shortages have become a limiting factor. Then the face of today's highly competitive domestic and international markets, we want to enhance creativity through the enhancement of corporate R & D funding, as well as ways to combine marketing and training of personnel to resolve..

In this paper, the theoretical study of techno-economic paradigm based on technological innovation, the first of existing technology innovation theory are reviewed, and then down to the enterprise level, analyze the impact of technological innovation and the competitiveness of enterprises, and how to foster further innovation for the use of technology issues of core competitiveness of enterprises to make a detailed discussion and analysis..

Keywords: Technological innovation; business;


第一章 引 言 ........................................................ 1 第二章 企业技术创新综述 ............................................. 2

2.1企业技术创新的涵义 ........................................... 2 2.2 目前我国技术创新的特征与问题 ................................ 3

2.2.1由于经济环境的制约,企业技术创新存风险 ................. 3 2.3技术创新的影响因素成为创新成功与否的关键 ..................... 4 第三章 新知识经济下企业竞争力的分析与思考 ........................... 5

3.1企业竞争力的涵义 ............................................. 5 3.2 企业竞争力的评价指标体系与应用 .............................. 5

3.2.1企业竞争力评价指标 ..................................... 5 3.2.2企业竞争力评价指标的应用 ............................... 6 3.3 制约和影响企业竞争力的因素 .................................. 7

3.3.1企业产权结构与治理结构 ................................. 7 3.3.2创新能力的高低影响企业竞争力的提升 ..................... 7 3.3.3人力资源是制约竞争力提升的重要因素 ..................... 7 3.3.4成本的高低是决定竞争力的一个重要因素 ................... 7 3.4技术创新对顾客的影响 ......................................... 8 3.5技术创新对产品的影响 ......................................... 8 3.6 技术创新对技术的影响 ........................................ 9 第四章 企业技术创新与竞争力的相互作用及关联 ........................ 10

4.1 企业技术创新促使企业竞争力的提升 ........................... 10

4.1.1技术创新将有利于企业核心技术的升级 .................... 10 4.1.2技术创新的成果转化及产业扩散 .......................... 11 4.1.3通过技术创新强化企业,优化企业的竞争环境 .............. 11 4.2 企业竞争能力制约技术创新能力的提高 ......................... 11

4.2.1企业技术创新内部因素角度 .............................. 12

4.2.2企业技术创新外部因素角度 .............................. 13

第五章 对企业进行技术创新提高竞争力的几点思考 ...................... 14

5.1 由创新,提高企业市场控制力与受益 ........................... 14 5.2根据企业自身素质,选择相应的创新模式 ........................ 14 5.3企业应该建立技术创新激励机制 ................................ 16 5.4 加快技术创新成果的转化 ..................................... 16 5.5技术创新的持续与保护 ........................................ 16 5.6借鉴国外模式,结合实际进行创新 .............................. 17 第六章 加强技术创新管理,增强企业竞争力 ............................ 19

6.1重视技术创新,建立科学战略 .................................. 19 6.2 建立健全有效的技术创新激励机制 ............................. 20 6.3培育创新型企业文化 .......................................... 21 6.4健全组织机构,培养高素质创新人才 ............................ 21 6.5 加强技术研发管理 ........................................... 22 6.6信息化是创新能力的重要因素 .................................. 22 第七章 总结 ........................................................ 24 致 谢 ............................................................ 25 参考文献 ........................................................... 26