船舶与海洋工程专业本科培养计划 下载本文

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船舶与海洋工程专业本科培养计划 Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering


1、Educational Objectives


This specialty fosters students be adapted to the development requirement of modern society.,Equipped them with the fundamental knowledge of design, research and manufacture of Ship and Marine Engineering Structures as basic skills to be engaged in this industry as well as the initiative of adapting themselves to the development of Naval Architecture, and Marine Engineering, and the ability to enter relative industries.


2、Educational Requirement



1、掌握物理、数学、力学、船舶及海洋工程原理等本专业领域的基础理论知识; 2、掌握船舶与海洋结构物的设计制造的理论、方法和工艺过程;

3、具有本专业必需的设计、制图、计算、计算机应用及文献检索的基本技能和知识; 4、熟悉技术经济学、贸易与经营、造船生产管理、水上运动装备与训练等知识。


For this specialty, students mainly study basic theories and knowledge of mathematics, mechanics and principle of naval architecture & ocean engineering, accept necessary training of engineering graphics, mechanical design, design and manufacture of naval architecture and ocean structure, and master the basic ability to design, research, manufacture and inspect of naval architecture and ocean structure.

After four year’s systemic learning and training, graduates should bear knowledge and abilities as following:

1. Systematically master the elemental theories and knowledge in Mathematics, Mechanics, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering.

2. Systematically master the theories, methods and techniques process of Ship and Offshore Structures Design. 3. Equip them with the fundamental skill and knowledge of design, drawing, calculation, computer applications and literature searches.

4. Be familiar with the knowledge in Technological Economics, Trade and Marketing, Management of Shipbuilding Production, Water Sport Equipment and Training.

5. Have strong ability of independent study, creating initiative, and team work spirit, and possess a high comprehensive quality.


3、 Major Disciplines & Major Courses 主干学科:数学、力学、船舶与海洋工程

Major Disciplines: Mathematics, Mechanics, Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering


Major Courses: Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Fluid Mechanics A, Structural Mechanics of Ships, Ship Statics, Ship Resistance, Ship Propulsion, Ship Kinematics, Principle of Ship Design, Shipbuilding Technology, Hull Intensity and Structure Design, Naval Arch & Marine Engineering Graphics, Hydrodynamic Basis of Marine Engineering, Dynamics Basis of Ocean Engineering, Design of offshore Platform, Construction technique of offshore Platform


4、 Characteristic Courses


Ship Statics, Ship Resistance, Ship Propulsion, Ship Kinematics, Principle of Ship Design, Shipbuilding Technology, Hull Intensity and Structure Design, Design of Offshore Platform, Construction Technique of Offshore Platform


5、 Length of School and Degree 修业年限:四年 Duration: 4 years


Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineer


6、 Graduation Credit Criteria Credit Criteria of Different Kinds of Courses Total 总学分 209.5 Required Courses 必修课学分 134 Selective Courses 选修课学分 24 Practice Courses 实践课学分 43.5 Study Credit after Class课外学分 8


7、Theory Course Schedule 课程 课程 类别 性质 Courses Courses ClassifiNature -ed 课 程 名 称 Course Name 思想道德修养与法律基础 Morals, Ethics and Fundamentals of Law 马克思主义基本原理 Marxism Philosophy 中国近现代史纲要 Outline of Chinese Contemporary and Modern History 其中(学时) 各学期学时分配 Including Hours Distribution in a Semester 学时/ 学分 上机 实践 课外 实验 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 Hrs/Crs Oper- Prac-Extra-Exp. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th ation tice cur. 48/3 48/3 32/2 32 48 48 公 毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论 Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and 96/6 “Three Represent’s” important Thought 32 64 32 必 军事理论 Military Theory 体育 Physical Education 大学英语 College English 大学计算机基础 Foundation of Computer 计算机程序设计基础(C语言) Fundamentals of Computer Program Design (C Language) 高等数学A Advanced Mathematics A 线性代数 Linear Algebra 概率论与数理统计 Probability and Mathematics Statistic 大学物理B Physics B 物理实验B Physics Lab. B 小 计 Subtotal 人文社会科学类 Humanity and Social Science Courses 艺术限定性选修课 Conditional Selective Course of Art 自然科学技术类 Natural Science Courses 任意选修课 Other Courses 36/2 144/4 256/16 32/2 56/3.5 176/11 48/3 56/3.5 120/7.5 12 20 18 36 0 0 0 共 72 36 36 36 36 64 64 64 64 32 56 48 56 修 基 课 Required Courses General Education Elective Courses 础96 80 课 Public Basic Courses 56 64 56/3.5 56 28 28 1204/ 56 32 50 72 260 340 304 300 0 70 通识教育选修课全校学生至少选修艺术限定性课程32学时/2学分;理工类专业学生至少选修人文社会科学类课程64学时/4学分;其它专业学生至少选修自然科学技术类课程64学时/4学分。由学校统一安排选课。 All the students are required to select at least 32 hours/2 credits in the courses of Conditional Selective Course of Art. Students of Science and Engineering must select at least 64 hours/2 credits in the courses of Humanity and Social Science, and other students must select at least 64 hours/4 credits in the courses of Natural Science. Unified Arrangement by the University.