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要:为研究枸橼酸喷托维林对犬传染性支气管炎的治疗效果,选用性别,年龄,生长发育程度,过往病史都无显著差异的患病松狮犬4只、博美犬4只,随机各分为2组,各组每只在使用抗菌阿莫西林-clavulanate (20-25mg/kg> ,氯霉素 (50 mg/kg>基础上分别口服枸橼 ...
要:为研究枸橼酸喷托维林对犬传染性支气管炎的治疗效果,选用性别,年龄,生长发育程度,过往病史都无显著差异的患病松狮犬4只、博美犬4只,随机各分为2组,各组每只在使用抗菌阿莫西林-clavulanate (20-25mg/kg> ,氯霉素 (50 mg/kg>基础上分别口服枸橼酸喷托维林0
The effect of Pentoxyverine Citrate on Infectious tracheobronchitis
Abstract: This experiment was conducted to study the effect of PentoxyverineCitrate on Infectioustracheobronchitis in canine.four Pomeranian variety and four Chow variety canine with no significant differences in sex,age,growth,medical history, were randomly divided into 2 groups, each were administrated orally with PentoxyverineCitrate 0 mg/kg and l~2 mg/kg respectively,based on injection with amoxicillin-clavulanate (20-25mg/kg> and chloramphenicol(50 mg/kg>。 The result showed that: in comparation with the control group,the speed of reducing cough frequency and recovering in treatments group remarkablly increase;These results indicated that adding the PentoxyverineCitrate into the medicine of treating canine can increase the speed of recovering from Infectioustracheobronchitis , it will help to ensure health of canine 。
Key words: canine,Infectioustracheobronchitis,cough,PentoxyverineCitrate
个人资料整理 仅限学习使用
2 材料与方法
2.1 实验动物
长沙张医生宠物医院患传染性支气管炎的病犬 ,松狮4只<雄性)
长沙亲亲宝贝宠物医院患传染性支气管炎的病犬 ,博美犬4只<雌性)
2.2 仪器及试剂
体温计 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 品牌型号:东岳 。 深圳安顺医疗器械用品销售有限公司生产
抗菌阿莫西林 。 。 。 。 。 。 规格0.5 g/支 批号 河南正源动物药业有限公司生产
盐酸林可霉素注射液 规格2 ml/0.6g 批号 国药准字H 和力达(信阳>药业有限责任公司生产
枸橼酸喷托维林 。 。 。 。 规格25 mg/片 批号 国药准字H安阳玉威制药有限公司生产
目 。 。 。 录 。 。 6400字
1 。 前言2
参考文献 9
摘 。
个人资料整理 仅限学习使用
The Death Penalty Abolition of Embezzlement
Abstract: Although our country's criminal law stipulates the death penalty for embezzlement the most severe punishment. But the 。 bribery crimes' phenomenon still be very serious.This phenomenon shows that the effects of the death criminal are so limited.Because that the detand errent threat of the punishment is not only lies in its official handles but what's more important in its certiant and predict-tability death penalty applied for embezzlement with penalty justice, benefit, humane value pursuit and there exist certain degree of deviation between the things above.To abolished the provisions of the death penalty contributing to the development of international cooperation in the field of against corruption ,to safeguarding our country's legal system's unification and authority and at the same time contributing update the advantageous to the curb corruption crime alternative punishment and the other corruption offenders constitute psychological deterrent.Thus will more help combat corruption and bribery crime. But at the same time for embezzlement and abolished the death penalty we need 。 further improve the embezzlement punishment system.
Key words: The abolished of death penalty。 Corruption and bribery。 Alternative punishment。 Death
sentence 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。
关键词:数控;铣床;模拟伺服主轴系统;运转控制;换档;定向 。
The control scheme of reserving connatural analog spindle servo system are applied in CNC retrofit of XK716 milling machine,After the hardware configuration and connention are designed.As the controlling requirement of the spindle,the function of orienting and gearing shift function are designed,others servo parameter and CNC basic parameter are set and adjusted.In addition,the reconstructive scheme of applying inverter &。 cage motor is spare.