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Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%, 25minutes)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then , mark your answers on the Answer Sheet. 21. It?s still in the morning. There isn?t in the office.

A. anyone B. everyone C. nobody D. any people 22. is not known that they discussed in the meeting. A. That B. He C. This D. It 23. The best news broke her and she has been gloomy ever since. A. feelings B. emotions C. mind D. heart 24. He is much of a gentleman to fight. A. so B. as C. very D. too

25. Not until this term to realize how important this subject is to his future career as a diplomat.

A. he began B. did he begin C. he has begun D. that he has begun 26. who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list. A. Those B. These C. Somebody D. The ones 27. A bottle weights less after air is taken out, proves that air has weight. A. we B. it C. which D. what 28. How long ?

A. you suppose did it last B. do you suppose it last C. did you suppose it last D. you suppose it last 29. Smith had some trouble _______ the man?s accent.

A. to understand B. understanding C. for understanding D. with understanding 30. The next few days could be for the peace negotiation. A. maximum B. practical C. critical D. urgent 31. He quite a lot when he was young.

A. used to travel B. used to traveling C. was used to travel D. would use to travel 32. You me your telephone number in case someone wants to contact you. A. had better give B. had better given C. had better to give D. had better gave 33. Mary used to the room with Linda. A. separate B. divide C. hold D. share 34. ¡°Must we hand in our exercise-books now?¡± ¡°No, you ¡± A. mustn?t B. don?t C. needn?t D. can?t

35. She pulled away from the window anyone should see them. A. lest B. even though C. unless D. only if

36. Not a has been found so far that can help police find the criminal. A. fact B. clue C. symbol D. sign


37. She would make a teacher far superior the average. A. over B. than C. beyond D. to

38. Radio is different from television in it sends and receives pictures. A. which B. that C. what D. this

39. Tom and Jack have returned but students of the group haven?t come back yet. A. other B. the others C. others D. another 40. It half a year since we to study in this university. A. is; come B. is; have come C. has been; came D. has been; have come 41. The fact that something is cheap doesn?t mean it is of low quality. A. necessary B. especially C. essentially D. practically 42. They set off by car and the nearest town.

A. made for B. made after C. made out D. made to 43. Take this baggage and you can find enough room.

A. put it which B. put it in which C. put it at where D. put it where 44. He doesn?t want that he?s going away.

A. to be known B. him to be known C. that to be known D. it to be known 45. The noise around was terrible, but I had to it. A. keep away from B. keep up with C. live with D. live on 46. He that his guest were bored, although they were listening politely. A. impressed B. sensed C. inferred D. identified 47. On Sundays I prefer at home to out. A. to stay; go B. stay; going C. staying; going D. staying; go 48. I?d like to write to him, but what?s the ? He never writes back. A. significance B. business C. point D. purpose 49. There were opinions as to the best location for the new school. A. disagreeing B. conflicting C. rejecting D. reverting

50. by the news of his father?s death, he could hardly utter a word. A. To be stunned B. Stunned C. To stun D. Stunning 51. , we?d better make some changes in the plan.

A. That is the case B. That to be the case C. That been the case D. That being the case 52. They have equipped the office with the business machines. A. last B. latter C. latest D. later 53. The police found that George had still another of income. A. origin B. source C. basis D. means

54. An open-minded teacher doesn?t always one single teaching method. A. set aside B. take over C. take on D. stick to 55. Much to the student?s , the exam was postponed. A. burden B. concern C. relief D. requirement


56. Children normally feel a lot of about their first day at school. A. anxiety B. difference C. feelings D. trouble

57. The weather was hot that she decided to have the barber her hairstyle. A. rather; to change B. so; change C. much too; change D. too; changed 58. She meet her former instructor on the bus.

A. delighted to B. happened to C. pleased to D. tended to

59. Just as no two words are truly synonymous no two different expressions can mean exactly the same thing.

A. rather B. also C. yet D. so 60. The new engineer?s suggestions were in the revised plan. A. entitled B. engaged C. embodied D. estimated


Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20% 25 minutes)

Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.

21. _____ the difficulties associated with the project, we?ll go on with it. A. Given B.In spite of C. Thanks to D. Because of

22. It was almost dark in the streets _______ a few very powerful spotlights. A. excluding B. but for C. except D. except for 23. _______ today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he leave B. If he leaves C. Was he leaving D. Were he to leave 24. He gave me some very _______ advice on buying a house. A. precious B. expensive C. wealthy D. dear

25. His goal is not to become a sportsman _________ a champion in a certain field.

A. but rather became B. but rather to become C. but rather becoming D. but rather to becoming

26. I just met her__________ on the way home from the bookstore. A. on purpose B. by accident C. in accident D. in case

27. I don?t know about him, __________ comment on him behind his back. A. let alone B. let go C. leave alone D. take leave 28. My transistor radio is out of order. It ___________.

A. need to be repaired B. need repairing C. needs repairing D. needs to repair 29. No one could tell us anything about the _________ strangers. A. conscious B. mysterious C. serious D. previous

30. Mary ________ all foolish comments and kept on working A. excluded B. ignored C. denied D. discharged 31. I agree with him______, but not entirely.

A. until a certain point B. to some point C. to some extent D. until a certain extent

32. People in some parts of the world often take their water for _____. They use as much water as they wish.