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实验四 病毒感染力的滴定(TCID50的测定)
了解病毒感染力测定的几种常用方法,掌握半数细胞培养物感染量TCID50的操作步骤、计算方法及含义。 二、测定病毒感染力的方法
半数致死量LD50( 50% lethal dose):用动物或鸡胚来检测 半数鸡胚感染量EID50(egg 50% infective dose):用鸡胚来检测
半数细胞培养物感染量TCID50(50% tissue culture infective dose):用细胞来检测
蚀斑形成单位(plaque forming unit,PFU):用细胞来检测 三、材料
1、长满单层的细胞1瓶 2、胰酶、吸球、吸管、生长液 3、96孔细胞培养板 4、加样器、枪头 5、病毒液(PRV) 四、TCID50的操作步骤
1、在青霉素瓶或离心管中将病毒液作连续10倍的稀释,从10-1-10-10。 2、将稀释好的病毒接种到96孔微量培养板中,每一稀释度接种一纵排共8 孔,每孔接种100μl。
5、逐日观察并记录结果,一般需要观察5-7天。 6、结果的计算,按Reed-Muench两氏法或Karber法 五、TCID50的计算方法 1、Reed-Muench两氏法 病毒液稀释度 10-1 -210 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6 出现CPE孔数 8 8 7 3 1 0 无CPE孔数 0 0 1 5 7 8 累 计 CPE孔数 无CPE孔数 27 0 19 0 11 1 4 6 1 13 0 21 出现CPE孔所占的% 100(27/27) 100(19/19) 91.6 (11/12) 40(4/10) 0.7(1/14) 0(0/21) CPE:Cytopathic effect
=(91.6-50)/(91.6-40) = 0.8
lgTCID50=距离比例×稀释度对数之间的差+高于50%病变率的稀释度的对数 =0.8×(-1)+(-3) =-3.8 TCID50=10-3.8/0.1ml
含义:将该病毒稀释103.8接种100μl可使50%的细胞发生病变。 2、Karber法
病毒液稀释度 出现CPE的孔数 出现CPE孔的比率 10-1 10-2 8 8 8/8=1 8/8=1 10-3 10-4 10-5 10-6
lgTCID50=L-d(s-0.5) L:最高稀释度的对数 D:稀释度对数之间的差 S:阳性孔比率总和 lgTCID50=-1-1×(3.375-0.5) =-3.875 TCID50=10-3.875/0.1ml
7 3 1 0 7/8=0.875 3/8=0.375 1/8=0.125 0/8=0 含义:将该病毒稀释103.875接种100μl可使50%的细胞发生病变。
MOI 是multiplicity of infection的缩写,中文译为感染复数。传统的MOI概念起源于噬菌体感染细菌的研究。其含义是感染时噬菌体与细菌的数量比值,也就是平均每个细菌感染噬菌体的数量。噬菌体的数量单位为pfu。一般认为MOI是一个比值,没有单位,其实其隐含的单位是pfu number/cell。后来MOI被普遍用于病毒感染细胞的研究中,含义是感染时病毒与细胞数量的比值。 然而,由于病毒的数量单位有不同的表示方式,从而使MOI产生了不同的含义。能产生细胞裂解效应的病毒例如腺病毒、单纯疱疹病毒等习惯上仍用pfu表示病毒数量,因此其MOI的含义与传统的概念相同。而对于某些病毒如AAV病毒,无法用pfu表示病毒的数量,而是采用TU、IU、病毒颗粒(viral particles, v.p)或基因组数量(vector genome,v.g.)来表示病毒数量,因此其MOI就有了不
同含义。采用TU或IU,MOI的含义便是TU number/cell 或IU number/cell。采用v.p.,MOI的含义便是v.p. number/cell 。采用v.g,MOI的含义便是v.g. number/cell。
可以将上述不同的MOI 表示方式分为2种:
1) 以活性单位表示病毒数量,如pfu, TU, IU。这时MOI的含义是指平均每个细胞感染病毒的活性单位数。
2) 以病毒颗粒或基因组数表示病毒数量,如v.p. 或v.g. 。这时MOI的含义是指平均每个细胞感染病毒的病毒颗粒或基因组数。
值得一提的是,上述2种不同的MOI 表示方式在含义和数值上都有所不同。前一种是传统意义上的MOI,后一种MOI表示方式的含义更为简化和直观,也逐步被一些研究者采用。
P(k) = 1- P(0) ,P(0) = e-m 或m = -InP(0)。 其中:
P(k) 为被感染细胞的百分率 P(0)为未被感染细胞的百分率 m为MOI值
例如,如果要感染培养皿中99%的培养细胞,则: P(0) = 1% = 0.01
m = -In(0.01)= 4.6 pfu/cell。
pfu number/cell变成多种表示单位。在阅读文献和写作论文时,应注意MOI的具体含义和单位。
MOI=(pfu/ml的值)乘(取的病毒液体积)再除以你要转染的细胞数。 TCID50与 PFU换算: PFUs=0.7×TCID50的滴度
PFU:plaque forming unit,空斑形成单位。感染性滴度的单位一般表示为PFU/ml。由于测定pfu往往重复性较差,因此近些年许多研究又开始采用TCID50方法来计算病毒的感染单位。因此建议也可使用TCID50法。 Sample problem:
You infect a monolayer of 1X107 cells with 0.1 ml. of a sample of virus the titer of which is 1X 109 PFU/ml.
