三年级下册英语教案Unit5 How old are you? 下载本文

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三下Unit5 How old are you?

(Story time)


1、能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten 能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old are you ?及其回答I’m ···. 2、能在情景中正确的使用How lovely ! Here you are.

3、根据年龄段表达自己喜欢的玩具,并向他人推荐合适的礼物。 4、了解中西方有关年龄的文化。 二、教学重难点:

1.能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten 2.能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old are you ?及其回答I’m ···. 三、教学准备:卡片,PPT 四、教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting

(1)T: Class begins. Ss: Stand up.

T:Welcome to my Miss Jiang’s class. Good morning , class. Ss: Good morning, Miss jiang.

(2) T: Boys and girls, are you happy today? Ss: Yes.

T:I’ m happy ,too. Because there are many new teachers here. Let’s say “Hello,teachers.Welcome” to them , OK? Ss: OK. Teach: Welcome

2. Next , let’s sing a lovely song “ Ten little Indian boys “, OK? Ss: OK.

Step 2 。Pre-reading

1. T: How many Indian boys are there in the song ?

Ss : Ten. T: Yes. There are ten boys in the song. Teach: ten

T: Now can you count from one to ten ?

Ss count : “ one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.” Boys count/ girls count

2.T:Now let’s play a game.Say numbers.(学生快速齐说)

T:Where can we see the toys?Maybe we can see in the toy museum. 3.Learn: Welcome to toy museum!

(1)T: Look, this is Mr Tom. Please listen,…..(电脑声: Welcome to toy museum)


(2) 师示范读音,学生跟读:Welcome to toy museum! (3) Ss enjoy the pictures. 4.Learn: How lovely!

T: There are many toys. Look at these toys. How to give praise? S: How nice!/ It’s nice./ It’s great./ great!/How lovely! Teach: How lovely! 5.Learn: How old are you?

(1)T:In the toy museum,there are many toys.They are for different ages.

“Different toys for different ages.”

T: I want to know your ages.How old are you? S: I’m… (2)揭题。

6. Practice in pairs. Step3. While--reading 1. Talk about the pictures. (1) Who are they? T: Who are they?

S: Mike, Helen, Tim, Uncle John, worker. (板书人物图片,学习单词worker ) 2. Task1. Watch and answer

T: I know your ages. How old are they?Can you ask? Let’s watch and answer.

(Ss watch video )

T: How old is Mike/ Helen/ Jim? S: Nine. / Eight. / Two.

(学生回答教师板书,然后齐声问,听声音校对) 3. Task2. Read and match

(1)T: We know Mike is nine, Helen is eight, Jim is two. What different toysdo they get?

Please read the story loudly, then match . (2)T: Mike is nine. What toy does he get?... S: A robot. … (PPT 齐校对) 4. retell the story

5.Task3: Read and imitate



4. Task4: Read in roles. 5. Act out the story.

(模仿语气,体会心情,增加动作,利用好自带的玩具。) Step4. Post—reading

1.T: Good job. Mike, Helen, Jim all get a toy. Do you want to get?

Welcome to Red Apple toy shop. What will you talk about in the toy shop?

(学生自由说一说可以用到哪些句子) 2.师生示范表演

T: Good morning. Welcome to my toy shop. S: Good morning. T: How old are you? S: I’m ten/ eleven.

T: Would you like this toy robot? S: Yes, please./ No, thank you. T: What about…? S: Yes, please. T: This is for you./ Here you are. S: How lovely! Thank you. T: Goodbye! S: Goodbye!

3.生分角色表演,一人为售货员,三人为顾客。 4.检查小组表演情况。 5.Summary

(1)See some numbers in life. Can you find more?

(2)T: Do you want to know “How old is Miss Jiang?”But I can’t tell

you.It’s a secret.(讲解How old are you?的使用注意点)

Bb design:

Unit5 How old are you?

Mike(图) nine(图) Robot(图) Helen(图) eight(图) Dog (图) Tim(图) two(图) Panda(图) 教学反思:

