高考一轮复习 政治生活 第四课 教案 下载本文

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these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economc social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty高考一轮复习 政治生活 第四课 教案


1. 识记依法行政含义、行政监督体系、法治政府的基本要求

2. 理解依法行政的意义和要求、对政府权力进行制约和监督的原因

3.运用现实材料分析提高依法行政的水平和对政府权力进行制约和监督的原因。 【重点难点】提高依法行政的水平和对政府权力进行制约和监督的原因 【课时安排】2-3(含练习讲评) 【基本知识】

1.什么是依法行政 ?依法行政的意义是什么? 如何提高依法行政的水平?

2.对政府权力制约和监督的关键是什么?具体有哪两方面? 为什么要对政府权力进行制约和监督?



5.政府权威从根本上由什么决定?树立政府权威,要做到哪几个方面的工作? 【知识关系】

1.依法行政与依法执政联系和区别(见《全品》) 2.行政监督体系内部监督和外部监督 内外分类 监督主体 监督的形式 这是根据宪法授权进行的,是最具权威、最高层次的监督。政府接受权力机关国家权力机关 的监督,实质上是接受人民的监督,是人民当家作主的具体体现。 中国共产党 行政系统人民政协 外部监督 中国共产党是我国的执政党,是中国特色社会主义事业的领导核心。政府要接受中国共产党领导,接受党的监督。 人民政协是我国政治生活中发扬社会主义民主的重要形式,履行政治协商、民主监督和参政议政的职能。政府要认真听取人民政协的意见。 社会与公民 它包括人民团体和群众组织的监督、公民监督和新闻舆论监督等形式。 这是通过两种形式实现的:一是人民法院通过行政诉讼审查行政行为的合法性,纠正行政违法行为,监督政府依法行政;二是人民检察院、人民法院通过追究惩治职务犯罪,防范和纠正政府公职人员的违法犯罪行为,保证落实依法行政。 司法机关 行政系统主要是上级政府、法制部门、监察部门和审计部门的监督组成。 行政系统内部 内部监督

【课堂反馈】 一. 选择题

1.(2011年高考海南卷9)到2010年底,我国已制定现行有效法律236件、行政法规690多件、地方性法规8 600多件,并全面完成了对现行法律和行政法规、地方性法规的集中清理工作,形成了中国特色社会主义法律体系。从政府依法行政的角度看,法制的完善意味着A

①权力行使范围受到限定②权力运行过程受到监督 ③减轻了政府的行政责任④提供了决策的科学依据 A.①② B.②③ C.②④ D.③④


these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientifc assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position and play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. Poverty台,谣言也得以迅速传播。创造健康和谐的网络舆论环境,必须A ①提升网络参与者的素养②提高政府的行政管理水平 ③防止网络信息传播扩散 ④增强公民的民主管理能力 A.①② B.①④ C. ②③ D. ③④

3.(2012届辽宁大连市二模)2012年工商部门将在全国组织开展重点针对供水、供电、供暖、供气等公共服务领域的霸王条款的整治行动。这表明我国政府B ①积极履行提供公共服务的职能②积极履行组织经济建设的职能

③依法行政,不断提高执法水平④审慎用权,努力做到执政为民 A.①③ B.②③ C.①④ D.②④

4.(2012届北京东城区模拟)在近期召开的地方两会上,“让人民幸福”成为各地政府工作报告以及“十二五”规划中的高频词。北京提出“让人民过上幸福美好的生活”,广东提出“把保障和改善民生作为建设幸福广东的出发点和落脚点”,重庆宣示要成为“居民幸福感最强的地区之一”。为了“让人民幸福”,各地政府必须:D ①坚持对人民负责的工作方法②树立求真务实的工作作风 ③自觉接受人民的监督④坚持科学执政和民主执政 A.①② B.③④ C.②④ D.②③ 5.(2011年高考天津卷)近期,“染色馒头”、“瘦弱精火腿肠”等食品安全事件屡有发生,引起社会广泛关注。要有效防范此类现象发生,从漫画《交叉地带》中我们得到的启示是( D )


C.政府要清正廉洁,防止行政执法腐败D.要完善权责一致、分工合理的行政管理体制 6.(2012年高考海南卷)15. 为了提高法治城市创建活动的成效,某省制定2009~2012年法治城市创建考核内容及评分标准,在“权力行使得到规范”、“依法维护和保障公民合法权力”等发面提出了具体的考核评价标准,出台法治城市建设的考核八分,进一步D

① 提升市民的公民意识和政治素养 ② 提升了地方政府的执政能力 ③ 体现了提高依法行政水平的要求 ④ 细化了政府部门的权利与责任 A. ①② B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ③④