What is the MOI of this infection, and how many cells are infected? 0.1ml. ( 1 X 109 PFU/ml ) = 1 X 108 PFU MOI = PFU/cell =1 X 108 / 1 X 107 =10
The proportion of infected cells = 1- the proportion of uninfected cells = 1-e-m =1-e-10 =0.999952
The number of infected cells = the total number of cells multiplied by the proportion of infected cells = (1X107) (0.999952) = 0.999952X107. Thus at an MOI of 10, most cells are infected.
Now you calculate the number of cells that are uninfected, infected with one PFU, and multiply infected.
The One-step growth curve was devised by Ellis and Delbruck to study the single cell life cycle of bacteriophage. The key element of this experiment is synchronization of the infected cells so that the population reflects events occurring in the single cells.
Synchronization is achieved by infecting the culture of cells at an MOI at which most of the cells are infected (MOI of 5-10). At various times aliquots of the infected culture are
withdrawn and assayed for PFU by plaque assay. Samples can be tittered directly, or lysed prior to analysis to observe intracellular events. Refer to your text for a graphic plot of the curves. Pay special attention to the events in the life cycle of a virus (eg. Adsorption, uncoating, biosynthesis, assemble, release) that occur in the latent, eclipse, exponential rise, and plateau regions of the curve. From the total number of cells in the culture, and the total number of progeny PFU produced at the end of the rise (“burst”) one can calculate the number of PFU produced per cell. ------------------------------------------------------ MOI, pfu, and TCID50
? Plaque forming units (pfu) is a measure of number of infectious virus particles. It is determined by plaque forming assay.
? Multiplicity of infection (moi) is the average number of virus particles infecting each cell.
? TCID is the tissue culture infectious dose which will infect 50% if the cell monolayers challenged with the defined inoculum. If the titer is \ TCID/0.2 ml, MK, 2 days,\of a 1:1,000 dilution of the virus is added to each of four tubes containing monkey kidney (MK) cells, two tubes are expected to become infected. MOI is related to pfu by the following formula: Multiplicity of infection (moi) = Plaque forming units (pfu) of virus used for infection / number of cells.
For example, if 2x10 cells is infected by 50 ml of virus with a titer of 10 pfu/ml. The moi will be 0.05*10/2*10 = 2.5. The fraction of cells that are not infected is P(0) = 1 - e,