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毕业论文(设计) 题目:小三宋体加粗,

居中(包括副题和标点符号,不超过36个汉新闻评论的社会舆论引导功能研究 字) ——以《人民论坛》评论为例


距2.5倍 姓 名

某某某 学 号 200408000 四号楷体,加粗。姓名若为两字者,中间空一格。 年 级 2005 专 业


系 (院) 传媒学院 姓名若为两字者,中指导教师 某 某 间空一格。


临沂大学2013届本科专业毕业论文(设计) 页眉:宋体、五号、居中,文字内容为临沂大学2013届本科专业毕业论文(设 计)。论文、设计二选一 小三号、黑体、居中,两字间空一格(注:一格的标准为一个汉字,下同) 中国现代文化转型期的知识分子辜鸿铭、鲁迅、林语堂对传统文化性质的不同认识, 摘 要 决定了他们对传统文化所持的态度,即:眷顾、弃绝、超脱。但在这个特定的环境下,三位学贯中西的文化名家又有着吾爱吾国、人本主义、反物质主义等相似的文化禀性。这可以使人们管窥出这个风云激荡的时代智识者的角色步步转换的轨迹,即从传统文化熏陶下的士大夫阶层,到具有强烈忧患意识的知识精英,到以学问为志业的学者。虽然其背后有各自不同的原因所支配,但这一趋向却是大体不错的。 关键词:辜鸿铭;鲁迅;林语堂;《狂人日记》;眷顾;弃绝;超脱关键词是反映毕业论文(设计)主体内容的名词,供检索使用。每篇毕业论文(设计)一般选取3-5个关键词,各关键词间用分号隔开,摘要内容后下空一行打印“关键词”三字(小四号黑体),其后依次为冒号、关键词(小四号宋体、每两个关键词之间用分号隔开)。 关键词,小四号、宋体。各关键词之间加分号,最后一个不加分号。 下空一行,摘要内容,小四号、楷体,每段开头空二格,行距1.5倍。 “摘要”应能客观地反映论文主要内容的信息,具有独立性和自含性。字数在200——300字之间。 I


Abstract 小三号、Times New 字体、加粗、居中 An alternative process was developed to prepare smaller Romanand nearly monodispersed thiol-stabilized platinum nanoparticles. The procedure involves the reduction of a Pt(IV) precursor salt by a small (10%) stoichiometric excess of sodium borohydride in the presence of a toluene solution of 1-dodecanethiol. Complete reduction of the Pt precursor was 下空二行,摘要内容,小四号、Times New Roman字体,空4个字。与中confirmed by elemental analysis and UV-vis spectroscopy. The platinum nanoparticles 文摘要对应。 prepared as such could be transferred directly to the toluene layer without the addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid that was previously reported as essential for the transfer to take place.TEM imaging shows a mean particle diameter of 英译正文行距2.6 nm and 1.5a nearly 倍 monodispersed particle size distribution . These results were used to formulate a protocol to prepare oligonucleotide-stabilized Pt nanoparticles with narrow particle size distribution and excellent stability in aqueous solutions.

An alternative process was developed to prepare smaller and nearly monodispersed thiol-stabilized platinum nanoparticles. The procedure involves the reduction of a Pt(IV) precursor salt by a small (10%) stoichiometric excess of sodium borohydride in the presence of a toluene solution of 1-dodecanethiol. Complete reduction of the Pt precursor was confirmed by elemental analysis and UV-vis spectroscopy. The platinum nanoparticles prepared as such could be transferred directly to the toluene layer without the addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid that was previously reported as essential for the transfer to take place.TEM imaging shows a mean particle diameter of 2.6 nm and a nearly monodispersed particle size distribution . These results were used to formulate a protocol to prepare oligonucleotide-stabilized Pt nanoparticles with narrow particle size distribution and excellent stability in aqueous solutions.

These results were used to formulate a protocol to prepare oligonucleotide-stabilized Pt nanoparticles with narrow particle size distribution and excellent stability in aqueous solutions.

Keywords:Platinum; Platinum; Platinum

首字母大写,小四号、Times New Roman字体、每两个关键词之间用分号隔开 摘要内容后下空一行,小四号、Times II New Roman字体、加粗、空两格 临沂大学2013届本科专业毕业论文(设计)

目 录 一、基因治疗研究与应用概述 ................................................ 1 小三号、黑体、居中,两字间空一格 (一)特异性外源基因的获得 .............................................. 1

1、用分子生物学技术分离与克隆 ......................................... 1 2、用限制性内切酶酶切 ................................................. 2 3、人工合成目的基因片段 ............................................... 2 4、 采用逆转录法获得CdNA ............................................. 2 二、关于基因治疗的伦理学问 ................................................ 3

1、基因治疗的必要性 ................................................... 3 2、基因治疗与人口的老龄化问题 ......................................... 4 注 释 .................................................................... 6 三级标题,宋体小四,行距:二级标题,宋体参考文献 .................................................................. 7 小四,缩进1字谢 辞 .................................................................... 8 符,行距:1.5倍。 1.5倍。缩进2字符 页码要右对齐 III