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with them. Others usually regard being punctual as a sign of eeping the promise. On the other hand, lateness sometimes brings about much trouble in solving urgent problems.
As for those who are unintentionally late, lie Johnson and Joanna, I have two suggestions as follows. First, whenever you mae appointments with others, mae sure you have understood all the details and try to get there a few minutes before the appointed time. Second, mae good preparations for the appointments but never become too particular about every detail.
41.shut down本意为“关闭”,此处引申为“自我封闭”。 51.根据下文中的confident可知。
56. 答案为C。细节理解题,本题要求选出错误信息。根据“Search for unclaimed money and property in every state where you have lived”可知,某个州或者几个州可能欠你的钱,证明A选项符合事实;根据“And eep an eye out at state fairs and even malls, where state treasurers and other officials hold public awareness events”可知,在集市或者购物商场,财政主管和其他官员可能会对公众进行宣传,告知公众取回自己应得的钱,因此B选项符合事实;“And scammers may try to tric you with fae promises of money from the government”中的tric和fae等词表明了C答案与事实相反;根据“You also may be owed a pension if a company you wored for went out of business”可知D选项符合事实。 57. 答案为D。细节理解题。文中给出了FDIC的全称“Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation”,根据“insured financial institution”以及“deserves your trust”可知这是一种被保险的、值得信任的金融机构,符合句意;ST表示“州财政主管”,“CP”表示“现雇主”,PP表示“前雇主”,不是放钱的地方。
这是一篇说明文,讲述的是人们对幸福的追求。 58. B 细节理解题。A选项中的easily错误;参考第五段首句后面的“once the basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter have been met”可知C选项缺少条件;D选项中的“shrin from”没有依据。
59. C 写作功能题。根据原文中的“misery may love company, but so does happiness”的后半句,以及所举的例子,可知C为作者所要表达的内容;A答案很片面;BD两个选项都不是作者想要表达的主要意思。 60. B 推理判断题。由第五段第2、3句中的“……social networ”和“Being socially active……”可知。A选项中的the meaning of life错误;C选项中的your problems错误;D选项没有依据。
61. D 主旨大意题。文章前半部分讲述了幸福的重要性和益处,后半部分讲述了幸福的,因此ABC三个选项都片面。
这是一篇科普说明文,介绍了河流如何调节全球的碳循环。 62. D 细节理解题。根据第3段最后两句“At the same time, rivers also erode carbon-containing rocs into particles. This process sends the previously loced-up carbon bac into the atmosphere.”可知河流侵蚀含碳的石头,石头变成颗粒,最终石头中的碳返回大气。 63. A 猜测词义题。根据后半句子中的“for the first time”可以推测出词义。
64. C推断理解题。根据第4段最后一句“They also discovered that the more erosion occurs along the river, the more carbon it transfers to sea and disconnects from the air.”可以得知在侵蚀严重的地区,河流会把更多的碳送进海洋。在茂密的森林地区,河流的侵蚀作用比较小,所以进入海洋的碳也较少。
这是一篇议论文,讨论了阻碍女性职业发展的内外因素。 65. A。依据文中第一段末句“Conditions for all women will improve when there are more women in leadership roles giving strong and powerful voice to their needs and concerns.” 可知正确答案。
66. B。文中第二段介绍了外部障碍(eternal barriers),选项A、C和D均在第二段中有所体现;第三段介绍了内部障碍(internal barriers),选项B对应于该段中“We lower our own epectations of what we can achieve.”,因此属于内部障碍,故选B。
67. C。细读文章第三段可知,作者在反思自身出现的种种问题(即内部障碍)。该段并没有直接鼓励女性改变现状的表达,因此排除A项;根据最后三句“This is not a list of things other women have done. I have made every mistae on this list. At times, I still do.”可知,作者自身也存在这些问题,因此排除B项;联系全文,作者将在下文为女性改变现状寻找出路,因此排除D项。
68. A。根据本段中“Both sides are right. So rather than engage in philosophical arguments over which comes first, let’s agree to wage battles on both fronts.”,说明作者主张不要在理论上争论谁是因谁是果,而应同时解决两方面的问题,即外部障碍和内部障碍。其它选项仅仅从一个方面提出解决。
69. C。根据倒数第二段中“We can brea the hurdles in ourselves today. We can start this very moment.”可知,作者要通过写一本书告诉职业女性如何从自身角度打破这些障碍。
70. D。根据倒数第二段中“These internal barriers deserve a lot more attention, in part because they are under our own control.”可知答案。根据第一段末句,排除A项。
70.A 观点态度题。纵观全文柏金斯多出赞扬了菲兹杰拉德的高超技艺,又客气委婉地提出了自己的建议,故选A项。
复杂结构或较高级词汇,通篇文章句型单调、无关联词、文章欠流畅、时态错误太多,降档处理。 (一)语言方面:
1)概括图文内容: 6分(其中图表2分;文字4分,每个原因各2分); 2)迟到带的不良影响: 9分(主题句3分,两种影响各3分); 3) 建议:10分(每条建议各5分)。
1、三处乱涂扣1分,五处乱涂扣2分,五处以上扣3分(乱涂的鉴定:如在写错 的单词上划上1-2道线的不算乱涂,三道线以上以及不规则的乱划算乱涂)。
2、不按要求将内容写在规定范围以外的,扣1分。 3、书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低1个档次。
第五档 (很好):(21—25分)
第四档 (好):(16—20分) 1.完全完成了试题规定的任务。2.虽漏掉1、2个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。3.应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。4.语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。5.应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。6.达到了预期的写作目的。
第三档 (适当):(11—15分)
第二档 (较差):(6—10分)
第一档 (差):(1—5分)
听力原文: Tet 1
M I can’t find my English boo in the drawer. Has anyone taen it?
W It should be on your des in the bedroom. I cleaned the drawer yesterday. Tet 2
M So, how does it feel to have your new corner office?
W It’s been a dream for a long time, and I can’t believe it has come true. The pay rise has also been helpful, since my oldest daughter is about to start college in the fall. M Really? Congratulations! Tet 3
W Could you tell me how I can get the ticet for the concert?
M Yes. You can wait here in the line or go bac home and buy it on the Internet. W Because of the hot weather, I prefer not to stand here in the sunshine. Tet 4
W Can you tell us what you lie doing in the evening?
M Well, I lie music. I listen to a lot of pop music. Most of all, I lie watching TV. It’s much better than reading a boo. Tet 5
M So, what do you thin of Peter?
W He needs a few lessons in fashion. That shirt he wears all the time loos lie a tablecloth. Tet 6
W Hey, Ben. Did you do well in your essay?
M I just got a B plus, but Mr Jones gave Tom full mars.
W I’m not surprised. He’s a teachers’ pet, you now. They always give him good mars.
M Teachers’ pet? I don’t thin so. You now, he’s my roommate. He gets up early and goes to bed late every day.
W Maybe that’s just his habit.
M No, you envy him, don’t you? I always see him in the library. W Oh! No wonder he is a top student. Tet 7
M Welcome to Shanghai. W Than you indeed. M Is everything settled? W Almost.
M What else can I do for you?
W I suppose I should loo for a bigger house. But I don’t see how I can afford one right now.