财政学专业培养方案020103 下载本文

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财政学 专业培养方案(020103) (Public Finance 020103)

一、专业简介(Ⅰ.Major Introduction)


The major in public finance is guided by Marxist theory and methodology, and was establish mainly to train professional experts engaged in theoretical researches and practical work in the field of finance and economy in order to meet the needs of reform and opening up and socialist modernization. Students in this major will be trained to have a solid foundation in modern economic theory, public finance and tax theory and application. Qualified students would able to to work in public finance,tax and financial managing positions in governmental institutions and firms, as well as teaching and research positions in academia.

二、培养目标(Ⅱ.Academic Objectives)


The objective of this major is to train public finance and tax experts with “high morality, healthy body and mind, solid expertise, innovative spirits, broad knowledge, strong ability, and high comprehensive qualities,” who can combine theory and professional knowledge.

三、培养要求(Ⅲ.Academic Requirements) 基本要求包括:



3.熟悉国家财政税收政策与法规,改革与发展状况。 4.了解财政、税收理论发展动态。


The basic requirements include,

1. Students should have a firm political belief and strong patriotism, lofty ideals, a strong sense of social responsibility, and advanced social or even international competitive abilities, a healthy and fully developed individuality.

2. Student should have a solid foundation in economic theory, public finance and tax theory and applications, and have the ability to combine modern economic theories and instruments in

conducting social investigations, economic analysis and solving practical problems.

4. Students should become familiar with Chinese regulations and policies, reforms and development of public finance and tax.

5. Students should be aware of the dynamics of public finance and tax researches and practice in and outside of China.

5. After graduation, students will be qualified for (1) operational and managerial jobs in public finance, tax and other public economy and management sectors; (2) accounting and managerial jobs in private firms and public organizations; (3) teaching and research jobs in academia.

四、学制与学位(Ⅳ.Length of Study and Degree) 学制四年。


It takes four years to complete this major. Those who satisfy all requirements according to the plan will be awarded a bachelor degree in economics.


总学分:140(Total Credits:140)

课程教学学时/学分:2168 /132 占总学分的比例:94.3 %

(Curriculum Class Hours/Credits:2168/132 Percentage in Total Credits:94.3 %)

六、专业主干课程(Ⅵ.Core Courses)


Political Economy, Macroeconomics and Microeconomics(Junior and Intermediate), Monetary Economics, Public Economics, International Economics, Advanced Mathematics Econometrics, National Taxation, International Taxation, Government Budget Management, Foreign Finance, Finance Accounting, Auditing, The Finance History of People’s Republic of China, Accounting, Analysis of Public Policies.

七、主要专业实验和实习安排(Ⅶ.Main Laboratory Courses and Internships) 计算机类、金融投资类、财务类、计量经济类专业课程实验,以及毕业实习。 Laboratory courses in computer, financial investments, accounting, and econometrics, as well as internship before graduation.

八、专业优势及特色(Ⅷ.Major Strength and Characteristics)



This major includes three specializations which are public finance, tax and tax planning. It trains students to have a solid foundation in theories in public finance, tax, and related professional knowledge, understand the regulations and policies of Chinese public finance and tax, grasp the dynamics of public finance and tax researches, and to analyze and conduct researches with econometrics, statistics, and accounting methods. Students will acquire the ability to deal with basic operations of public finance and tax, conduct scientific researches, as well as solve practical economic problems.

九、各类课程学时学分比例(Ⅸ.The proportion of credit hours of courses)

课程类别 通识教育必修课程 必修课 学科基础平台课程 专业基础课程 实践环节 通识教育核心课程 选修课 通识教育选修课程 专业选修课程 毕业要求总合计 140 50 90 学分 32 35 15 8 10 6 34 800 1723+ 11周 学时 771 624 232 11周 160 96 544 2223+11周 35.72% 64.28% 占总学分百分比 22.86% 25% 10.71% 5.71% 7.14% 4.29% 24.29% 100% 十、教学进程、学时学分总体安排(见下表)(Ⅹ.Curriculum, hours and credits)

财政学专业课程设置及学时分配表 [总表]

类 性 课程号 Course No. 别 质 课 程 名 称 Course Name 总学时 分配 学 总 分 学 授 实 上 一数 时 学课 验 机 期 58 48 58 48 58 48 3 按 学 期 周 学 时 分 配 二三四五六七八学学学学学学学期 期 期 期 期 期 期 3 3 备 注 Notes 通 识 教 必 育 修 必 课 修 程 课 程 中国化的马克思主义 3 Chinese Marxism 道德与法律 3 Morals and Law 马克思主义原理 Basic Principles of 3 Marxism 中国近现代史纲要 Brief of China's Modern 1.5 History 大学英语(二级起点1-3) 9 College English(1-3) 体育(1-4) 4 Physical Education (1-4) 大学计算机基础 2 Introduction of Computer 计算机技术基础 Foundation of Computer 3 Technologies 课外10 课外10 课外10 29 24 1.5 课外5 自主学习48 240 96 96 2+2 2+2 2+2 128 128 32 32 2 2 2 2 22 64 32 32 2+2