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课题:Unit 7 A good example


课次 教学对象 第8次课 小五培优班学员 四会词汇、 词组 (听写的单词) 1.example例子: Is William a good example? 2.hard努力地:I work hard. 3.get up起床:I usually get up at six o’clock. 4.late晚地:She works late twice a week. 5.rush冲,奔:I must rush. 6.twice两次:I cut my hair twice a month. 7.once一次:I play games once a week. 8.a waste of time浪费时间: It’s a waste of time. 9.nearly几乎:She goes out with friends nearly every night. 注:务必保证上课的每个单词的发音是正确的!常用单词会造句。 三会词汇 教学目标 重点句子 Goodness!天哪,哎呀! 1. Twenty-two percent of people in Britain never eat breakfast. 英国有22%的人从来不吃早饭。 2. My assistant has her breakfast at work everyday. 我的助理每天都在工作时吃饭。 3. She works late twice a week. 她每周加两次班。 4. When does he go to the cinema? 他什么时候去电影院? --He goes to the cinema every Saturday. 5. How often does he go to the cinema? 他多久去一次电影院? --Once a week.(twice a week, three times a week) 一周一次。(一周两次,一周三次) 语音教学 语法教学 (单数课稍微理解,复数课会着重讲解) / ? /woman, potato, tomato, breakfast 1.百分数由‘基数词+percent’构成,无论基数词是多少,percent都不用复数形式 2.频度副词:once一次,twice两次,表示超过两次的频率时用‘基数词+times’比如:three times三次,five times五次 3.表示次数的提问用How many times…? 表示多久一次的(即频率)提问用How often…? How often does she work late? 她多久加一次班? How many times a week does she work late? 她一周加几次班? 4.twice a week,一周两次,通常不说two times a week. 5.at her desk表示‘在’某一具体的地点用介词at. 苍蝇拍 粘球 课文视频 PPT 抽奖箱 教学辅助手段 课堂奖励机制 小组pk ,个人扔筛子加分,打比赛加分,抽奖加分 一。课堂教学过程(第一节课) 时间 9:00—9:20 早读+纪律 整顿 教学步骤 学生来到课室第一件事是把作业交上来,老师做好登记,没交作业的孩子要留堂重做,跟家长反馈。 1)练习册利用课间时间进行批改,如果班级人数较多,只需打上“check”,第三节课再进行评讲。 点名,查看迟到或请假或没到的同学(3mins) 1.早读 T: Take out your book, Bingo? S: Bingo! T:everybody stands up. one two go! Bingo? S: Bingo! 早读内容:单词,课文,副课单词,句型 形式:读完每节课的内容后,老师针对上节课的重点内容进行提问。(5mins) 2. PPT retell the story & sentence game 3. 听写Unit6重点单词、短语。 3.座位安排:为防止个别孩子说话,每次课要进行抽签对座位做出适当的调整(2mins) T: Apple S: Here! T: Banana S: Here! T: Apple and Banana exchange places S: Bingo 5.分组,greeting操练课堂口令(一次不行则重新来,坚持训练) T: Happy English S: Here! T: Happy life S: Here! Now I will give you the number. 然后打节拍叫号数 全班一起拍手:拍腿,拍手,打响指 T:number 1 S:here 9:21—9:45 二.新课讲授 教授 新课单词 1.教师引出课题:Unit 7 A good example Example 词义解释(2种):先通过举例子感知再总结。 2. Free Talk导入: 参考课后ask each other questions的提问 1. Do you always have breakfast at home? 2. Do you ever eat breakfast on the way to school? 3. What time do you usually have breakfast? 3. 听录音回答问题,感知课文: Today we’re going to learn Unit 7 A good example. This is a story about eating breakfast. First listen then answer the questions. These are some questions of the story. 备注 注:严格要求, 坚持训练。 Q-A Pic1-3: 1. How many percent people in Britain never eat breakfast? 2. Is William's assistant a poor girl? (英英或图片解释assistant:someone helps other people in their work) 3. Who eats her breakfast at work every day? Q-A Pic4-6: 1. Who works late twice a week? 2. Can William get some lunch at work? 4.Now listen again then fill the blank. 课文填空。挖新词,扫清障碍。 5.Now look at the video and check the answer. 看录像对答案,引出新词,并对新词进行音的正确输入和词义的简单理解 6.New words and expressions 针对新课的单词一个一个讲解,解决发音和词义问题。务必保证每个单词发音正确。 7. Game time!(Words Review) 九宫格复习新课教授的单词,检查学生是否掌握单词:会认、读、用。


时间 5mins 35mins 教授新课 课文 教学步骤 1.齐读单词 (复习单词) 2.打开书本50页,针对课文每幅图具体信息提问及讲解知识点。 look at the picture 1. Picture 1: 1. 针对这部分的内容:listen and repeat. 2. 先齐读一遍,然后老师读,学生复述最后一个词。 如:T:How about this, dad? Twenty-two percent S: percent (抢答) 3. Picture Talk (全班提问----然后个人PK----比分,抛骰子):简单的问题可重复问,让学生都能听懂了解问题,让孩子更有信心举手抢答 活动设计目的 适当轻松调节学生上课状态 注: 在每幅图进行精dialogue部分的listen repeat. 总体的步骤是: 1.利用课文标题提问W/H,对课文内容进行预测。 and Now turn to page 50 and let’s move on the text. Please 讲前需要进行1)How many people are there in picture 1? Who are 2.逐一幅图找出