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With the rapidly growing Sino-U.S. economy cooperation, China has become the third largest trading partner and the fastest-growing export market of the United States, while the U.S. is now China’s second largest trading partner and top source of FDI. Such cooperation has not only delivered enormous tangible benefits to the two peoples but also boosted economic growth across the world. The import by the U.S. of larger amounts of Chinese products of good quality and low prices has alleviated the inflation pressure and saved American consumers nearly U.S.$20 billion every year. American capital, technology and managerial expertise, in turn, have instilled vitality into the Chinese economy. Many young Chinese are making calls with Motorola cell phones, working with Dell or Compaq laptops, and hanging out with friends in Starbucks , McDonald’s or KFC.
The current global environment is, taken as a whole, as promising as it has been for the last few years. Last year’s growth performance was impressive by any standard. And low inflation globally has provided a significantly improved environment for economic policymaking. But there are clouds on the horizon: continuing geopolitical uncertainly; the global payments imbalances; uncomfortably high energy prices. The old adage is true---it really does make sense to fix the roof while the sun is shining. Longer term stability will only come if governments follow prudent fiscal polices and undertake reforms during good times .
总体来说目前的国际环境与过去的几年一样令人乐观。无论用什么标准来看,去年的经济增长都很出色。全球的低通货膨胀率为经济政策的制定显著改善了环境。然而天边也有阴云:地缘政治的不确定性持续不断,全球收支失衡依然存在,高昂的油价令人担忧。古话说得好,未雨绸缪很有必要。只有政府采取谨慎的财政政策并在经济景气的时候进行改革才能获得长期稳定。 P2
Last year was the best year for global GDP growth in decades. Most parts of the world recorded improved growth performance. The prospects for this year remain favorable, although growth is likely to be at a slower, more sustainable pace: it is projected to fall from about 5% to under 4.5% this year. Global trade has also recovered strongly since the downturn in 2001, and continues to be an important engine of growth: it is currently expanding at something close to twice the rate of growth of the world GDP.
去年是十几年来全球总值增长最快的一年。世界大部分地区都有进一步增长。今年的前景看来也很乐观,尽管增长速度可能会稍微慢一些,持续性会更强一些。预计今年的增长率会从5%下降到不足4.5%。全球贸易自从2001年低迷时期以后也反弹强劲,并且继续成为增长的重要动力:目前的增长速度几乎是全球国内生产总值的两倍。 P3
There are 49 countries and regions in Asia, and most of them are developing economies. Economic globalization will benefit them in the following manner: it will facilitate their access to more capital, especially direct investment from multinationals, which will enable them to speed up their economic development and restructuring. It will encourage them acquire and exploit new markets and develop foreign trade and economic cooperation with other countries by giving full
play to their advantages. Furthermore, it will enable them to acquire advanced technologies and management expertise more quickly so that they will be able to make better use of their advantages as late starters and attain technological progress by leaps and bounds. P 4
At the same time, it must be noted that economic globalization is a double-edge sword. As the unfair and unreasonable international political and economic order has not been fundamentally changed yet, economic globalization has exacerbated the uneven development among countries and regions and widened, in particular, the gap between the North and the South and between the rich and the poor. It has also made developing countries more vulnerable to the impact of external economic turmoil and financial crisis, as evidenced by the grave impact of the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s on some Asian countries and regions.
Unit 5
Mr. President, Madam Liu, Laura and I are honored to welcome you and your delegation to the White House. It’s a pleasure to have you here, along with our other distinguished guests. In 2008, China will welcome athletes from all over the world as your great nation hosts the summer Olympics. Beijing will showcase China’s transformation and demonstrate China’s commitment to the international institutions that make fair and peaceful competition possible for all nations. Mr. President, I thank you for the constructive and candid conversations we had this morning. I appreciate the opportunity to expand the dialogue between our two great nations. And Mr. President, I’m pleased to offer a toast to you and to your
gracious wife, and to the people of China.
主席阁下,刘女士,劳拉和我非常荣幸欢迎您和您的代表团来到白宫。非常高兴您还有其他尊贵的朋友能来到白宫。2008年中国举办奥运会,届时来自世界各地的运动员将齐聚中国。北京将向世人展示中国的转变,展示中国致力于建立一个对于所有国家都公正和平的竞争环境的承诺。主席阁下,感谢您今天早上与我进行了坦诚并富有建设性的谈话。我十分珍惜在我们两个伟大国家之间进一步拓宽对话的机会。主席阁下,让我们为您、为您的尊贵的夫人、为中国人民干杯! P 2
Today, I am delighted to have this opportunity to attend the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum, and discuss with distinguished statesman, entrepreneurs and scholars from many countries the prospect of the world economy in the 1990s. Please allow me to extend my greetings to the President to the President of the Annual Meeting and all the ladies and gentlemen present here. My greetings also go to government and people of our host, the Swiss Confederation. 我今天十分高兴有机会参加世界经济论坛年会,与来自各国的政治家、企业家和学者们讨论90年代世界经济形势展望,请允许我向大会主席,以及与会的女士们、先生们致意;同时还要向东道主瑞士政府和人民致意。 P3
在这个美好的夜晚,我很高兴同大家在这里相聚,参加2005年北京《财富》全球论坛的开幕式。首先我谨代表中国政府,并以我个人的名义,对各位朋友的到来表示诚挚的欢迎!向论坛主办方美国时代华纳集团表示衷心的祝贺!这次论坛确定以“中国和新的亚洲世纪”为主题,充分表达了大家对中国和亚洲发展前景的关注,表达了大家对中国及亚洲的发展对全球经济增长所发挥的作用的关注。 I am very delighted to be with you here to join in the opening ceremony of the 2005 Fortune Global Forum in Beijing on this beautiful evening. To begin with, I’d like to, on behalf of the Chinese government, and also in my personal name, to express my sincere welcome to all of you, and congratulations to the forum sponsor, Time Warner Inc.! The forum, themed “China and the new Asian Century”, shows the
great concern over the prospects of the development of china and Asia, and the roles of china and Asia in the global economy. P4
Good afternoon. Welcome to the perfect whitening and crystal shining world of “Decimal System”. Thanks for attending the press conference of OLAY white radiance. We’ll witness the launching of a new product of white radiance series----OLAY Translucent Fairness Aqua Foundation in China. Please allow me, on behalf of P&G, to extend our warmest welcome to all the guests presenting here today.