2018-2019学年江苏省无锡市普通高中高一上学期期末教学质量抽测英语试题(解析版) 下载本文

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terrible treatment of non-human beings was the first description of slavery I knew. The treatment of Harry’s teacher Remus Lupin, who hides his condition at work, is a metaphor(比喻) for the shame surrounding those who suffer from AIDS. And all settings like this may have real-world reflections .A study found that teenage Harry Potter readers showed more tolerance (包容) towards those who were suffering. Is it possible that Jeremy Corbyn's popularity among the young had anything to do with their literary education? Is it possible that Harry Potter, in the 20 years he has been with us, has inspired a generation to be more empathetic(感同身受), welcoming and socially open- minded than those before it? We will see If not, at least my glasses are still cool.

45. Paragraph 1 is intended to show_____. A. the authors sufferings caused by the glasses B. the author s close relations with other students C. the misunderstanding between the author and her father D. the popularity of Harry Porter among students

46. How did the school librarian stop the fights between Potter fans? A. By preventing Potter fans borrowing Harry Potter many times B. By selling the Harry Porter books in the library.

C. By creating a new rule for Harry Potter’s borrowing period. D. By buying more Harry Potter books for the library.

47. What can we learn about the Harry Potter books from Paragraph 3?

A. The book has been the most popular one among all the books for twenty years. B. It is the story of revenge(复仇)in the magical world that makes the book popular. C. Readers are crazy about the book because it has taught them how to love and make wise choices. D. The book has had such great influence on the readers that they all want to be magical persons. 48. Why did the author cry when she read Harry Potter that came out in 2007? A. Because she suddenly found that she was too old to read Harry Potter. B. Because her father was for a chance to take her book away. C. Because she had no plan for what to do after her childhood ended.

D. Because she was too sad to know the 2007 book was the last Harry Potter book. 49. The underlined word \A. described B. created

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C. changed D. marked

50. What's the last paragraph mainly about?

A. Harry Potter has great effects on the author's generation.

B. The characters in Harry Porter were created through great imagination. C. Compared with other people, Harry Potter readers are more tolerant. D. Reading Harry Potter is important for children living in peacetime. 【答案】45. D 46. C 47. C 48. C 49. D 50. A 【解析】 【分析】

本文是一篇记叙文,作者结合自己的经历讲述了《哈利波特》对自己这一代人有很大的影响。 【45题详解】

文章意图题。根据第一段内容,特别是根据“my father once looked at me and asked whether I had pretended to be the blindness just to look like Harry Potter?”可知,爸爸问我是不是为了看起来像哈利波特而假装看不见,由此可知,哈利波特在学生们中很受欢迎,成为他们争相模仿的对象,第一段就是为了证明这一点,故D项正确。 【46题详解】

细节理解题。根据第二段中的“dealt with fights over the schools few old copies by setting a new rule: Harry Potter could be borrowed for only three days, instead of the whole week of borrowing period every other title was allowed.”可知,为了阻止哈利波特迷之间的争斗,图书管理员就哈利波特的借阅期制定了一项新规定:《哈利波特》只能借阅三天,故C项正确。 【47题详解】

推理判断题。根据第三段中的“but they were also about love defeating hate, determination and choosing\《哈利波特》讲述了爱能战胜仇恨、决心以及在简单与正确之间的选择,也就是它教会了人们如何去爱以及做出明智的选择,这是人们对它着迷的原因,故C项正确。 【48题详解】

细节理解题。根据第四段中的“the end of my childhood. I was suddenly aimless.”可知,意识到自己的童年即将结束,作者突然觉得没有目标,不知道以后该做些什么,所以大哭一场,故C项正确。 【49题详解】

词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“the end of my childhood”可知,哈利的故事的结束标志着我童年的结束,由此可知画线词词义为“标志”,故D项正确。

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【点睛】文章意图题的难度较大,把握文章内容是关键,根据第一段内容,特别是根据“my father once looked at me and asked whether I had pretended to be the blindness just to look like Harry Potter?”可知,爸爸问我是不是为了看起来像哈利波特而假装看不见,由此可知,哈利波特在学生们中很受欢迎,成为他们争相模仿的对象,第一段就是为了证明这一点。 第二卷(共55分) 五 单词拼写

51. There is enough e ______ that people whose diets lack vitamins are more likely to develop some types of disease.

52. He was d______by the company because of the huge loss due to his carelessness. 53. The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an e______ is to stay calm. 54. The average man fails not because he lacks ability but because he lacks the ability to c______on what he should do.

55. Linda is fond of the a______ of peace and calmness in the remote village. 56. There are ______(广泛的) concerns over food safety in the country.

57. I do believe it is possible for different nations to live together in______ (融洽). 58. There is no point ______(使确信)him of Tina’s honesty because he just doesn’t believe in any person in the company.

59. Was it just a ______(巧合)that the woman who ran the competition won the first prize? 60. Considering her quality and experience, she is the ideal ______(候选人)for the position of general manager. 【答案】51. evidence 52. dismissed 53. emergency 54. concentrate 55. atmosphere 56. widespread 57. harmony

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58. convincing 59. coincidence 60. candidate 【解析】

本题考查单词拼写,注意拼写和词形问题。 【51题详解】

考查名词。句意:有足够的证据表明,饮食中缺乏维生素的人更容易患上某些疾病。此处缺少名词作表语,表示“证据”,故填evidence。 【52题详解】

考查语态。句意:他被解雇是因为他的粗心大意给公司造成了巨大的损失。此处表示“解雇”,He与dismiss之间是被动关系,故填dismissed。 【53题详解】

考查名词。句意:在处理紧急事件要记住最重要的事情是保持镇定。emergency表示“紧急情况、突发事件”,故填emergency。 【54题详解】

考查动词。句意:一般人失败不是因为能力不够,而是因为缺乏集中精力于他应该做的事情上的能力。concentrate on表示“集中精力于”,故填concentrate。 【55题详解】

考查名词。句意:Linda喜欢这个偏远村庄宁静平和的氛围。此处缺少名词作of的宾语,表示“气氛、氛围”,故填atmosphere。 【56题详解】

考查形容词。句意:食品安全在这个国家引起了广泛关注。修饰名词concerns用形容词,故填widespread。 【57题详解】

考查名词。句意:我相信不同的国家能够和睦相处。in harmony表示“和谐”,故填harmony。 【58题详解】

考查非谓语动词。句意:说服他相信Tina的诚实是没有意义的,因为他根本不相信公司里的任何人。There is no point doing表示“做……是没有意义的”,故填convincing。 【59题详解】

考查名词。句意:比赛中的女选手得了第一名,难道这只是一个巧合么?coincidence表示“巧合”,故填coincidence。 【60题详解】

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