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中考一轮复习 S(一)开头词汇


??以字母 S 开头的单词名词 square /skwe?/

n. 广场;平方;正方形

Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场

The Sahara is about 9,600,000 square kilometers in size.

street /stri?t/ n. 街,街道

on/in the street 在街上 street people (城市)无家可归者 灯

supermarket /'su?p?mɑ?k?t/ n. 超市 superhero /'su?p?h??r??/ n. 超

级英雄复数:superheroes store /st??/ n. 商店

v. 储藏,存储

You can store coffee beans in the freezer. shop /??p/

n. 商店;制造厂;修配店 v. 购物

go shopping 或 do some / the shopping 购 物 shopping center / mall 购物中心

stairs /sterz/ n. 楼梯

She always runs up / down the stairs. 她总是跑着上下楼。

upstairs / downstairs

n. [sing.] 楼上/楼下(尤指地面的一层) the downstairs adj. 楼上的/楼下的 an upstairs room adv. 在楼上,往楼上;在楼下,往楼下 live downstairs

streetlight/streetlamp 路

rush downstairs

step /step/ n. 脚步;台阶

step by step 逐步地 v. 走;跨步;踩;踏

She stepped backwards and fell over a chair. 她向后退,撞到并摔倒在椅子上。 shelf /?elf/ n. (pl. shelves) 架子;搁板 steel /sti?l/ n. 钢铁;钢 [U]



sort /s??t/

v. 把……分类,拣选 n. 种类;类别

all sorts of…= all kinds of… 各种各样的 sort of 有几分, 有点 (= kind of)

I feel sort of sick. 我觉的有点儿恶心。

soap /s??p/ n. 肥皂 soap operas 肥皂剧 stamp /st?mp/ n. 邮票;印章 collect stamps 集邮 scissors /'s?z?z/ n. (pl.) 剪刀

scissor adj. 剪刀的;剪刀似的

a scissor blade 剪刀的刀刃

The legs move in a scissor action. 两腿像剪刀似的运动。

scoop /sku?p/ n. 勺;铲子 shirt /???t/ n. 衬衫

keep your shirt on 别生气,请保持冷静 Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke.

skirt /sk??t/ n. 女裙 shoe /?u?/ n. 鞋 shorts /???ts/ n. 短裤 sock /s?ks/ n. 短袜 sweater /'swet?/ n. 毛衣;厚运动衫 silk /s?lk/ n. (蚕)丝;丝绸;丝织物 [U] style /sta?l/ n. 方式,作风;样式,款式

a style of leadership 领导作风

shape /?e?p/ n. 形状;外形

v. 使成型;制造;塑造

out of shape 走样的;不健康的 shape…into… 使……成为……形状

Shape the dough into small balls. 把面团搓成小丸子。

size /sa?z/ n. 大小,尺寸;尺码,型,号

I take size 10 shoes. 我穿 10 号鞋。 shoulder /'???ld?/ n. 肩膀

shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地;齐心协力地 neck and neck 不相上下

on one’s shoulders (责任)由某人承担 stomach /'st?m?k/ n. 胃;腹部;肚子 [pl.] stomachs



Andrew was lying on his stomach. 安德鲁俯卧着。 stomachache /'st?m?ke?k/ n. 胃痛;腹痛 [C, U] have a stomachache 胃疼 have a pain in your chest / leg / back 某个部位疼 sofa /'s??f?/ n. (长)沙发 soccer /'s?k?/ n. (英式)足球 swing /sw??/ n. 秋千

v. (swung, swung) 摇摆;摇荡

I saw a monkey swinging on the swing. strength /stre?θ/

n. 力量[U];长处,优势[C] He

pushed against the rock with all his strength.

sport /sp??t/ n. 体育运动,锻炼;(sports) [BrE] 运动会

运动会:a sports meeting two sports meetings服装店:a clothes store two clothes stores男教师:a man teacher two men teachers 女医生:a woman doctor five women doctors

★★除个别名词外,其余名词作定语要用单数,如“苹果树 apple trees”。 sporty 擅长(喜欢)运动的;漂亮的,花哨的,潇洒的I’m not a very sporty person. 我不是一个擅长运动的人。a sporty jacket and skirt 一套花哨的外套和裙子 speed /spi?d/ n. 速度

at speed 快速

The bus was already travelling at speed. 那辆公共汽车已经在疾驰了。 at a speed of… 以……速度

a truck traveling at a speed of 50 mph 以每小时 50 英里的速度行驶的卡车

v. (speeded, speeded; sped, sped) 快速前行

He sped away on his bike. 他飞快地骑着车走了。 speed up (使)加速

The train soon speeded up. 火车很快加速了。 subway /'s?bwe?/ n. 地铁(美)

take the subway / by subway 乘地铁

underground (often: the Underground) 地铁(英)

I always travel by underground.

station /'ste??(?)n/ n. 站,所,车站;电台

AmE:train / subway stations 火车站/地铁站
