词汇练习题整理(无答案版) 下载本文

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A. Inflectional B. Bound C. Derivational D. Converted 8. A _____ is a form to which affixes of any kind can be added. A. root B. morph C. morpheme D. Stem 9. The word _____ contain an inflectional affix.

A. worker B. happier C. formal D. enrich

10. The following words have inflectional affixes EXCEPT ________. A. works B. worker C. working


A. advanced B. developed C. complicated D. inflected 12. The following languages are all Germanic except _____. A. Scottish B. Swedish C. Flemish D. Danish 13. The word ?shortenings? contains _____ morphemes. A. three B. four C. five D. six

14. ___ is the basic form of a word, which can't be further analyzed without total loss of identity.

A. Stem B. Root C. Morpheme D. Affix

15. In the words \idealistic, and ex-prisoner\\-ion, -ist, -ic, ex-, and


A. prefixes B. suffixes C. free morphemes D. bound morphemes 16. is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning but has to be used

in combination with other morphemes to make words.

A. Free root B. Bound root C. Morpheme D. Bound morpheme T or F

1. Words of the basic word stock are mostly root words or monosyllabic words. 2. Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. 3. Inflectional morphemes indicate grammatical relationships.

4. A stem is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed. 5. Free morphemes can be used as words alone.

6. What remains of a word after the removal of all affixes is a stem 7. A word is the minimal meaningful unit of a language.

D. worked

11. The prehistoric Indo-European parent language is thought to be a highly _____

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8. The word “prisoners” has two morphemes.

9. There is an inflectional morpheme in the word “easier”. 10. Free morphemes are also known as free roots.

Major processes of word formation (supplementary)


1. Analyze the following compound words and explain their internal grammatical


heartbeat boyfriend brainwashing peace-loving easy chair

3. Translate the following compounding nouns into Chinese:

1). greenbelt greengrocer greenhorn greenhouse greenroom green thumb green hand

2). running mate running hand running head running board 3). sleeping bag sleeping car sleeping pill sleeping partner 4). a lion?s share pigtail cat?s paw dog-ear

ass-kisser fox?s sleep dog?s sleep

4. Translate the following into English adj. compounds of the noun+adj. type 1) 齐肩高的 2)防水的 3)无忧无虑的 4) 漆黑的 5)疲惫不堪的 6)晶莹剔透的 7)齐腰深的 8)海洋绿的 9)完全聋的 10) 栩栩如生的 Keys: 1) shoulder-high 2).watertight 3).carefree

4),pitch-dark 5). dog-tired 6). crystal-clear

7). waist-deep 8). ocean green 9). stone-deaf 10). lifelike


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1. _____ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words. A. Roots B. Stems C. Affixes D. Compounds 2. The meanings of many compounds and derivatives are the total of the combined.

A. morphs B. allomorphs C. roots D. morphemes

3. When we use \green hand \mean \inexperienced person\\horse\

mean \ . A. a green 'hand, a 'black horse B. a 'green hand, a 'black horse C. a green 'hand, a black 'horse D. a 'green hand, a black 'horse

4. Sometimes, the meaning of a compound can be inferred from its separate elements, for example, .

A. hot dog B. red meat C. flower pot D. fat head

5. The following can be changed into plural forms by adding inflectional -s directly to their ends, except .

A. brother-in-law B. three—year-old C. major general D. new-born 6. Which of the following statements is false?

A. Conversion refers to the use of words of one class as that of a different class. B. Words mainly involved in conversion are nouns, verbs and adverbs.

C. Partial conversion and full conversion are concerned with adjectives when converted to nouns.

D. The conversion between nouns and verbs may involve a change of stress. 7. \ .

A. Deverbal nouns B. Denominal nouns C. De-adjective nouns D. De-adverb nouns 8. Which of the following is incorrect?

A. “airmail” means “mail by air” B. “reading-lamp” means “lamp for reading” C. “green horn” is the horn green in color D. “hopeless” is “without hope” 9. The most productive conversion is the conversion that takes place between A. verbs and adjectives B. adjectives and verbs C. nouns and adjectives D. nouns and verbs 10. “Dis-” in the word “disloyal” is a ________ prefix.

A. negative B. reversative C. pejorative D. locative

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11. Which of the following suffixes can be used to form both nouns and adjectives?


A. -ion. B. -ism. C. -ity. D. -ist.

12. The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /z/ after the following sounds EXCEPT


A./z/ B./g/ C./d/ D./b/

Chapter V Word formation (2) Minor processes of word formation

Exercise 1 Initialism VP GMT POW NPC WTO MIT AI VOA UFO IMF laser AIDS TEFL TESL TOEFL TESOL OPEC SARS NATO DINK Vice President Greenwich Mean Time Prisoner of War National People?s Congress World Trade Organization Massachusetts Institute of Technology artificial intelligence Voice of America Unidentified flying object International monetary fund lightwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Acquired immune deficiency syndrome Teaching English as a foreign language Teaching English as a second language Test of English as a foreign language Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Severe acute respiratory syndrome North Altlantic Treaty Organization dual income no kid Exercise 2 Acronyms UNESCO United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization - 10 -

Exercise 3 Clipping dorm (dormitory) demo (demonstration) champ (champion) tec biz ad gym (detective) (business) (advertisement) (gymnasium) teeny memo bus sarge auto copter prof (teenager) (memorandum) (omnibus) (sergeant) (automobile) (helicopter) (professor) Exercise 4 Back-formation peddle baby-sit ← peddler ← baby-sitter televise housekeep ← television ← housekeeper daydream ← daydreamer greed ← greedy mass-produce ← mass-production typewrite eavesdrop gloom ← typewriter ← eavesdropper偷听 ← gloomy vaccum-clean ← vaccum-cleaner donate 选择

← donation 1. In _____ compounds, the adjective element cannot take inflectional suffixes. A. adjective-verb B. verb-adjective C. adjective-noun D. noun-adjective 2. The conversion of two syllable nouns into verbs involves a change of _____. A. spelling B. stress C. function D. pronunciation 3. The word _____ is a front clipping.

A. Memo B. scope C. fan D. pop 4. The word “zoo” is a _____ clipping.

A. phrase B. front C. back D. front and back 5. Back-formation is considered to be the opposite process of _____. A. conversion B. compounding C. suffixation D. prefixation