现代大学英语4复习资料 (1) 下载本文

内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/14 22:02:24星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


1. It was Ruth all over again. I had some very good friends who stood by me, and still do. But my acquaintances vanished, taking the girls with them.

What had happened to Ruth and me now happened again. Although my close friends still support me as they used to, my grade-two thinking frightened away many of my acquaintances.

2. She became suddenly afraid of that pitiless, cruel earth, the peasant’s slave master, that would keep her chained to hard work and poverty all her life until she would sink again into its bosom. She became afraid of the earth because it was going to force her to work like a slave and force her to struggle against poverty all her life until she died and was buried in it.

3. It would be quite wrong to attribute all opinions--- even political opinions— to self-interest. But it would be equally wrong to deny that this is one potent factor.

Human motivations are complicated. There are other-regarding motivations as well as self-regarding ones. Therefore it is wrong to be cynical and think that all beliefs are based on self-interest. However, we must admit that self interest is a very powerful factor.

4. Part of the beauty of the borehole is that it requires no elaborate apparatus.

Obtaining water out of the ground by drilling deep holes is easy, requiring no complicated equipment.

5. We, too, are trapped in the same sort of false illusion that stymied critical thought. We are also fooled by the same kind of myth that made us unable to think critically.

6. Suppose anybody saw us like this in the field of our spring sowing, what would they take us for but a pair of useless, soft, empty-headed people that would be sure to die of hunger. (Para. 10) If people should see us like this (with your arm round my waist), what would they think of us? They were sure to take us for a pair of good-for-nothings, people who are unable to endure hardships and foolish and, therefore, were sure to die of hunger.

7. Other beliefs are held through self-interest. Modern psychology leaves us no room for doubt on this point. We adopt and cling to some beliefs because—or partly because—it “pays” us to do so. (14)

We hold and cling to some beliefs merely because it is in our interest to believe them. Modern psychology has already proved this point, and as a result, there is nothing to doubt.

8.Throughout history, man’s dependence on water has made him live near it or organize access to it.

In human history, since man can’t live without water, man has chosen to live close to water supplies or build various structures to get water.

9. Her house was an island of comfort, an oasis for the weary village men, exhausted from having so little to do.

Her house was a place where the village men could find comfort, just as an oasis is for weary travelers in the desert. The men sought pleasure because life in this mountain village was monotonous and boring.

10.Napoleon said that an army marches on its stomach; our modern globalized economy marches on oil.

Napoleon meant that an army could not fight on empty stomach; in other words, food supply is the most important thing for an army. In the same way, our modern globalized economy can not develop if there is no oil.

11.There is many a man who is unconsciously compelled to cling to a belief because he is a “somebody” in some circle—and if he were to abandon that belief, he would find himself nobody at all.

Many people are forced to hold a belief because he has become an important person in his group. If he gave up that belief, he would turn insignificant at once.

12.Bringing supply and demand into equilibrium will be painful, and political disputes may increase in number and intensify in their capacity to cause trouble.

It is difficult to make people use less water so that the amount of water they use matches the amount that is available. More and more political disputes over water may erupt and may become more capable of causing more troubles.

Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 在中国传统艺术和文学中,竹子和松树往往象征着道德上的正直和刚正不阿。

In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and the pine tree always symbolize moral integrity and uprightness.

2. 她身体糟糕到了这个程度,以至于冬天都不敢见太阳,怕中暑。

Her health was such that she would not dare to be exposed to the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.

3. 由于我们的价格优势,我们今年向那个地区的出口与去年同期同比增长了30%。

Thanks to our price edge, our exports to that region increased by 30% compared with the same period the previous year.

4. 我们改革开放政策的结果是经济的迅速增长,但是我们不要忘记这个政策又是人民思想大解放的结果。

Our reform and open policy resulted in rapid economic growth. But we must not forget that the policy in turn resulted from the great liberation of people’s minds.

5. 那水游泳都不行,更不用说饮用了。正因为如此,那地区很多人都病倒了。

As a result of the fact that the water was unfit for swimming, let alone drinking, many people in the region got sick.


These two rivers both have their headwater in the country. It therefore makes water an issue for potential serious dispute between the two countries.

7. 首先,我国的水资源从时间和地点上都分布不均。它不是太多,造成水灾,就是太少,导致旱灾。

Our water resources first of all are not evenly distributed in time or space. They are either too much, causing floods, or too little, causing droughts.

8. 我主张禁烟,但他反对。因为烟草工业是政府收入的一个重要来源。

I maintained that smoking should be forbidden, but he disagreed because he said that the tobacco industry was an important source of government revenue.

9. 上一次是中国大量注资以促进经济发展,对全球经济复苏作出了重大贡献。但这次,我们不能以同样的方法来应对世界金融危机。

Last time, it was china that primed the pump to boost its economy contributing significantly to the economic recovery of the whole world. But this time we can not deal with the world financial crisis in the same way.

10. 内战结束以后,很多黑人仍然遭受严重的种族歧视。他们仍然不能指望政府给他们帮助。 After the civil war, many black people were still subjected to serious racial discrimination. They still could not count on the government to render assistance to them.

11. 很多村民其实并不喜欢那些恐怖分子,但是不得不同意窝藏他们,因为他们知道,如果不那么做,他们就会遭受严厉的惩罚。

Many villagers actually did not like the terrorists, but they had to agree to harbor them because they knew if they didn’t, they would be severely punished.

12. 听起来也许让人难以置信,我听说在机场一碗面要价40元。

Incredible as it may sound, I hear that they charge 40 yuan for a bowl of simple noodle at the airport.


Generally speaking, the fact that you like a person will dispose you to like his ideas, too. 14.金融泡沫的最后破灭造成了席卷全球的严重危机。

The financial bubbles finally burst, causing a serious crisis that swept over the whole world. 15. 中国的书面文字是国家完整统一的一个重要因素。

The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.