2017年宁夏回族自治区中考英语试卷(附详细答案) 下载本文

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-------------在-------------------- 此 ____________--------------------__卷__号生 _考__ _ _ _ _-------------------- ___上_____ _ _ _ ____________--------------------____答__名__姓__ _ _ _ ___--------------------__题________校学--------------------业无毕--------------------效---------------- 绝密★启用前


英 语





Ⅰ.听对话选出正确的图画。(每小题1分,计分5分) 1.
















英语试卷 第1页(共26页)





Ⅱ.听句子选择恰当的答语。(每小题1分,计分5分) 6. A. It doesn’t matter. B. No problem. C. All right.

7. A. Of course. B. Yes. C. Thanks. 8. A. That’s all right. B. Sorry, I won’t. C. Not at all. 9. A. In two weeks. B. Two weeks. C. Twice a week. 10. A. Sure, I’d love to. B. Never mind.

C. Good luck!

Ⅲ.听对话及对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分) 11. A. To a hospital. B. To a bookshop. C. To a museum. 12. A. Summer holiday. B. Shopping. C. School life. 13. A. He was sitting on the floor. B. He was playing football. C. He was drawing on the wall. 14. A. Tom. B. Brown. C. Green. 15. A. He has a toothache. B. He doesn’t eat well. C. He’ll take an exam.

Ⅳ.听对话选择正确答案。(每小题1分,计分5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第16,17题。 16. Where does the woman want to go? A. To the airport. B. To the post office. C. To the railway station. 17. What can we learn from what the man says? A. The place is not far from here. B. The woman can go there by train. C. The man is the woman’s friend. 听下面一段对话,回答第18至20题。 18. Why does the boy go to the girl’s house? A. To buy a book. B. To return a book. C. To read a book. 19. How does the boy feel about the book? A. Difficult. B. Wonderful. C. Exciting. 20. What’s the girl’s advice?

A. Look up every new word in a dictionary. B. Read the new words many times. C. Guess the meanings of new words.

英语试卷 第2页(共26页)


从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — Hello! Is that Rick speaking? — Yes. ________ Rick speaking. A. I’m

B. That’s

C. He’s

D. This is

22. — Can I write the letter in pencil? — No, you must write it ________ a pen. A. with B. in

C. by

D. at 23. I think this is the ________ poem that I have ever read.

A. bad

B. badly

C. worse

D. worst

24. — Must we finish our work today?

— No, you ________. You may leave some till tomorrow. A. can’t

B. needn’t

C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t 25. She ________her parents since last year. A. doesn’t see B. didn’t see C. hasn’t see D. won’t see 26. We will have a picnic in the countryside ________ it doesn’t rain. A. unless

B. although

C. until

D. if

27. — Mom, can I watch TV?

— When your clothes ________, you can. A. wash B. was washed C. are washed D. were washed 28. Robinson Crusoe made a fire ________ the meat. A. to cook B. cook C. cooking D. cooked 29. Alice, ________ your photo here this afternoon. A. brings

B. bring

C. brought

D. bringing

30. — What did the bear tell you in your ear? — He told me ________. A. who was my true friend B. who my true friend was C. who is my true friend

D. who my true friend is



I bought a jasmine(茉莉) plant for my office. When I bought it, I was told it would bloom(开花) and the sweet smell would fill my office. I had the plant for two months, and every day I looked it, but there weren’t any flowers or pleasant smell. I was not 31 , so I gave the plant to my friend Linda.

One day, another friend Mary called and invited me to her office. When I walked in, her jasmine flowers surprised me. I reached out to 32 the flowers. Mary cut some and gave

英语试卷 第3页(共26页)

them to me. I couldn’t help smelling them. Surrounding(包围) by the sweet 33 of only a handful of these flowers. I 34 understood something.

Mary bought her plant the same time as I did. It 35 a year for her jasmine to bloom. I was so impatient for 36 to bloom; regretfully, I gave it away.

In a way my 37 is like the jasmine plant. I need to be patient and let things happen. Last Sunday Linda told me that she was going abroad the next week. Before she left, she 37 the plant to me. This time I am going to wait. I have learned that when we want 39 in our life, we have to be 40 . I am slowly learning to have that patience to wait for my jasmine to bloom. 31. A. angry B. afraid C. happy D. tired 32. A. touch B. send C. grow D. buy 33. A. voice B. smell C. taste D. sound 34. A. hardly B. seldom C. never D. suddenly 35. A. spent B. took C. paid D. wasted 36. A. me

B. her C. mine D. hers 37. A. friend B. experience C. trouble

D. life 38. A. returned B. lent

C. borrowed D. kept 39. A. anything B. nothing C. everything D. something 40. A. careful

B. worried

C. patient

D. serious




EBay is a popular shopping website where people can sell their things to others around the world. Most people sell new and used books, music, or clothes. But there are some strange items(物品) for sale on eBay, too. For example, one man sole some dirt from the streets of New York City. Another person is selling her teeth. A man from England is also trying to sell something unusual: his mother-in-law(岳母).

