2018-2019学年江苏省无锡市普通高中高一上学期期末教学质量抽测英语试题(解析版) 下载本文

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词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“While starvation and hunger are still big problems in many poor countries in the world, more than 25 percent of the population in America and other western countries are”可知,虽然饥饿在世界上的很多贫穷国家仍是个大问题,但是美国和其他西方国家仍有超过四分之一的肥胖人口,由此可知画线词词义为“过重的”,故C项正确。 【37题详解】

推理判断题。上文说Ben Brown希望禁止任何针对儿童的食品广告,因为把食品做成玩具形状对孩子更有吸引力,会让他们吃得更多,由此可知,食品广告是造成儿童饮食过量的重要原因,故B项正确。 【38题详解】

推理判断题。根据最后一段内容,特别是“today’s sweet-toothed kids need to be bribed into a healthy diet, and will only cat their greens if they taste different.”可知,现在的孩子都喜欢甜食,我们需要“贿赂”他们,让他们养成健康的饮食习惯,由此可知,食品公司应该发明有特殊口味的健康食品,故D项正确。 【39题详解】

主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了美国等一些西方发达国家所面临的儿童饮食过量问题,并分析了原因——食品广告,还提出了解决办法——食品公司应该发明有特殊口味的健康食品,故D项正确。 【点睛】在词义猜测题的解题过程中,画线词上下文中具有转折关系的连词是解题的重要线索,例如本篇第1题,根据画线词前的“While”判断前后是两种相反的情况,前面提到了很多人吃不饱饭,后面应该提到很多人因饮食过量而超重,由此可知画线词词义为“过重的”。


Teenagers in America know that they’ll possibly need technical skills to find good jobs, but a new survey reveals that interest in technology-related careers may be decreasing.

The percentage of boys aged 13 to 17 who are interested in science, technology,engineering and math ---or STEM ---careers dropped from 36 percent in 2017 to 24 percent this year, according to a survey by Junior Achievement USA. The amount of girls interested in STEM careers stayed unchanged at II percent.

But the 1, 000 survey participants still named technology as one of two key skills that will be necessary to prepare them for their future careers.

\and maybe robotics, \Consulting(航空资询公司).“That’s all they know, so they can’t really translate that interest to career pathways. \

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When Holmes was in high school, her mom sent her to an event that featured (以为专题 )the pilots from World War II. One of the pilots took her for a ride and let her take the wheel. immediately that was the career for me. \

Women remain outnumbered(超过) by men in fields like technology. For people working to increase the number of women in these areas, the lack of growth in girls interest in STEM careers is concerning.

Teenage girls are more interested than their male classmates in running after careers in which they can help others, said Ed Grocholski from Junior Achievement. Even with all the programs aimed at increasing girls' interest in STEM, \don’t think we really talk that much about how we improve people’s lives through STEM, \

Society needs to do better at making those connections for kids, said Katherine Latham, founder of an engineering firm. She used civil engineering as an example of a career that will continue to be important.

However, the fact that students know they will need tech skills in their future careers is encouraging.

The second skill they said they need is relationship-building. \40. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Some successful of kids searching tech careers.

B. Reasons behind teenagers decreasing interest in tech careers. C. The difference in choice of jobs between boys and girls in America. D. The popularity of tech careers among kids and its reasons. 41. What is the reason behind kid’s losing interest in tech careers? A. They see tech careers as boring.

B. They find tech skills less important than before. C. They don' t think tech careers can bring rewards

D. They can’t connect their tech interest with future careers. 42. What can we learn from Grocholski's words?

A. STEM careers have nothing to do with people' s lives. B. Teenage girls are interested in running after STEM careers.

C. The relationship between STEM careers and the improvement of people’s lives isn’t explained

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D. Teenagers don' t know how to improve people’s lives through STEM. 43. What aroused Holmes’ interest in her career? A. A summer camp for pilots. B. Her parents' wish for her. C. A report about the life of pilots D. Her flight experience with a pilot.

44. According to Grocholski, teenage girls are more interested in careers that____. A. can make them look attractive B. can make friends with other people C. can make people’s lives better

D. are different from those of their parents 【答案】40. B 41. D 42. C 43. D 44. C 【解析】 【分析】

本文是一篇说明文,调查显示人们对科技相关职业的兴趣正在下降,本文分析了造成这一结果的原因。 【40题详解】

主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“but a new survey reveals that interest in technology-related careers may be decreasing.”可知,调查显示人们对科技相关职业的兴趣正在下降,本文分析了造成这一结果的原因,故B项正确。 【41题详解】

细节理解题。根据第四段中的“so they can’t really translate that interest to career pathways.”可知,孩子们对科技职业失去兴趣的原因是他们无法将这种兴趣转化为职业道路,故D项正确。 【42题详解】

推理判断题。根据倒数第五段中的“I don’t think we really talk that much about how we improve people’s lives through STEM”可知,我们并没有过多地谈论如何通过科技来改善人们的生活,也就是说科技职业与人们生活改善之间的关系并没有得到充分的解释,故C项正确。 【43题详解】

细节理解题。根据第五段中的“One of the pilots took her for a ride and let her take the wheel. immediately that was the career for me.”可知,一个飞行员带她兜风的经历让她决定从事飞行职业,这次飞行经历引起了她对这个职业的兴趣,故D项正确。

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细节理解题。根据倒数第五段中的“Teenage girls are more interested than their male classmates in running after careers in which they can help others, ”可知,Grocholski认为女孩子对能够帮助别人(使他人的生活变得更好)的职业更感兴趣,故C项正确。

【点睛】主旨大意的难度较大,抓住文章主题是关键,报道类的文章一般开篇就点明主题,例如本篇第1题,根据第一段中的“but a new survey reveals that interest in technology-related careers may be decreasing.”可知,调查显示人们对科技相关职业的兴趣正在下降,下文分析了造成这一结果的原因。


When I was eight, I got my first pair of glasses. Far from being made fun of at school, the only struggle I got was endless requests to try on my new glasses. Hearing about what happened at school, my father once looked at me and asked whether I had pretended to be the blindness just to look like Harry Potter?

With my strange hair and glasses, I did nothing to avoid it, either. The Harry Potter books were the great pop cultural event of my generation, who began reading again. My school librarian, both confused and annoyed by us Potter fans, dealt with fights over the schools few old copies by setting a new rule: Harry Potter could be borrowed for only three days, instead of the whole week of borrowing period every other title was allowed.

In the 20 years since the first book arrived on shelves, publishers and parents have been asking what has made J.K. Rowling's books so loved. It is better to look at the influence they have had on their readers. Yes, the books were about a boy taking on a dark and powerful enemy in the magical world, but they were also about love defeating hate, determination and choosing\between what is easy and what is right\e we want to be.

I grew up with Harry and together we became children with our own opinions, teens easy to get angry and young adults thinking of everything as normal. When the final book came out in 2007.I read it for 12 hours without a break and cried as I finished it. I felt something sad: the end of Harry’s story signaled the end of my childhood. I was suddenly aimless. Meanwhile, my now Potter-mad father walked impatiently nearby, waiting for the proper moment to take the book away from his daughter.

Harry Potter did shape my generation. As a girl who grew up mostly in peacetime, many of the

ideas I found in these books were ones we had never come across before. The magical world’s

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