2014年专升本英语试题及答案 下载本文

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42. The obvious unfairness of such poverty side by side with conspicuous affluence reminded them of their______parents back home.

A) vulnerable B ) destructive C) critical D) sentimental

43. Writing a letter or reading a book may appear to be ______activities in which individuals exercise personal skills.

A) scarce B) sophisticated C) solitary D) sincere

44. He took her hand and felt the scar on her thumb, ______of an accident with a kitchen knife in the early days of their marriage.

A) mode B) premise C) signature D) legacy

45. As each black creature______and flapped away into the graying sky, she watched it, tears in her eyes.

A) fluttered B) featured C) fussed D)



46. The moment seemed to______out endlessly, his gaze travelling across her face, her neck, her shoulder, returning to her eyes.

A) stretch B) expand C) skip D) slip 47. Although the poem contains such pessimistic overtones and pathetic acceptance of fate, there is hope to be found in the last two lines which seem to be______from the rest.

A) taken apart B ) set aside C ) set apart D) fallen apart

48. His aim was to______pride in being black and to inspire black Americans to campaign for equal rights.

A) respond B) restore C) restrain D) retreat

49. A class is said rather vaguely to ______a group of persons sharing similar occupations and incomes, and as a consequence similar life-styles and beliefs.


A) consist of B) contrast with C ) contribute in D) composed of

50. The couple have tried hard to save their troubled marriage______their children.

A) in contrast to B) rather than C) for the sake of D) regardless of

Part III Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: There are 3 passages in this par. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. Choose the correct answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One

How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space requirements are not adequately met? Sociologists and psychologists are conducting experiments on rats to try to determine the effect of overcrowded conditions on man. Recent studies have


shown that the behavior of rats is greatly affected by space. If rats have adequate living space, they eat well, sleep well, and reproduce well. However, if their living conditions become too crowded, their behavior patterns and even their health perceptibly change. They cannot sleep or eat well, and signs of fear and tension become obvious. The more crowded they are, the more they tend to bite each other and even kill each other. Thus for rats, population and violence are directly related. Is this a natural law for human society as well? Is adequate space not only desirable, but also essential for human survival?

51. This passage is mainly about ______. A) living space and behavior

B) population and living conditions C) interesting experiments on rats D) a natural law for human society

52. What is the purpose of the


experiments described in the passage?

A) To determine how much living space a rat needs.

B) To see what happens when rats live in a limited space.

C) To know the likely effects of inadequate living space on human beings.

D) To find out the relationship between population and living conditions.

53. How would rats behave when their living conditions become too crowded? A) They eat a lot and become friendly to others.

B) They sleep little and act quite peacefully.

C) They eat little but sleep soundly.

D) They become nervous and tend to be war-like. 54. The passage suggests that overcrowded conditions ______.

A) are directly related with population B) may cause an increase in violence