Steve Owen is married. His mother-in-law, Caroline, lived in the United States for 27 years. Six months ago, she moved to England. Now his mother-in-law lives on the same street as Steve and his wife.

“My mother-in-law comes to my house every day,” says Owen. “And she always complains(抱怨)! She says my house is dirty and that I don’t make enough money.” So now Owen is trying to sell Caroline on eBay. He put her photo under “Weird Stuff(稀奇东西)” on the site and he wants only £1 for her.

Everyone thinks Owen is kidding. “Oh, I’m not joking,” Owen says. “I want my mother-in-law to leave.” In fact, Owen will only sell Caroline to someone from the US. “I want her out of England,” he says.

英语试卷 第4页(共26页)

-------------在 ___________--------------------__此___号生 _考__ _ _ _-------------------- _ _卷_______ _ _ _ ____________--------------------____上__名__姓__ _ _ _ __--------------------__答_________校学--------------------业题毕--------------------无--------------------效---------------- And what does Caroline think? “I’m angry,” she explains. “He’s selling me for only £1? That’s too cheap!”

41. Steve Owen lives ________. A. in the United States B. with Caroline

C. on the same street as his mother-in-law D. with his parents

42. How does Steve feel about Caroline? A. He loves her very much. B. He doesn’t like her. C. He feels good about her.

D. He never hates her.

43. Why are Caroline and Steve having problems? A. Caroline says bad things about Steve. B. Caroline’s daughter is unhappy. C. Steve is a bad man.

D. Steve is not an honest person.

44. Steve Owen will sell Caroline to someone from ________ only. A. the UK

B. Canada

C. Australia

D. the US


When you finish high school or university, is learning done? The answer is “no”. In many countries, people continue learning all their lives. Why is lifelong learning important? How can it help you? Let’s look at one example of lifelong learning in Japan.

Why is lifelong learning important?

You go to school and learn. You study. You take tests. But learning doesn’t only happen in school. And learning doesn’t stop when you graduate(毕业) from high school or college. You are learning all the time. For example, learning can happen when you go to a museum. It can also happen when you get a job. You learn when you play a sport or when you take a trip. Learning is life! We never stop learning. Every day, you can improve yourself by learning something new.

Lifelong learning in Japan

In Japan, lifelong learning is very important. People in Japan like to try new learning activities. Music, calligraphy(书法), flower arranging(插花), and foreign languages are some of their favorite classes. The Japanese take classes to improve their skills and learn new things.


When we graduate from school, we can continue to learn. Make lifelong learning one of your goals(目标)!

45. What is the main idea of the reading? A. Studying can be fun. B. We are always learning in school. C. Finishing high school is important. D. People can learn all their lives.

英语试卷 第5页(共26页)

46. Some people in Japan take foreign language classes to ________. A. find a job

B. improve their skills C. get good grades D. finish college 47. Which class is not mentioned in the reading?

A. Music. B. Calligraphy. C. Dance.

D. Flower arranging. 48. Why is lifelong learning important? A. It helps you improve yourself. B. It’s the best way to learn. C. It’s fun and easy.

D. It’s an important goal.



It’s 8:00 a. m, and you’re running out the door. You walk outside and your schoolbag or purse suddenly says, “Wait! You forgot your keys!” A talking purse or schoolbags? Yes, it’s true. This “smart bag” can “talk” to your accessories(附件). If you forget your keys or drop your wallet, for example, the bag will tell you.

How does it work? There is a “smart chip(芯片)” in the bag. You put other chips on your phone, wallet, or keys. Then the bag and the accessories can “talk” to each other—and you!


You’re in Taibei and your girlfriend is in Macao. You call her every day. But now with a special shirt and a mobile phone, you can also send her a “virtual(虚拟) hug.” How? You start by text messaging your girlfriend. She’s wearing her Hug Shirt in Macao and it receives your message. Suddenly, she feels pressure(压力) on her arms; her shirt gets warm, and she can feel your heart beating—just like a real hug!


These clothes change color—while you’re wearing them! Is it hot outside? Watch your jacket change from dark blue a lighter color to protect you from the sun. Did you spill(泼洒) coffee on your white trousers or shirt! No problem. These smart clothes never get dirty! 49. The bag and the accessories can “talk” to each other only when you put a ________ on each of them. A. wallet

B. key

C. chip

D. phone

50. Your friend is wearing a Hug Shirt. You can send her a hug by ________. A. calling her on her mobile phone

B. sending a text message C. sending an e – mail to her Hug Shirt D. sending a postcard 51. Smart Clothes change color when you ________.

A. are wearing them B. wash them C. make them dirty

D. take them off

英语试卷 第6页(共26页)