内容发布更新时间 : 2025/2/22 7:39:10星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
翻译 前100页
1 人们应该在迁居至其他城市之前询问他人的意见。
people should ask the advice of others before moving to other cities. 2 对学生来说,学习历史和文学很重要。
its important for student to study history and literature. 3 比起在小公司工作,有些人更喜欢在大公司工作 。
some people prefer working for a large company to working for a small one. 4 人们用不同的方式打发时间
people have different ways to spend time.
5 孩子们喜欢看电视,但是他们不喜欢看信息类节目
children love to watch television, but they dislike watching informative programs.
6 为他人工作意味着你得遵循他人的规则
working for others means that you should follow their rules. 7 要活的健康,就要定期锻炼
in order to live a healthy life, you need to exercise regularly. 8 专家建议有压力时要经常大笑
experts recommend taking some time to laugh when you get stressed out. 9 旅行给我们提供了认识新朋友的机会
Traveling give us a new opportunity to meet new people. 10 学习如何花钱与学习如何攒钱同样重要
Learning how to spend money is as important as learning how to save it. 11 政府应该投入更多的财力改善公共交通
The government should spend more money to improve public transportation.
1 孩子们最初从家里学习社会技能
Children start to learn social skills from their family 2 二手经验和一首经验一样重要
Second hand experience is as important as first hand experience 3 环游世界需要大量的时间和金钱
Traveling around the world need a lot of money and time 4 我们所有人都要对空气污染负责任 All of us are responsible for air pollution 5 传记比小说更能激发我的兴趣
A biography stimulates my interest more than a novel. 6 人们穿制服时往往表现得不同
People tend to behave differently when they wear uniforms. 7 现在,学生经常在课堂上给朋友发短信
Nowadays, students frequently send their friends text message during their classes
8 电视使我们的积极性降低,对我们的行为有消极影响
Television has a negative influence on ourbehavoirbehavior by making us less active
9 目前的学校课程应该调整,以满足学生的各种需要
The current school curriculum should change to meet the students’ various needs
10 彻底审查所有的资料后,方能做出公正的判决
An impartial judgement can be made only after a thorough examination of all the information.
1 人们认为金钱使人快乐
People believe that money makes them happy 2 写日记是一个好习惯 Keeping a diary is a good habit
3 我想住在宿舍,和学校的朋友们共度时光
I want to live in a dormitory where i can spend time with my school friends 4 没有人喜欢为别人善后
Nobody would like cleaning up for others. 5 有些人过于自大而听不进别人的话
Some people are too arrogant to listen to others 6 宇宙中有很多可以探索的东西
There are so many things to explore in the universe 7 我们首先要考虑的是,花尽可能多的时间与家人在一起
Our priority is spending/ to spend as much time with our family as we can 8 对名人来说,拥有隐私权并不容易