外研版必修五module4重点知识与练习题 下载本文

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1._________n. 困惑,糊涂;混淆;混乱,→ confuse vt.把……弄糊涂;混淆→ ________ adj.迷惑的→ _________ adj.令人困惑的 2. _______vt.延长→ extension n.延长

3.memory n. 记忆→ __________vt.记忆→ ___________adj. 值得记忆的

4. ________adj.使人放松的→relax v. 使放松→ _______adj. 放松的→ __________n. 放松

5.celebration n. 庆祝,庆典→ _________vt. 庆祝 6. ________n. 自由→ free adj. 自由的,空闲的,免费的 7. ____ adj. 美味可口的→ taste n. 滋味 v. 品尝

8.origin n.起源→ _______ adj.原始的,原创的 n.原稿 Ⅱ.短语检测

1.把……看作,视为 2.装扮,打扮 3.连续地 4.


5.秘密地,悄悄地 6.未受惩罚 7.挤满了 8.被订满了 9.在街上闲逛 10.从……掉下/落下,与……分离 11.完结,结束

12.由……组成,由……构成 13.用暴力迫使,强行 14.接管,接任 15.捉弄;取笑 16.非常喜爱

17.说来真怪,说来真巧 18.高潮;精彩之处


1. ________________ people walked round the streets ______ _________________________________________________. 连续几个星期,人们戴着面具走街串巷,为所欲为,而不会被认出来。 2.Their use was limited by laws, __________________________ the fourteenth century. 他们(面具)的使用受到法律限制,最早可以追溯到十四世纪。

19.遗传的;天生的 20.大约,几乎,差不多

see…as dress up on end

pretend to do sth. in secret

go unpunished be crowded with be fully booked

wander through the streets come off…

come to an end consist of… by force take over make fun of

go wild about sth. funnily enough high spot

be/run in one’s/the blood more or less


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3.… but you ________________ the faces behind them look like. ……但那些面具后面究竟是一张什么样的面孔,你却一无所知。

4.… they painted their faces white, _________ their masters and ____________ them. ……他们把脸涂白,模仿他们的主人来取笑他们。 Ⅳ.词汇学习

1. hide vt. & vi. 掩藏,躲藏; 隐瞒,掩盖(尤指感情) hide sth./sb. (from sb.) 【活学活用】

(1)I saw my brother _______ behind the door. 我看到我弟弟藏在门后面。 (2)She tried to _______________ . 她设法不表露自己的感情。

2 pretend vi. & vt. 假装;(在游戏中)装扮 pretend (to do) sth. 假装(做)某事 pretend to be doing… 假装正在做…… pretend to have done… pretend that… 假装…… 【活学活用】

(1)He pretended ____________ about the whole matter. 他假装已经知道了整个事件。

(2)The workers _____________________ hard at their machines when the boss came in. 当老板进来时,工人们假装正在机器旁忙碌着。

3 mark n. 分数,成绩;记号,标记;痕迹,污迹 v.打分数;做标记;弄污;(to indicate, to be a sign of )标志(着);纪念,庆贺

mark…with… 用……做标记 make a mark 做标记 get a high/good/low/poor mark 得高/低分 【活学活用】


(1)The box of eggs was marked “With Care”. ________

(2)The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. _________ (3)The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table. ____ (4)There will be ceremonies to mark the Queen’s birthday. ______ (5)I have got a pile of exam papers to mark. ________


1 go unpunished 未被惩罚

go unnoticed/unreported 未被注意/报道

go wild/mad/bad/deaf/angry发疯了/变质了/变坏了/聋了/生气了



keep sth. hidden 把某物藏起来 hidden meaning 言外之意


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go well/smoothly 进展顺利 go too far 太过分 as the saying goes 正如名言所说


(1)He promised that the murderer would not _____________ . 他保证不会让凶手逍遥法外的。

(2)Everything ____________________ as expected. 事情如料想的一样顺利。 (3)I think he ___________ when he did that. 我想他那样做太过分了。

2 dress up 装扮;打扮

dress (sb.) up in sth.… 穿上盛装;化妆,打扮

dress (sb.) up as… (把某人)装扮成…… be dressed in… 穿着…… get dressed 穿好衣服 【易混辨析】

dress, be (dressed) in, dress up, wear, have on和put on (1)表动作 put on + 衣服等/ dress + sb./oneself

(2)表状态 wear+衣服、颜色、首饰、胡须、发式等(还可以指面露某种表情等) have on+ 衣服等

be (dressed) in +衣服或颜色

(3) dress up 是及物或不及物动词短语,指为参加某个特殊的场合穿上特殊的服装,可以是特别高级或正式的服装,也可以是不同寻常的衣服。


The arrival of Europeans in America, and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton,fruit and vegetables,meant there was an immediate need for people to work on them. 欧洲人到达美洲大陆以及大型棉花、水果和蔬菜农场和大种植园的开垦意味着急需人员在那里劳动。 句型公式

There is a (great) need (for sb.)to do sth. ,需要某人干某事。 【活学活用】


(1)You needn’t ________ and go as you are. 你用不着穿讲究的衣服,就穿平时的衣服去吧。

(2)____________________________________ , the beautiful girl looks like a fairy lady. 穿着一袭白衣,这个漂亮的姑娘看上去像个仙女。

(3)Though he ___________ sunglasses, I could still see he ___________ a puzzled look.尽管他戴着墨镜,我仍能看出他面露困惑的表情。 2.单项填空

________ quickly and we are leaving. A. Dress B. Get dressed C. Dressing

D. Get dressing
