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Heavy enquiries witness the quality of our products. 大量询盘证明我们产品质量过硬。

As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive. 一旦价格回升,询盘将恢复活跃。

Enquiries for carpets are getting more numerous. 对地毯的询盘日益增加。

Enquiries are so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases. 询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。 Enquiries are dwindling. 询盘正在减少。

Generally speaking, inquiries are made by the buyers. 询盘一般由买方发出。

Mr. Baker is sent to Beijing to make an inquiry at China National Textiles Corporation. 贝克先生来北京向中国纺织公司进行询价。

We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available. 很遗憾,你们所询的货物现在无货。

To make an inquiry about our oranges, a representative of the Japanese company paid us a visit. 为了对我们的橙子询价,那家日本公司的一名代表访问了我们。 We cannot take care of your enquiry at present. 我们现在无力顾及你方的询盘。

Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you. 你们的询盘不明确,我们无法答复。

Now that we've already made an inquiry about your articles, will you please reply as soon as possible? 既然我们已经对你们产品询价,可否尽快给予答复?

In the import and export business, we often make inquiries at foreign suppliers. 在进出口交易中,我们常向外商询价。 Can you give me an indication of price? 你能给我一个估价吗?

Please let us know your lowest possible prices for the relevant goods. 请告知你们有关商品的最低价。

If your prices are favorable, I can place the order right away. 如果你们的价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。

When can I have your firm C.I.F. prices, Mr. Li? 李先生,什么时候能得到你们到岸价的实盘?

We'd like to know what you can offer as well as your sales conditions. 我们想了解你们能供应什么,以及你们的销售条件。

How long does it usually take you to make delivery? 你们通常要多久才能交货?

Could you make prompt delivery? 可以即期交货吗?

Would you accept delivery spread over a period of time? 不知你们能不能接受在一段时间里分批交货?


We're willing to make you a firm offer at this price. 我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。

We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market. 我们可以按国际市场价格给您报价。

We'll let you have the official offer next Monday. 下星期就给您正式报盘。

I come to hear about your offer for fertilizers. 我来听听你们有关化肥的报盘。

My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations. 我的报价以合理利润为依据,不是漫天要价。 No other buyers have bid higher than this price. 没有别的买主的出价高于此价。

We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%. 除非你们减价5%,否则我们无法接受报盘。 I'm afraid I don't find your price competitive at all. 我看你们的报价毫无任何竞争性。 Let me make you a special offer. 好吧,我给你一个特别优惠价。

We'll give you the preference of our offer. 我们将优先向你们报盘。

This offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive. 此报盘着眼于扩大销路而且很有竞争性。

The offer holds good until 5 o'clock p.m. June 23, 2000, Beijing time. 报价有效期到1997年6月22日下午5点,北京时间。 All prices in the price lists are subject to our confirmation. 报价单中所有价格以我方确认为准。 Our offers are for 3 days. 我们的报盘三天有效。

I'm afraid the quotation is unacceptable. 恐怕你方的报价不能接受。

We cannot make any headway with your offer. 你们的报盘未得任何进展。

We prefer to withhold quotation for a time. 我们宁愿暂停报盘。

Buyers do not welcome offers made at wide intervals. 买主不欢迎报盘间隔太久。

Now we look forward to replying to our offer in the form of counter-offer. 现在我们希望你们能以还盘的形式对我方报盘予以答复。

Your price is too high to interest buyers in counter-offer. 你的价格太高,买方没有兴趣还盘。

I'll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars. 我同意你们的还价,减价3元。

I appreciate your counter-offer but find it too low. 谢谢您的还价,可我觉得太低了。 合同

We signed a contract for medicines. 我们签订了一份药品合同。

A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract. 中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。

I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it. 我们知道我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签署合同。

We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it. 我们都想签合同,因此双方都要做些让步。

Our current contract is about to expire, and we'll need to discuss a new one. 欧文们现有合同快要期满了,需要再谈一个新合同。

We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract. 我们应该清理一下老合同中出现的问题。

Do you always make out a contract for every deal? 每笔交易都需要订一份合同吗?

These are two originals of the contract we prepared. 这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。

We enclose our sales contract No.45 in duplicate. 附上我们第45号销售合同一式两份。

May I refer you to the contract stipulation about packing (or shipping....)? 请您看看合同中有关包装(装运)的规定。

There is an arbitration clause in the contract. (or insurance clause, inspection clause, shipping clause...) 这是合同中的一项仲裁条款。(或:保险条款,检验条款,装运条款等)