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were small enterprises and 8% were medium-sized enterprises.

The total number of 1,141 companies surveyed, 62% of them were doing business for more than 10 years, 21% of them between 1 and 5 years, and 17% of them between 5 and 10 years. It can be stated that the owners of the companies were quite experienced entrepreneurs.

This research deals with indirectly observable variables (latent constructs). For the purpose of our article we have determined three factors: working title banks approach to business (BA), knowledge, and rules and principles (KP) and state and public perception (SP). Each of the factors includes several questions chosen from the questionnaire (Table 1).

Tab. 1. - Defining researched factors. Source: own

Factor Questions of the questionnaire Government helps us during entrepreneurship. (st1) Government creates convenient entrepreneurial environment for SMEs. (kv2) SP – stateand public perception The forms of financial support from government can be considered as well set. (st4) I think that government is bullying us during the entrepreneurship. (st2) I evaluate entrepreneurial environment as convenient for setting up a business. (kv1) Entrepreneurs and public realize a benefit of entrepreneurs for society. (sp3) Conditions for entrepreneurship improved during last 5 years. (kv3) BA – banks′ approach to business KP – knowledge and rules and principles Banks use too strict criteria during lending proces. (tr3) Banks accept our needs and come meet us. (tr 2) SMEs have difficult access to external financial sources. (tr4) The conditions under which banks provide loans to SMEs are familiar to entrepreneurs. (uv2) The conditions under which banks provide loans to SMEs are transparent. (uv3) Entrepreneurs can manage financial risks well in theirfirms. (fr2) Based upon the above presented findings, we have stated the following hypotheses:

H1: There is a statistically significant association between a bank′s approach to

business and perception of financial risk in both the male and the female sample. This association is significantly more intensive in the male sample than in the female sample.

H2: There is a statistically significant association between state and public perception and perception of financial risk in both the male and the female sample. This association is significantly more intensive in the female sample than in the male sample.

H3: There is no statistically significant association between knowledge and rules and principles and perception of financial risk in either the male or the female sample.

H4: There is statistically significant association between bank′s approach to business and knowledge and rules and principles in both the male and the female sample.

H5: There is no statistically significant association between state and public perception and the bank′s approach to business in either the male or the female sample.


There are illustrated associations between SP, BA, KP and FR in the male sample. Males put more emphasis on the bank’s help and perceived financial risks. In general, entrepreneurs feel less financial risks when the bank provides support. This finding is even stronger in the male subsample. H1 was confirmed.

Results suggest that there is almost no effect of perceived stated and public perception of entrepreneurs activities and financial risks. Entrepreneurs who feel weak support from the state and public therefore do not feel the presence of financial risks more than other entrepreneurs.

There is a negative association between KP and perceived financial risks (FR). However, this association is low, though statistically significant. H3 was not confirmed.

In the male sample, a strong correlation between perceived BA and KP was stronger than on the female sample. H4 was confirmed.

In the female sample, we find a weaker correlation of BA and KP. On the other hand, the importance of state and public perception is more important for women entrepreneurs. The higher the help from the state and public female-entrepreneurs receive, the better their perception is of financial risks (risks became smaller from pre and post-crisis period). Despite the revealed stronger association between SP and FR in the female sample hypothesis H2 was not confirmed because the results were not statistically significant.

In both male and female samples, the effect between perceived SP and BA was zero. Even given better state and public perception of business, there is no effect on perceived BA. H5 was confirmed.

According to Ministry of Industry and Trade (2015), women are increasingly aware of the benefits of independence, where a business is not dependent on a single employer. Among the major factors that discourage women from business is the fear that the business might not be supportable. Conversely, the factors that would help them overcome obstacles include increased support for the family, enough money and belief in the demand for the product/service. Fully 79% of women surveyed perceived at a general level the problem of insufficient state aid; 78% of women surveyed assess the equally problematic bloated administration associated with the business. These facts support the future strengthening of activities in support of female entrepreneurship and implementation of the envisaged steps in reducing the administrative burden on businesses. Finance and Administration corresponds with the men, but it is clear that women are more cautious and far more sensitive to risk.

It is evident that the government of the Czech Republic through its organizational components, especially the Ministry of Industry and Trade, in conjunction with, for example, AMSP, aims to support small and medium enterprises. According to Ministry of Industry and Trade (2015), the year 2014 was marked by renewed interest in the business community about new loans, especially running. At the historical level of interest rates remained all types of loans, including business. On the other hand, the opinions of entrepreneurs still indicate dissatisfaction with administrative and other barriers to entry into business, including debt financing and unequal access of women

and men entrepreneurs.


Business risks concern different fields of entrepreneurial activity (market, financial, operational, personnel, technical risk). Financial risk is considered to be one of the most important types of risk because high financial risk-taking may in turn significantly affect the liquidity of the company. It is understandable that its management is receiving considerable attention both in theory and business practice.

Our results show that there are differences between men and women entrepreneurs in factors which are important for the perception of financial risk. While men consider BA to be important for perception of financial risk, women rely much more on state support and public perception of their business.

We have not found any relationship between SP and BA, as we assumed we would. It means the fact that even though the government provides financial and nonfinancial support for SMEs, it is independent of the fact that, for example, banks have very strict criteria for loans. KP had also an influence on the perception of financial risk, but it was very weak both in the male and female samples. Furthermore, we found a significant association between BA and KP. This has practical implications. There is a possibility for empowerment of possibilities of different ways of education for entrepreneurs in these areas. Here, we can see a space for more active involvement of economic faculties in the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Ministry of Education a the Ministry of Industry and Trade to implement training courses for entrepreneurs. It is necessary to familiarize entrepreneurs with knowledge concerning bank credit conditions and knowledge in relation to risk management including management of liquidity.

Despite the fact that our research has some limitations (e. g. An unbalanced proportion of men and women, regional character etc.), its results have important practical application for policy in relation to SMEs entrepreneurship. It is not enough to declare the intended changes and steps on paper only, but it is necessary to realize them, get feedback and most of all to verify their usefulness.







据统计,中小企业(SMEs) 是捷克经济的支柱,统计数字证明了这一点。为了成功地发展中小企业,必须建立适当的战略和体制框架,以支持成功地发展适当的商业条件(Sobotovi?ová和Blechová)。根据捷克统计局的数据显示,在2014年12月31日,法人和自然人(雇用0-249人)经营的1124380家中小企业业务在开展业务活动。2014年活跃企业中的中小企业比例为99.84%。2014年捷克的中小企业员工比例为59.39%。中小企业对整个捷克共和国的附加值为