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中国焊接专业网焊接英汉词典(4) 标签: 焊接 点焊 电阻 焊缝 气体 weldable adj. 可焊的 weldless adj. 无焊缝的 weldment n. 焊(接)件 double-bevel groove weld 双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝 butt weld 对接焊缝 groove weld 坡口焊 contour weld 特形焊接 automatic spot weld 自动点焊法 explosive weld 爆炸焊接 gas-pressure weld 气压焊 concave fillet weld 凹角焊 downhand weld 平焊缝 carbon arc weld 碳极弧焊 braze welding 硬焊, 铜焊, 钎焊 air-acetylene welding空气-乙炔焊接 argon arc welding 氩弧焊 automatic slag-pool welding 自动电渣焊 aircomatic welding 自动调弧氩弧焊, 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 aluminothermic welding 铸焊, 铝热剂焊接 butt welding 对接焊, 对焊 austenite welding 不锈钢(焊条)焊接 automatic submerged arc welding 自动埋弧焊 argon shielded arc welding 氩护电弧焊 weld all around围焊 weld appearance驾吨焊缝外观 welding powder 焊粉 weldable steel可焊钢;焊接钢 weldable copper可焊复合铜板 non-weldable steel不可焊接的钢 high strength weldable aluminium alloy高强度可焊铝合金 weldable可焊的 non-weldable不可焊接的 weldable strain gauge悦焊接式应变计 weldbonding粘焊(指电阻点焊与用粘胶粘接相结合的焊接) welddecay[冶]焊接区晶间腐蚀 welded all around(round)沿周边焊接的 lap welded casing搭焊套管 welded aluminum alloy(WAA)焊制铝合金 welded and expansion joint焊接加胀接法 welded and rolled tube joint焊胀 welded armor焊接甲板 welded attachment焊接附件 welded austenitic stainless steel pipe焊接奥氏体不锈钢钢管 welded bellows焊接波纹管 welded body焊接车身;焊体 welded bond焊接轨隙连接器 welded cap焊接管封头 projection welded cap凸焊帽;有凹凸的焊帽 welded bridge焊接桥, 焊接桥梁 welded casing焊接套管 welded case焊接机匣 helically-welded case螺旋焊接壳体 welded chain焊接链 welded cathode焊接阴极 welded connection焊接合,焊接头,焊接联结 shop-welded connection厂焊接头 welded construction 焊接结构 all-welded construction全焊结构 welded contact rectifier熔接整流器 welded corner joint角焊接 welded crossing焊接断面 welded digester焊接蒸煮锅 welded elbow焊接机械肘, 焊接弯头 welded encapsulation焊接封装 welded ends焊接连接端 welded fin tube焊片式翅片管 welded fissure焊接裂缝,焊合的裂缝, 焊接裂纹 welded fitting焊接式管接头 welded flange焊接法兰;焊接翼缘 manhole with common welded flange平焊法兰人孔 manhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰人孔 handhole with butt welded flange对焊法兰手孔 welded flat head焊接式平盖 welded frame焊接骨架, 焊接车架, 焊接隔框 tubular welded frame scaffold管状焊接框架式脚手架 welded frog焊接辙叉 welded gasket焊接垫 tie-in weld管段间焊接 powder weld process粉末焊接法 intermittent fillet weld断续角焊缝 edge weld端接焊缝 tack weld定位焊 backing run; backing weld打底焊道 strapped weld; strapped joint搭板对接焊缝 strength weld承载焊缝 lap fillet welding搭接角焊 overlap welding; lap welding搭接焊 magneticetic pulse welding磁力脉冲焊 flywheel type friction welding; inertia welding储能摩擦焊 stored energy welding储能焊 percussion welding冲击焊 workshop welding车间焊接 explosive welding爆炸焊接 blasting welding factory爆破焊接厂 welded eye焊眼 welded elbow; welded ell焊接直角弯头 welded nut焊接螺母 welded tank焊接罐 welded pipe焊接管 ratio-frequency welded tube高频焊管 furnace butt-welded pipe对接炉焊管 hammer welded pipe锻焊管 lap welded casing搭焊套管 concave fillet weld凹形角焊缝 automatic spot weld自动点焊法 butt weld对接焊缝 carbon arc weld碳极弧焊 concave fillet weld凹角焊 contour weld特形焊接 double-bevel groove weld双斜边坡口焊缝, K形坡口焊缝 downhand weld平焊缝 explosive weld爆炸焊接 gas-pressure weld气压焊 groove weld坡口焊 heliarc weld氦弧焊 inert gas carbon-arc weld惰性气体保护碳弧焊接 inert gas metal-arc weld惰性气体保护金属极弧焊 intermittent weld间断焊缝