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美国文学史及选读综合练习(第二版) 李正栓
Exercise on American Literature
Part 1 The Literature of Colonial America (P3)
1. The most enduring shaping influence in American thought and literature was ______. (American Puritanism)
2. Among the members of the small band of Jamestown settlers was _____, an English soldier of fortune, whose reports of exploration, published in the early 1600s, have been described as the first distinct American literature written in English. (Captain John Smith)
3. Almost a hundred years earlier the Caribbean Islands, Mexico, and other parts of Central and South America were occupied by the _____. (Spanish)
4. The term “Puritan” was applied to those settlers who originally were devout members of the Church of ______. (England)
5. ______ College was established in 1636, with a printing press set up nearly in 1639. (Harvard)
6. Among all the settlers in the New Continent, ______ settlers were the most influential. (English)
7. The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at _____, Virginia. (Jamestown)
8. _____ was a famous explorer and colonist. He established Jamestown. (Captain John Smith)
9. In the book _____ John Smith wrote that “here nature and liberty afford us that freely which in England we want, or it costs us dearly.” (A Description of New England)
10. General history of Virginia contains Smith’s most famous tale of how the Indian princess named _______ saved him from the wrath of her father. (Pocahontas)
11. Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety, these were the ______ values that dominated much of the early American writing. (Puritan)
12. The American poets who emerged in the seventeenth century adapted the style of established European poets to the subject matter confronted in a strange, new environment. _______ Bradstreet was one such port. (Anne)
13. William Bradford himself used a word “_______” to describe the community of believers who sailed from Southampton, England, on the Mayflower and settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. (Pilgrims)
14. In 1620, ______ was elected Governor of Plymouth, Massachusetts. (William Bradford)
15. From 1621 until his death, _____ probably possessed more power than any
other colonial governor. (William Bradford)
16. William Bradford’s work _____ consists of two works. The first book deals with the persecutions of the Separatists in Scrooby, England, and the second book describes the signing of the “Compact”. (Mayflower) compact 17. The History of New England is a gift left us by _____. (John Winthrop)
18. ________ wrote his most impressive work The Magnalia Christi America. (Cotton Mather)
19. The writer who best expressed the Puritan faith in the colonial period was _______. (John Winthrop)
20. The Puritan philosophy known as _____ was important in New England during colonial time, and had a profound influence on the early American mind for several generations. (Puritanism)
21. Many Puritans wrote verse, but the work of two writers, Anne Bradstreet and _____, rose to the level of real poetry. (Edward Taylor)
22. A representative sermon A True Sight of Sin is ______’s main work. (Thomas Hooker)
23. Before his death, _______ had gained a position as America’s first systematic philosopher. (Jonathan Edwards)
24. Jonathan Edward’s masterpiece is _______. (Freedom of the Will)
25. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America is a collection of poems composed by _______. (Anne Bradstreet)
26. _______’s best verse is to be found in a series called “Preparatory Meditations”. (Edward Taylor)
27. The Day of Doom, a long-standing best-seller both in America and in England, was written by _______. (Michael Wiggleworth)
28. Charles Brockden Brown’s first novel ______, or _______ has been regarded as the first American novel. (Wieland, The Transformation; An American Tale) 29. With his elaborate metaphors, _______ was reminiscent of Richard Crashaw and George Herbert in English. (Edward Taylor)
1. English literature in America is only about more than _____ years old. (200) 2. The establisher of Jamestown was the famous explorer and colonist ______. (John Smith)
3. The Puritan dominating values were _____. (hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety) 4. The early history of _____ Colony was the history of Bradford’s leadership. (Plymouth)
5. Choose those names that were named after English monarch or land. (Georgia, New York, Carolina, New Hampshire)
6. _______ usually was regarded as the first American writer. (Captain John Smith) 7. Cotton Mather was a graduate of Oxford College.
8. Jonathan Edwards’ best and most representative sermon was ______. (Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)
9. Which writer is not a poet? Michael Wigglesworth, Anne Bradstreet, Edward
Taylor, Thomas Hooker. (D)
10. The common thread throughout American literature has been the emphasis on the ______. (Individualism)
11. Anne Bradstreet was a Puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she became known as the “_____” who appeared in America. (Tenth Muse) 12. The ship “_____” carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its way across the Atlantics. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts. (Mayflower)