八年级下册英语易错题及答案 下载本文

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38、Milk is a kind of natural food A it’s safe bodies.

A、so;for B、so;with C、because;for D、because;with (be safe for sb.对某人是安全的。前句为原因,后句为结果,故用so) 39、We hope B a good time on the trip. Thank you.

A、you to have B、you have C、you having D、you to enjoy (hope 希望,后接动词不定式或宾语从句作宾语)

40、You’d better advise her A clothes in dark colors. It can make her slimmer. A、to wear;look B、wearing;look C、to wear;looks D、wear;look (advise sb. to do sth,建议某人做某事;make sb. do sth. 使(让)某人做某事) 41、A reporter goes to work B old blue jeans,a work shirt and sneakers. A、on B、in (表示穿衣服用介词in) C、of D、without 42、Do you know about Gong Li? Yes,she is known C young people. A、as B、by C、to D、for

(be known to?为??所知;be known as?作为??而知名;be known for?因??而知名;)

43、 Sun Fei, it is cold B the room. You’d better put on your sweater when you go out to play. OK, I will.

A、inside B、outside C、out D、in 二、填空题:

(take out拿出 take away拿走 take off脱下 take back收回) (become的过去时是became)



cry, upset

1、Helen lost her pet dog and she cried 。 2、I’m always upset before the exams.

Interest,finish,try,even,read,understand,stop,feeling,wonderful,watch Dear Mom,

I have many ideas to share with you. I don’t think you understand my life. You hope I’m studying all the time. You never think about my feelings. I study hard at school all day. When I get home at night, you still ask me to study, even on the weekends. You know, everyone has his own interests and sometimes he should relax himself, like watching TV, listening to music or taking exercise. But you asked don’t allow me to do so. Two days ago ,When I was watching a football game on TV, you asked me to stop to do my homework. After finishing my homework, you still don’t allow me to read any story books. You said I had to go to bed early. I know you want me to find a good job when I grow up, but I’d like to have a wonderful time, too. I promise I will try my best, but I hope you can leave me a relaxed mood.


1、Who hung (hang) the map on the wall? Michael did. 2、Who will give the speech (speak) next? It’s me. 3、She will go to bed after she finishes (finish) her homework.

4、In some African countries, there are still not enough food supplies (supply). 5、It’s said (say) that Mr. Chen is a good cook. Really? Yes, he cooks very well. 6、When I was a little child, I walked more quickly (quick) than any other child.


7、When they got home, Susan’s husband was waiting for (wait for) them in the lining room. (过去进行时)

8、Mr. Wang advised / advices (advice) us to read English aloud every morning. It is good for our study.


1、It’s normal (正常的)to feel sad if you can’t pass the exam。

1、I felt so comfortable (舒服的)and warm in bed that I did n’t want to get up yesterday morning.

3、Please make a decision(决定)on which subject you will choose. 4、The teacher’s words make me feel a sense(感觉)of happiness all the time. 5、How much is the T-shirt? Fifty dollars(美元)。

6、We worry about dealing with (处理)such feeling problems. (worry about doing sth.是固定短语)

7、I’m glad to receive / get (收到)a letter from my pen-pal.

8、Look! The students are having a class meeting to decide on (决定)the way to travel.

9、His parents are on vacation (度假)in Canada now.

10、At last, we got off (下车)our bus to get something to eat. 11、Could you tell me some advantages(优点)robots? 12、We have all kinds of cookers(炊具)in Chinese food culture. 13、Don’t eat too many sweet biscuits(饼干)。They are bad for your teeth.

14、Because of our effort (努力),we raised some money to help those people in trouble.


15、I heard from (收到……来信)him yesterday. I must write back him soon. 16、The good news from Lily cheerde Jim up (使振作、高兴) 17、What people wear depends on (取决于)their likes and dislikes. 18、After a few minutes, the fisherman pulled (拉)his line out.

19、Maria, someone is waiting for you outside(在……外面)the school gate. 20、In our daily life, some people’s marriages(婚姻)are happy and others are unhappy.


1、He looks worried. (对划线部分提问) How does he look ? 2、Miss Wang is talking to Helen。(同义句转换) Miss Wang is having a talk with Helen。 3、Please take good care of yourself.(同义句转换)

Please care for yourself well . / Please look after yourself carefully. 4、I felt terrible when I was ill.(对画线部分提问) How did you fell when you were ill?

5、I’d like to book 3 standard rooms.(对划线部分提问) How many Standard rooms would you like to book? 6、We spent 100 yuan buying two movie tickets.(同义句转换)

We paid 100 yuan for two movie tickets. / Two movie tickets cost us 100 yuan. / It took us 100 yuan to buy two tickets. 7、It took us two hours to get to the nearest village.(同义句转换)

We spent two hours getting to / in reaching / arriving at the nearest village. 8、Why not explore Beijing on our bicycles?(同义句转换)


Why don’t we explore Beijing on our bicycles?

9、We’ll talk about it. We’ll make the decision tomorrow.(用before连成一句) We’ll talk about it before we make the decision tomorrow 。

10、There are a lot of trees and grass on both sides of the road.(同义句转换) There are a lot of trees and grass on each / either side of the road. 11、You had better taste something special in the place of interest.(用not common改为同义句) You had better not taste anything common in the place of interest. 12、Get up early, or you’ll be late. (同义句转换) If you don’t get up early, you will be late.

13、This ruler is 50 centimeters long. That ruler is 100 centimeters long.(用as…as连成一句) This ruler is half as long as that one. (一半长)

14、I think. Tom can’t finish his homework before 9:30.(合并为含有宾语从句的复合句)I don’t think Tom can finish his homework before 9:30。 15、Mary decided to go to Jiuzhaigou for holiday.(同义句转换) Mary made a decision to go to Jiuzhaigou for holiday. 16、We had a good time in the park last weekend.(同义句转换) We enjoyed ourselves in the park last weekend.

17、The bus comes here.(改为倒装句) Here comes the bus 。 18、Remember to close the door when you leave here, will you ?(完成反义疑问句) 19、Can you tell me what I should wear today? (同义句转换) Can you tell me what to wear today? 20、Was the boy in this story good at history or not? (否定回答) No, he wasn’t.