仁爱版英语八年级下册Unit6 Topic1 SectionC 随堂练习 下载本文

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Unit6 Topic1 SectionC 随堂练习

一、用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 dollar, common, king, Canada, raise 1. They sold their old books to ______ money for the Hope Project.

2. It’s ______ for her stories to end with sadness. We seldom feel happy after reading them.

3. The lion is the ______ in the forest.

4. Maria is a ______ girl. She comes from Canada.

5. Can you believe so many books cost Helen only ten ______? 二、单项选择。

1. —Would you like to go to movies with me tomorrow? —I’d love to, but I have some homework ____. A. doing

B. did

C. will do

D. to do

2.—You can use my computer ____ you with your study. —Thank you A. help

B. helping

C. helped

D. to help

3. My sister is looking forward ____ her boyfriend soon. A. to meet

B. meeting

C. to meeting

D. for meeting

4. I want to own a building ____ a beautiful garden. A. to

B. of

C. with

D. for

5. —I want to buy a computer, but my parents aren’t going to give me any money. —Don’t worry. You can ____ money ____. A. give; yourself

B. raise; yourself

C. give; yourselves D. raise; yourselves


1. —You can choose anything you want. I’ll ______ ______ (付钱)it. —It’s very kind of you.

2. The cinema puts on some famous films now, ______ ______ (例如)Rush Hour and Home Alone.

3. Lucy ______ ______ (收到……来信) her pen pal last Sunday.

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4. I will ______ my father ______ ______ smoking(建议戒烟).

5. I’m really ______ ______ ______ (盼望)taking part in your birthday party. 四、根据图片及提示词,用动词不定式写句子。

1. put on, raise, people in Wenchuan


2. many books, for students, read


3. learn, draw pictures, now


4. ask, hand in my homework, on time


5. dangerous, play with


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