期末英汉互译练习 下载本文

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一、 一、写出下列句子的中文意思:

1. There i s a new tape of toy car in the shop. 在商店里有一种新车.

2. Sometimes he goes fishing for the whole day but catch nothing. 有时他一整天都去钓鱼,可什么也钓不到.

3. When you finish the drawing, you can paint them in different colors. 当你完成绘画的时候,可以给它们涂上不同的颜色. 4. Now you can make your own leaf painting. 可以制作你自己的叶画了.

5. The animals are talking about their hobbies. 动物们正在讨论他们的爱好.

6. They give their presents to Lisa and Lisa feels very happy. 他们将自己的礼物给了莉萨,莉萨感到十分开心. 7. Lisa cuts a cake and gives each one a piece. 莉萨切了蛋糕并给了每人一块. 8. January is the first month of the year. 一月是一年中的第一个月.

9. The days get longer and longer and the nights get shorter and shorter. 白天越来越长,黑夜越来越短. 10. The farmers are farming the land. 农民们正在种地.

二、 二、将下列句子译成英文。

1、 1、一年有四个季节。

There are four seasons in a year。 2、 2、鸟儿们出来欢迎春天。

The birds sing to welcome the spring。 3、 3、一年有十二个月

There are twelve months in a year。 4、 4、春天是绿色季节。

Spring is the green season。 5、 5、我有一个有趣的爱好

I have an interesting hobby。 6、 6、我的爱好是收集玩具汽车。

My hobby is collecting toy cars。 7、 7、我对收集邮票感兴趣。

I’m interested in collecting stamps。 8、 8、你喜欢喂养什么动物?

What animals do you like to keep? 9、 9、我喜欢种花和种菜。

I like planting flowers and planting vegetables。 10、 10、他想展示给你们如何制作叶画?

He wants to show you how to make leaf paintings。 11、 11、我想邀请你参加我的生日聚会。

I’d like to invite you to my birthday party。 12、 12、我们将放学后庆祝。

We can celebrate after school。 13、 13、你来参加我的生日聚会吗?

Will you come to my birthday party? 14、 14、在那一天?

What day is it on?

15、 15、我的妈妈将会来接我们。

My mum will come and pick us up。 16、 16、你想要什么口味的蛋糕?

What kind of cake would you like? 17、 17、我将举办个盛大的生日聚会。

I will have a great birthday party。 18、 18、你想要什么形状的蛋糕?

What shape would you like? 19、 19、你的假期过得怎么样?

How was your holiday? 20、 20、我们可以要一些圆形和长形的气球吗?

Can we get some round balloons and long balloons? 21、 21、你想要一杯咖啡吗?

Would you like a cup of coffee? 22、 22、我想要一杯果汁。

I’d like a glass of juice。 23、 23、他们点燃蜡烛。

They light the candle。 24、 24、人们可以看到绿叶和绿草。

People can see green leaves and green grass everywhere。 25、 25、秋天是金色的季节。

Autumn is the gold season。 26、 26、冬天是一年中的第四个也是最后一个季节。

Winter is the fourth and last month of a year。 27、 27、农民们正忙于收获。

Farmers are busy harvesting。 28、 28、复活节是在3月20日到4月20日中的任何一天。

Easter can be on any day from March the twentieth to April the twentieth。 29、 29、学生们在二月放寒假。

Students have their summer holiday in February。 30、 1月1日被叫做新年。

January the first is called New Year’s Day。 30、 30、六月的第一天是儿童节。

The first day of June is Children’s Day。 31、 31、这个男孩子正在努力学习。

This boy is working hard。 32、 32、国庆节在10月1日。 National Day is on October the first。 33、 33、十二月是一年中的第四个也是最后一个月。 December is the twelfth and last month of a year。 34、 34、在美国,感恩节在11月的第四个星期四。

In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the fourthThursday of November. 35、 35、春天天气仍然有点冷。 It’s still cold in spring。

36、 36、他们正在种种子吗? Are they planting seeds? 37、 37、天气热有是下雨。

The weather is hot and sometimes rainy。 38、 38、她正在寻找贝壳。 She is looking for shells. 39、 39、树上的叶子变黄了。

The leaves on the trees are yellow and brown。

40、 40、冬天是白色的季节。 Winter is the white season。 41、 41、孩子们正在玩雪。

The children are playing with snow。 42、 42、Micky往水里看。 Micky is look into the water。 43、 43、你的假期在哪儿度过的? Where were you during your holiday? 44、 44、电视节目非常有趣和激动人心。

The TV programmes are very interesting and exciting。 45、 45、他们玩得高兴吗? Did they enjoy themselves? 46、 46、你昨天在家吗? Were you at home yesterday? 47、 47、我昨天去看电影了。 I went to see a movie。 48、 48、你什麽时候出生的? When were you born? 49、 49、我和你出生在同一天。

I was born on the same day as you。 50、 50、你在哪儿出生的?我出生在杭州。

Where were you born? I was born in Hangzhou. 51、 51、上周你没有在学校。

You were not at school last week。