A、审慎用权,科学民主决策 B、科学执政,民主执政,依法执政 C、依法执政,行使国家立法权D、保障人民直接行使国家权力



C.政务公开有利于对政府权力的制约 D.人民能够有效地监督政府权力的运行 9.(2012北京西城区二模)北京市某区区委用图片展的方式,向社会公开共产党中层组织的“权力清单”:区党代会职权3项、区委全委会职权8项、区委常委会职权36项、区委常委会成员职权109项、区委各部门职权139项。给该图片展取一个名字,最切题的是 D


these precious and worth cherishing. Second, scientific research situation, grasp the opportunities and challenges of transformation and upgrading of full completion of the \n-Five\s, start is crucial. Focused grand blueprint, must to history of thinking views trend, put associate times forward of pulse, stepped on associate economic law of drums, find associate transformation upgrade of path, in grasp macro trend in the advance science development; to strategy of vision conspiracy to global, always tight buckle national macro policy oriented, accurate grasp County love actual, based overall caught opportunities, and PCT thought, ensure County economic social development always along right track continued forward; to precision of measures seeking breakthrough, tightly pegged focus task and bottleneck restricted, Science and identify practical and effective measures, advance breakthrough, ensuring all tasks carry out to the letter; based on scientific assessment and strict implementation, persist in combining routine supervision and centralized supervision, accurate assessment Township departments, strictly cash rewards, prompted the departments own implementation at all levels. In working to advance, to truly grasp the Guide, seize the opportunity, finding a position nd play to our strengths and take the initiative, ensure that the start of the new year tree, new performance. Grasp the Guide, is to dock in policy measures to seize the initiative. Accurate grasp of the Central Government, provinces and cities to speed up the development of new policies and new initiatives with a high degree of policy acumen to capture opportunities to accelerate development. Follow-up to promote the transformation and upgrading of the five great ideas offer a great chance. Five large development philosophy is the Party Central Committee with a view to promote economic transformation and upgrading, complete the building of a well-off society in majordecisions and arrangements, is the development of a profound change. County-wide at all levels should conscientiously study and implement, implement the five ideas, green development, open development, on which to share advantages, and actively explore new path of innovative and coordinated development, changing the concept of leading the transformation of development mode of development, promote the development of quality improvement. Floor supply side structural reform implementation provides an effective strategy for improving the quality of development. Supply side structural reform is future full deepening reform of plays, to according to \policy to stability, and industry policy to associate, and micro policy to live, and reform policy to real, and social policy to backing\s, keen grasp Central, and provinces release out of new signal, combined County love actual accurate docking, full grasp \capacity, and to inventory, and to lever, and drop cost, and fill short Board\ementation, prompted County economic transformation upgrade, and continued upgrade. PovertyC.支持保证人民当家作主D.让权力在阳光下运行

10.(2012年高考广东卷)表2为某人大代表2011年工作总结的部分内容 表 联名向县人大提交“加快我县生态农业发展的思路”议案联名对县政府财政预算中的采购项目提出质疑井要求答复对县农业局“农机支2011年 农”工作提出意见和建议 根据其内容,可以看出( B A.人大代表有B CD.该代表行使了提案权、审议权、问责权 11.(2012届怀化市一测)“三公”经费公开是指政府部门人员因公出国(境)经费、公务车购置及运行费、公务招待费向社会公开。公开“三公”经费B

①是打造阳光政府和法治政府的要求②是有效制约和监督政府权力的关键 ③有助于加强对行政系统的外部监督④是尊重公民知情权和质询权的表现 A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.③④ 12.2012届张掖市模拟)公信力是政府行政能力的客观结果,体现了政府工作的权威性、民主程度、服务程度和法治建设程度。同时它也是人民群众对政府的评价,反映了人民群众对政府的满意度和信任度。提高公信力要求政府 D

①树立以人为本思想,为公民谋福利 ②坚持依法执政,公正司法 ③全面行使职能,坚持依法行政人民监督,坚持廉洁奉公④自觉接受 A.①② B.②③ C.②④ D.③④

13.(2012届岳阳市二测)材料二: 某市地处中部,经济社会发展相对滞后。市委、市政府经过认真调查研究,认为承接沿海产业梯度转移是该市发展的最大机遇。为此,该市把承接产业转移作为发展经济“第一菜单”,在听取社会各界意见的基础上,编制发展规划,并制订了精细实施方案。积极争取省委、省政府的优惠政策,同时出台了一系列配套政策,加快与沿海地区在思想观念、运行机制、基础设施、人才劳务和科技创新等方面全面对接。同时,深入推进行政管理体制改革,不断优化政务服务。随着承接平台日益完善,众多投资和企业纷纷前来投资兴业,加速改变了该市的产业和经济格局,一系列产业迅速崛起,人们生活水平明显提高,区域竞争力不断上升。 (1) 市政府如何行使政府的权力/

(2) 有人认为,能发展好经济的政府就是有权威的政府。运用所学政治学知识,谈谈你对这一观点的认识。(12分)

(1) 答:依法行政,高效便民,进行政管理体制改革。审慎行使,科学民主决策。

(2)答:①政府有无权威的标志是政府的管理和服务是否被人民接受和认可。从根本上来说,决定政府是否有权威的是国家性质。(4 分)②有权威的政府应该:能够依法行政,维护法律的尊严;政府的工作人员廉洁、高效、团结合作; 诚实守信,讲信誉、守承诺;对社会经济发展、政治文明、文化繁荣和社会和谐会有促进作用。(4 分)③经济发展,人民生活水平提高有利于提高政府的权威,但政府要贯彻落实科学发展观,促进经济、政治、文化、社会全面、协调发展(3 分)。题中的观点是片面的。(1 分)
