必修5 Unit 4 Making the news Grammar教案 下载本文

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I. 将下面句子改写为倒装句。

1. We can get into the house only if you have a key. Only if you have a key _____________________. 2. If the weather gets any colder, we’ll turn on the heating. Should _____________________, we’ll turn on the heating. 3. He had just entered when the telephone rang.

No sooner _____________________ the telephone rang.

4. He visits us so rarely that I can hardly remember what he looks like.

So rarely _____________________ I can hardly remember what he looks like. 5. If you had been there, you would have enjoyed it. Had _____________________, you would have enjoyed it. 6. He spoke to me only after I spoke to him.

Only after I spoke to him _____________________. 7. Janet won’t get on a plane under any circumstances. Under no circumstances _____________________. 8. He didn’t laugh once all evening.

Not once _____________________ all evening. 9. Sarah forgot to take her purse and her handbag too.

Sarah didn’t remember to take her purse; nor _____________________ to take her handbag.

10. Thailand is warmer and cheaper than England. Not only _____________________, it’s also cheaper.

II. 根据括号内所给的汉语提示,运用倒装结构补全下面对话。

1. A: ①_________________________ (只有当我输了比赛时我才意识到) I should have taken your advice, Jim.

B: It doesn’t matter. ②_________________________ (你绝不会让它再次发生), right?

A: Sure. ③_________________________ (技巧是如此重要) that not until I master it completely will I come to the game again.

B: Great. But ④_________________________ (你不仅需要提高你的技巧), you should also pay more attention to your state of mind.

A: Thank you so much. ⑤_________________________ (那尽管看起来难), I will try my best.

2. A: ①_________________________ (如果我有机会) at that time, I would have chosen the company, Rex. It is a big company with a bright future. B: However attractive it is, I want to work in big

cities. ②_________________________ (尽管我是个独生子), my parents hope that I can learn more in big cities.

A: Maybe you are right. Anyway, good luck! 答案

I. 1. can we get into the house 2. the weather get any colder 3. had he entered than 4. does he visit us that 5. you been there 6. did he speak to me 7. will Janet get on a plane 8. did he laugh 9. did she remember

10. is Thailand warmer than England II.

1. ①Only when I lost the game did I realize ②Never will you allow it to happen again ③So important is the skill

④not only do you need to improve your skill ⑤Hard as / though it seems 2. ①Had I had the opportunity ②Only son as / though I am