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(一) 重点短语 1. 适合 ____________________________________ 2. 换句话说 ____________________________________ 3. 适应 ____________________________________ 4. 切去;省略 ____________________________________ 5. 上气不接下气 ____________________________________ 6. 总而言之 ____________________________________ 7. 闲坐着 ____________________________________ 8. 和;也 ____________________________________ 9. 在很多方面 ____________________________________ 10. 取笑 ____________________________________ 11. 不必担心 ____________________________________ 12. 辞去 ____________________________________ 13. 给……帮助 ____________________________________ 14. 获得毕业证 ____________________________________ 15. (祝你)一切顺利 ____________________________________ 16. 表达某人对……的祝贺____________________________________ 17. 尤其;特别 ____________________________________ 18. 遇到;经历;会晤 ____________________________________ 19. 有尊严地 ____________________________________ 20. 赚取高额利润 ____________________________________ (二) 重点句型 1. 每次…… ____________________________________ 2. 和……一样…… ____________________________________ 3. 本来想要…… ____________________________________ 4. 应该…… ____________________________________ 5. 如果……你不介意吧? ____________________________________ 用上述句型翻译下列句子:

1. 每次听到这首歌,我就会想起我上学的日子。

__________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我好多年没见过这么旧的汽车了。

__________________________________________________________________________ 3. 我本来想带他在花园里转转,但我有很多衣服要洗。

__________________________________________________________________________ 4. 大家应该九点前到。


5. 我开门你不介意吧?

___________________________________________________________________________ 二、 高考链接

1. (2009浙江高考)The good thing about children is that they ________ very easily to new environments.

A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply

2. (2009江西高考)Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be ________to the kids.

A. accessible B. relative C. acceptable D. sensitive

3. (2010全国高考I)With Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank________ presents for my dad.

A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought 三、 单元学习评价



(一)重点短语 1. be suitable for 2. in other words 3. adapt to 4. cut out

5. out of breath 6. all in all 7. sit around 8. as well as 9. in many ways 10. make fun of 11. never mind 12. resign from

13. give assistance to

14. receive one’s graduation certificate 15. all the best

16. express one’s congratulations on 17. in particular 18. meet with 19. with dignity

20. make high profits (二)重点句型

1. every time… 2. as…as… 3. would like to have done… 4. be supposed to 5. Would you mind… if… 用上述句型翻译下列句子:

1. Every time I hear the music, I will think of my school days. 2. I haven’t seen as old a car as this for years.

3. I would like to have taken him around the garden, but I have a lot of clothes to wash. 4. You are supposed to be here (arrive) before 9 o’clock. 5. Would you mind if you opened the door? 二、高考链接

1. A. 此题考查短语adapt to的基本含义,此句中adapt to意为“适应”,符合题意:孩子的优点就是很容易适应新的环境。其它选项appeal to 意为吸引,attach to系;绑;固定, apply to申请;应用。均不符合题意。

2. A. 题干含义是“Frank把药放在一个顶端的抽屉里以确保孩子们接触不到。”因此,只有A 项be accessible to符合题意,该短语的意思是“可接触到的”。 3. B. 此处不定式做目的状语。 三、单元学习评价