2018年江苏省盐城市高考英语二模试卷 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/7/1 9:47:40星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)

1.(★)What's wrong with the man?

A. He is sick. B. He is thirsty. C. He is tired.

2.(★)What will the speakers discuss?

A. A paper. B. A new computer. C. A new viewpoint.

3.(★)Why does the man make the phone call?

A. To book a room. B. To apply for a job. C. To put an advertisement.

4.(★)How much time did the man spend on the exam?

A. One hour and 20 minutes. B. One hour and 40 minutes. C. Two hours and 20 minutes.

5.(★)Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In a museum. C. In a library.


6. What was the woman supposed to do that morning?

A. Pick up a guest B. Repair the fax machine. C. Attend a parents' meeting.

7. What is the woman complaining about?

A. Her bad luck. B. Her daily routine. C. Her naughty kids.

7.(★★★)听第7段材料,回答第8、9题. 8. Where does the woman work?

A. In the shoe section. B. In the clothes section. C. At the register. 9. How will the man go back?

A. By bus. B. By underground. C. By streetcar.

8.(★★★)听第8段材料,回答第10至12题. 10. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Hotline service. B. Daily life. C. Amusement program. 11. What is the purpose of starting the system for teenagers? A. To gain teenagers' trust. B. To make teenagers study hard. C. To protect teenagers' rights. 12. Who might call the number of 961961? A. Students studying law.

B. Students suffering from depression.

C. Students having academic problems.

9.(★★★)听第9段材料,回答第13至16题. 13. What do the speakers want to see?

A. Monkeys. B. Bears. C. Elephants.

14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student B. Father and daughter. C. Boyfriend and girlfriend.

15. Where is the polar bear?

A. In a room. B. In the open C. In a pool. 16. Why does tine woman advise the man to move to Alaska? A. He is sick of the hot climate. B. He wants to open a café there. C. He wants to save the polar bear.

10.(★★)听第10段材料,回答第17 至20题. 17. Who is the woman speaking to?

A. Restaurant managers. B. Kitchen assistants. C. Restaurant chefs. 18. What might happen if the staff wear rings in work?

A. The rings might get lost. B. The rings might get damaged. C The rings might cause danger.

19. How does the woman describe the job?

A. It's boring. B. It's stressful. C. It's dangerous 20Why will they be very busy that day?

A. Most tables are reserved. B. The head chef is on holiday. C The staff are green hands.

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节)第一节单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该项涂黑.

11.(★)\,______ invites foreign native worldwide to experience unique job, is a project under the guidance of the State Council.( )

A.that B.which C.where D.what

12.(★)- How are you getting along with your presentation? - Almost ready, and I ______ all I am supposed to.( )


B.had done

C.have done D.shall have done

13.(★)Divided into six themes, Victoria's Secret Fashion Show ______ 55 models in 87 looks.( )

A.featured B.represented

C.attracted D.impressed

14.(★)- Metteo's new album Parama has turned out to be a hit. - Oh, he is really ______ of a lucky dog.( )

A.nothing B.anything C.everything D.something

15.(★)I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of ______ the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren't there for the day.( )

A.confirming B.predicting C.pretending D.concluding

16.(★)The palace has been restored to resemble ______ it was during the time of Emperor Qianglong.( )

A.what B.that C.which D.how

17.(★)The policy was rejected ______ a more cautious one.( )

A.in case of B.in view of

C.in favor of D.in place of

18.(★)--- When will you ______ travelling? --- Maybe next week.( )

A.go in for

B.get around to

C.look forward to D.hold on to

19.(★)America has become known for its ____ of individualism, which has been a source of conflict with other cultures.( )

A.push B.ban C.offence D.control

20.(★)--- Do you know the guy over there?