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⑵FASB,2001,\Business Reporting:Insights into Enhancing Voluntary Disclosures\

⑶Storey and Teague,1995,\Dryden Press.

⑷Previts and Merino,1979,\History of Accounting in American\Wilet&Son Press.


⑺Upton,2001,\and Financial Reporting,Challenges from The New Economy\

⑻Zeff and Dharan,1994,\and Notes on Financial Accounting:Issues and Controversies\


Watts , Ross , and Jerold L. Zimmerman. Toward a Positive Theory of Determination of Accounting standards .The Accounting review (Jan 1978)

Watts , Ross , and Jerold L. Zimmerman. Positive Accounting Theory: A Ten Year Perspective. The Accounting review (Jan 1990)

Sorter , George H. An Event Approach to Basic Accounting Theory . The Accounting review (Jan 1969)

Wallman,1995.9,1996.6,1996.12,1997.6,\Future of Accounting and Financial Reporting \

Jenson ,M.C. , and W.H. Meckling . Theory of the firm: managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure . Journal of financial economics (Oct .1976)

Robert sprouse “developing a concept framework for financial reporting” Accounting Review, 1988(12) Schuetze ,,Walter P.”what is an Asset ?” Accounting horizons,1993(9)

Samuelson ,Richard A. ,”The concept of Assets in Accounting Theory” Accounting horizons,1996(9)

AAA ,”American Accounting Association on Accounting and Auditing Measurement:1989-1990” Accounting Horizons 1991(9)

L.Todd Johnson and Kimberley R.Petrone “Is Goodwill an Asset?” Accounting Horizons1998(9)

Linsmeier, Thomas J. and Boatsman ,James R. ,”AAA’s financial accounting standard response to IASC ED60 intangible assets” Accounting Horizons 1998(9)

Linsmeier, Thomas J. and Boatsman,JamesR.”Response to IASC Exposure Draft ,’Provisions,Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets’ ” Accounting Horizons1998(6)

L.Todd Johnson and Robert. Swieringa “derivatives, hedging and comprehensive income” Accounting Horizons 1996(11)

Stephen A. .Zeff ,”The Rise of Economics Concequences”, The Journal of Accountancy 1978(12)

David Solomons “the FASB’s Conceptual Framework:An Evaluation ” The Journal of Accountancy 1986(6)

Paul Miller , “Conceptual Framework:Myths or Realities” The Journal of Accountancy 1985(3)

Part I Financial Accounting Theory

Suggested Bedtime Readings:

1. C.J. Lee, Lecture Note on Accounting and Capital Market

2. R. Watts and J. Zimmerman: Positive Accounting Theory

3. W. Beaver: Revolution of Financial Reporting

Although these three books are relatively \in comparison with the reading assignments, but they provide much useful institutional background to the course. Moreover, these books give a good survey of accounting literature, especially in the empirical area.

1. Financial Information and Asset Market Equilibrium

*Grossman, S. and J. Stiglitz, \Markets,\

*Diamond, D. and R. Verrecchia, \Expectations Economy,\

*Milgrom, P. \News and Bad News: Representation Theorems and Applications,\

Grinblatt, M. and S. Ross, \Power in a Securities Market with Endogenous Information,\

2. Financial Disclosure

* Verrecchia, R. \Disclosure,\Journal of Accounting and Economics (1983),179-94.2

Dye, R., \(1986), 331-66.

Dye, R., \Real Externalities,\

Bhushan, R., \


Diamond, D. \Theory (1985), 1071-94.

Verrecchia, R. \Quality and Discretionary Disclosure,\of Accounting and Economics, 1990.

Trueman, B. \of Earnings-announcement Timing,\Journal of Accounting and Economics, 13 (1990), 1-17.

Joh, G. and C. J. Lee \

* Joh, G. and C. J. Lee \Oligopoly,\

Darrough, M.N. and N.M. Stoughton, \Disclosure Policy in an Entry Game,\

Wagenhofer, A. \Accounting and Economics, 12 (1990), 341-363.

Chang, C. and C.J. Lee, \Acquisition as a Business Strategy,\Southern Economic Journal, 1992.

Chang, C. and C.J. Lee, \Pricing Strategy in Marketing Research Consulting,\

Chang, C. and C.J. Lee, \Proprietary Information to Rivaling Clients,\mimeo.

3. Earnings Manipulation and Accounting Choice

* Watts, R. and J. Zimmerman,\of

Accounting Standards,\

*Healy, P.M. \Accounting and Economics, April 1985, 85-108.

*Chen, K. and C.J. Lee, \Case of the 3

Oil and Gas Industry, 1985-86,\

*Lee, C.J. and D. Hsieh, \of Inventory Accounting Methods: A Test of Alternative Hypotheses,\

*Lee, C.J. and C.R. Petruzzi, \Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1989.

*Chau, D. and C.J. Lee, “Big Bath and Dress Up in the Process of Chapter 11 Restructuring,” working paper.

*Aharony, J., C.J. Lee, and T.J. Wong, “Financial Packaging of IPO Firms in China” Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 2000.

Gu, Z. and C.J. Lee, “How Widespread is Earnings Management? A Measurement Based on Seasonal Heteroscedasticity.” working paper

Gu, Z. and C.J. Lee, “Cross-sectional Heteroscedasticity of Accounting Accruals,” working paper.

Holthausen, R.W. and R.W. Leftwich, \Economic Consequences of Accounting Choice: Implications of Costly Contracting and Monitoring,\of Accounting and Economics, August 1983, PP. 77-118.

Moyer, S.E. \Adequacy Ratio Regulations and Accounting Choices in Commercial banks,\

Blacconiere, W.G., R.M. Bowen, S.E. Sefcik, and C.H. Stinson, \the Use of Regulatory Accounting Principles by Savings and Loans,\Accounting and Economics, (1991) 167-202.

Hand, J.R.M. and P.J. Hughes, and S.E. Sefcik, \Defeasances,\Journal of Accounting and Economics, (1990), 47-89.

Duke, J.C. and H.G. Hunt III, \Empirical Examination of Debt Covenant Restrictions and Accounting-Related Debt Proxies,\Economics, 12 (1990), 45-64.

Malmquist, D.H., \the Oil and Gas Industry,\Journal of Accounting and Economics, 12 (1990), 173-207.

Holthausen, R.W., \Method Choice: Opportunistic Behavior, Efficient Contracting, and Information Perspectives,\Journal of Accounting